

ALU: arithmetic and logical operations.

The accumulator and register group include the data register and the pointer register to store the data, intermediate results, and addresses of the participating operations.

Three bus structures: system-oriented single bus structures; Cpu-oriented two-bus architecture; Dual bus architecture for main memory;

PCI bus is a type of data transfer standard for the various plug-ins that make up microprocessors. The component interconnect peripherals local bus, 32/64-bit standard bus, plug and play features.

USB bus, universal serial bus, an external bus, is a communication channel between systems and systems between systems and external devices. Support is plug and play and hot plug. Fast, convenient and independent power supply.

There is an execution unit EU and bus interface unit BIU inside the 8086CPU.

Key functions: the EU is responsible for execution of instructions. By the arithmetic logic unit of ALU, general purpose register group, 16 bit FLAGS register FLAGS, EU and other components of the control circuit, the EU directly from the instruction stream at work instruction code, to produce the control information needed to complete the order after the decoding. The data is performed in the ALU, and the results are retained in FLAGS.

Bju international is responsible for the CPU and memory and I/O interface between the information transmission, it has a segment register, instruction pointer register, command queue, address adder and bus control logic.

The 8088 instruction queue length is 4 bytes and 8086 is 6 bytes.

8088 bju international internal data bus width is 8 bits, and the data bus width in the EU is a 16-bit, such memory read and write operations for 16 books need two cycles, 8086 bju international and EU internal data bus width is 16.

The 8088 external data bus has only eight AD7 ~ AD0, so it has also been made into a 16-bit machine.

In 8088, with the IO / ` M signals instead of M / ` IO.

In 8088, on

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