


I have a happy family. My dad and mom love me so much.

There are six people in my family, my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my sister and me.

My dad is a boss. He is 39 years old. He’s tall and strong. He is very strict, too. He likes cars. I always goes to car show when he has time. My mom is my dad’s assistant. She is in charge of the company. She is 34 years old. She is tall, thin and very kind. She likes going shopping and reading books.

My grandfather live with us. He’s old, short, and a little bit fat. He loves us very much. He likes listening to the Yue-Opra. My grandmother lives with us, too. She is old, short, thin and very kind, too. She likes planting trees and flowers. My younger sister is only three years old. She isn’t a student. She is very lovely. She is in Media Kindergarten. She likes watching TV. I am a student of Grade Six. I study very hard now.

I love my family. My family love me, too.


This is my family.My father is thirty-five.He likes play soccer,but he can’t play it very well.He is in a swimming club.My mother doesn’t like sports very much but she often watch them on TV.She likes music very much.She can sing and dance.She can play the guitar and she can play it very well.I like sports ang music very much.So I want to join a music club and a sports club.We have a happy family.


I‘m a girl,and Im 13.Im a student in a middle school.Im in Grade One.I like shopping.There are four people in my family,my parents,my little brother and I.My parents love me very much.My father is a doctor,and my mother is a teacher.I love them too.As for my brother,He is two years younger than me,and he is a student in a primary school.I feel so happy.


This is a photo of my family. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. This is my father. He is thirty-six. He is a teacher. This is my mother. She is thirty-five. She is a doctor.?

The girl is my sister. She is a student. The boy is me. Im a student, too.


There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and me.My brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter. We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a company until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were small. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good. My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were small, but our relationship is close.

I feel happy to have such family.


My family is a family of four. Have papa, mama, I and there is a naughty lovely little sister. My home is not rich, but we have a family of four of sweet and happy, happy.

My father is of middle height, not fat or thin, is a man of letter words, but sometimes also very humorous, labor back every day, often playing with our sisters, told us the story, teach me to sing. The mainest is father is a farmer, my household income depends on the fathers hard work.

My mother is a smart housewife, all the housework by my mother, mother, quick, do delicious food, I often boast mom and dads good cooking skills. Mother discipline is very strict with my studies at ordinary times, often come to my ears wordy, she study for my broken heart, as to contribute to the family.

And my sister, long very lovely, often rob small food with me and fight for toys, mom and dad to her teacher, sometimes I really want to mercilessly beat her, but the sight of her naughty, my spirit all disappear, see shes cute.

This is my family, for life in this sweet and happy family, I feel proud, I love my family, love my family!


My family only four people.

Look, the wrinkled and amiable old man is my grandpa. Grandpa this year is the year lead half hundred, although grandpa now nearly seventy ages, in fact he has worked very hard. I like to get up early, get up at 5 o clock in the morning every day, so my grandfather often got up earlier than I, for my cooking. I often told him I will do, dont spoil me, but hes always cheerfully not be persuaded. From my understanding to the present, has been watching him busy, rarely have a rest. My father said grandpa never thought yourself, life is in for his family.

Look, that is my father. He works for due diligence, if no special circumstances, it is absolutely wont take time off to rest. Dad doesnt like to smoke, but he likes to drink. Empty loves to drink a half drunk, to mother a lot of dirty look.

Mom is the only for me to learn this home look very seriously. Every time my homework she check, even the oral training. Sometimes I think she is boring, but I still try to cooperate with her, understanding her.

I am a pupil. Im not tall, just for this reason, I always think mom is wrong. Because my mother is short, the genetic to me. Because of my short, others always said I was a little, dont know any better. Ill pretend I dont understand, smiles at them. In fact, I what all understand. Mom and dad often quarrel with each other. At first I will persuade them. It turned out for nothing, so only to my uncle. A, mother back to grandmas home after a quarrel. May be looking at me seemed heartless, mother and aunt said I dont understand. I really want to tell my heart is how they think, how sad. But did not say a word. Only I know, watching their parents fight, the in the mind of the sad who dont understand.

I always think, grandpa will always healthy, mom and dad quarrel is the last time...


This is a warm and peaceful family, this is a family full of laughter, this is my home, my home, lively and lovely I need not say much, let it be! Let me always introduce gallium four "crazy"!

Shopping crazy - mom

"The shop will be closed soon!" Shopping freak out in a straight stamp. I disagree, just more than eight, the store closed 10 o clock! Mother more nasty, "do you know? The last time I take a fancy to a yellow jacket, a backpack and a pair of colorful high-heeled shoes with lace, and underwear that. If not quick to buy, will be snapped up empty, quick!" Alas, I have no language, my mama ah!

Nerd, dad

"Dad, more than eleven o clock, quick go to sleep!" This is my first N shouted. "You go to sleep, Im here!" Answer is still the unhurried. "Dad!" I am frustrated. "Daughter good, quick go to sleep!" Said the threw a kiss to me, his eyes still cannot leave the computer. Black rim of the eye - changed overnight, the result of giant panda! Alas! Self do, self have!

Wild - save grandma

Has a very old broom in the home, I just ready to throw away, "small fathers! Dont throw, dont throw!" Grandma a took a broom and said what also dont want to throw. I am helpless, had to go by her. A little later, a new broom. - in the seedy area are tied to the wire! Admire! Zero is to my eyes, amazing!

Read the newspaper, grandpa

"Granddaughter, downstairs to get a newspaper for me! I havent seen the news today!" Grandpa suddenly said was eating lunch, I dont want to: "eat! Eat well to pick up again, again, to see so many newspapers do?" Grandfather shook his head, said: "the family state whats going on in the world, everything concern! From the newspaper, you can see many great events and bagatelle of fresh, interesting, dont believe it..." When he published after his long speech, I also finished dinner!

My home four "crazy" enough unique!


There are five people in my family, father, mother, sister, brother and I, my family lives on the third floor, I know many neighbors, they are good to me.

My father work in a motor company in linkou, he have to go to work every day to seven, eight o clock in the evening to get back home, mom didnt go to work, so she stays at home every day doing housework, send us adding and dropping classes, help my sister do lunch at noon.

My sister has been on the junior high school, she has to get up at six more, when I get up every day so when all could not see her, the elder sister my homework is very good, I have no questions, she will be very patient to teach me. My brother how didnt go to the kindergarten class at eight o clock in the morning every day, sometimes I go to class when he is still in bed!

My father and mother are all very concerned about me, I dont work, would they?? I, but also teach me how to do a lot of housework.

I like my family because mom and dad are very love me also very concerned about me, although my mother is very fierce, I exam will be punished when Im bad, but I know they are good for me. Im in a bad mood, they will ask me what is, why is the mood bad?

I think my family is very warm and happy, so I love my family and the family.


I have a lovely brother. His name is Wang Yun. He is only one year old. He has a round face, a small nose and two big eyes. His eyes look like grapes,and his hair is short and black. He has many different kinds of toys like Mickey Mouse,elephants and so on. He likes playing with balls, but he cant play well, and just runs after balls.

He seems to have a pecial interest in music.

Any time he hears the music he will dance. Though he dances badly,he still loses himself in the music. I think he will be a good dancer in the future.

Now he can read some easy poems word by word, so all my family think he is smart. His favourite sport is climbing up and down the chair like a monkey.

We all like him. This is my brother. What a cute boy!


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