When you add pictures to your Office documents you might need to crop them to remove unwanted areas, or isolate a specific part. Today we’ll take a look at how to crop images in Office 2010.

将图片添加到Office文档时,可能需要裁剪它们以删除不需要的区域或隔离特定部分。 今天,我们将看看如何在Office 2010中裁剪图像。

Note: We will show you examples in Word, but you can crop images in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


To insert a picture into your Office document, click the Picture button on the Insert tab.


The Picture Tools format ribbon should now be active. If not, click on the image.

图片工具格式功能区现在应该处于活动状态。 如果没有,请单击图像。

New in Office 2010 is the ability to see the area of the photo that you are keeping in addition to what will be cropped out. On the Format tab, click Crop.

Office 2010的新增功能是除了裁切出的内容之外,还可以查看您保留的照片区域。 在格式选项卡上,单击裁剪。

Click and drag inward any of the four corners to crop from any one side. Notice you can still see the area to be cropped out is show in translucent gray.

单击并向内拖动四个角中的任意一个,以从任一侧进行裁剪。 注意,您仍然可以看到要裁剪的区域以半透明的灰色显示。

Press and hold the CTRL key while you drag a corner cropping handle inward to crop equally on all four sides.


To crop equally on right and left or the top and bottom, press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the center cropping handle on either side inward.


You can further adjust the cropping area by clicking and dragging the picture behind the cropping area.


To accept the current dimensions and crop the photo, press escape or click anywhere outside the cropping area.


You can manually crop the image to exact dimensions. This can be done by right clicking on the image and entering the dimensions in the Width and Height boxes, or in the Size group on the Format tab.

您可以手动将图像裁剪为确切的尺寸。 可以通过右键单击图像并在“宽度”和“高度”框中,或在“格式”选项卡上的“尺寸”组中输入尺寸来完成。

Crop to a Shape


Select your photo and click Crop from the Size group on the Format tab. Select Crop to Shape and choose any of the available shapes.

选择您的照片,然后从“格式”选项卡上的“尺寸”组中单击“裁剪”。 选择“裁剪为形状”,然后选择任何可用的形状。

You photo will be cropped into that shape.


Using Fit and Fill


If you wish to crop a photo but fill the shape, select Fill. When you choose this option, some edges of the picture might not display but the original picture aspect ratio is maintained.

如果希望裁剪照片但填充形状,请选择“填充”。 选择此选项时,图片的某些边缘可能不会显示,但会保持原始图片的纵横比。

If you wish to have all of the picture fit within a shape, choose Fit. The original picture aspect ratio will be maintained.

如果希望使所有图片适合形状,请选择适合。 原始图片的纵横比将保持不变。



Users moving from previous versions of Microsoft Office are sure to appreciate the improved cropping abilities in Office 2010, especially the ability to see what will and won’t be kept when you crop a photo.

从早期版本的Microsoft Office迁移过来的用户一定会欣赏Office 2010中改进的裁剪功能,尤其是查看裁剪照片时将保留和不保留的功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18789/how-to-crop-pictures-in-word-excel-and-powerpoint-2010/

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