Probability and Stochastic Models(1)


  1. Introduction to Probability Theory and Random Variables
  2. Conditional Exceptation and Conditional Exceptation
  3. Limit Theorems of Randoms virables
  4. Markov Chains

其实里面一半在概率论里面就学过,只不过现在又换成英文再学了一遍。Markov Chains之前在建模竞赛的时候接触过一点,现在是时候再踏踏实实学一遍了。


参考书目:Introduction to Probability Models, 11th edition, Sheldon, M.Ross, Academic press.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Probability Theory and Random Variables

这里是从Sample Space(样本空间)和Events(事件)的定义开始讲起,熟悉概率论的话肯定是轻车熟路了。

Sample Space的定义就是The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment(一项实验所有可能结果的集合)

而Events这里给出了大量的定义,虽然学过但是为了熟悉一遍它们还是再打一遍看比较好。(学数学 学英语)

Definition 1 (event 事件): Any subset EEE of the sample space SSS is known as an event.

教授讲了一件很有趣的事,其实我们常常用事件之间的相互组合去定义新的事件。教授称之为事件运算(the operations of events)。而这种事件运算

Definition 2 (union 并): For any two events EEE and FFF of a sample
space Ω\OmegaΩ we define the new event E∪FE \cup FE∪F, called union, to consist of all outcomes that are either in EEE or FFF occurs.

Definition 3 (intersection 交): For any two events EEE and FFF, we can also define E∩FE \cap FE∩F referred to as the intersection of EEE and FFF, E∩FE \cap FE∩F consists of all outcomes which are both in EEE and in FFF.


Definition 4 (null event 空): If E={HH}E = \left \{ HH \right \}E={HH} and F={TT}F = \left \{ TT \right \}F={TT}, then the event E∩FE \cap FE∩F would not consist of any outcome and hence can not occur. To give such an event a name, we shall refer to it as the null event and denote it by ϕ\phiϕ. If E∩F=ϕE \cap F = \phiE∩F=ϕ, then we say EEE and FFF are mutually exclusive or disjoint.


Definition 5 (complement 补): For any event EEE we define the new event EcE^cEc, referred to as the complement of EEE, to consist of all outcomes in sample space SSS that are not in EEE.


Definition 6 (probability 概率): Consider an experiment whose sample space is Ω\OmegaΩ. For each event EEE of the sample space Ω\OmegaΩ, we can consider a mapping P(E)P (E)P(E) which is defined on a set of events and satisfies the following three conditions:

  1. 0≤P(E)≤10 \le P(E) \le 10≤P(E)≤1
  2. P(Ω)=1P(\Omega) = 1P(Ω)=1
  3. For any sequence of events E1,E2,...E_1,E_2,. . .E1​,E2​,... that are mutually exclusive, that is, events for which Em∩En=ϕE_m \cap E_n = \phiEm​∩En​=ϕ when n≠mn \ne mn=m, then
    P(⋃n=1∞En)=∑n=1∞P(En)P \left( \bigcup_{n=1}^{\infty}E_{n}\right) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}P \left( E_{n}\right) P(n=1⋃∞​En​)=n=1∑∞​P(En​)
    We refer to the value P(E)P (E)P(E) as the probability of the event EEE.



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