
If you occasionally need to use mathematical symbols in your documents that aren’t available in Word’s “Insert Symbol” dialog box, there are a couple of easy methods for entering your own custom compound characters.


The “Arial Unicode MS” font has tons of English characters and symbols (as well as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters), but it does not have statistical symbols. However, it does have a very useful capability called “combining diacritics”, such as p-hat (the letter “p” with a carat over it as pictured in the image above) and y-bar (the letter “y” with a horizontal bar over it, as you’ll see later in this article). Here’s how to easily create these compound characters using the “Insert Symbol” dialog box and then using character codes.

“ Arial Unicode MS”字体具有大量的英文字符和符号(以及中文,日文和韩文字符),但没有统计符号。 但是,它确实具有一种非常有用的功能,称为“结合变音符号”,例如p帽(如上图所示,字母“ p”上有克拉)和y-bar(字母“ y”上有横条,如您将在本文后面看到的)。 这是使用“插入符号”对话框然后使用字符代码轻松创建这些复合字符的方法。

NOTE: We’ve increased the size of the text in these images to 200% in Word for easier viewing.


To insert a custom compound character using the “Insert Symbol” dialog box, type the letter over which you want to add the diacritical mark. Then, click the “Insert” tab.

要使用“插入符号”对话框插入自定义复合字符,请键入要在其上添加变音标记的字母。 然后,单击“插入”选项卡。

In “Symbols” section, click the “Symbol” button and then select “More Symbols” from the drop-down menu.


If your Word window is too narrow, you will only see the “Symbols” button. In that case, click the “Symbols” button, then click “Symbol” and select “More Symbols” from the drop-down menu.

如果您的Word窗口太窄,您只会看到“符号”按钮。 在这种情况下,请单击“符号”按钮,然后单击“符号”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“更多符号”。

In the “Symbol” dialog box, select “Arial Unicode MS” from the “Font” drop-down list.

在“符号”对话框中,从“字体”下拉列表中选择“ Arial Unicode MS”。

Make sure “Arial Unicode MS” is selected in the “Font” drop-down list in the upper-left corner, and “Unicode (hex)” is selected in the “from” drop-down list in the lower-right corner, above the “Insert” and “Cancel” buttons. Then, find the diacritical mark you want to use in the chart of symbols and click on it.

确保在左上角的“字体”下拉列表中选择“ Arial Unicode MS”,并在右下角的“ from”下拉列表中选择“ Unicode(hex)”, “插入”和“取消”按钮上方。 然后,在符号表中找到要使用的变音标记,然后单击它。

If you know the Unicode character code for the diacritical mark, you can type that into the “Character code” edit box, too.


Once you’ve inserted a symbol, the dialog box does not close automatically. It’s a modeless dialog box, which means it can stay open while you perform other actions in the main program window. You can return to the “Symbol” dialog box at any time to insert another symbol. Also, after inserting a symbol, the “Cancel” button becomes the “Close” button. When you’re finished with the dialog box, click “Close”.

插入符号后,对话框不会自动关闭。 这是一个无模式的对话框,这意味着当您在主程序窗口中执行其他操作时,它可以保持打开状态。 您可以随时返回“符号”对话框以插入另一个符号。 同样,在插入符号后,“取消”按钮变为“关闭”按钮。 完成对话框后,单击“关闭”。

You now have a custom compound character and you can continue typing after it.


Here’s a quick and easy way of adding a diacritical mark above a letter if you know the Unicode character code: simply type the code directly after the letter (with no space)…


…and then press “Alt + X”. Word converts the code to a diacritical mark and places it above the previous letter.

…然后按“ Alt + X”。 Word将代码转换为变音标记,并将其放在前一个字母的上方。

There is a situation where this second method doesn’t work, however. If you try to place a diacritical mark over the letter “x”, nothing happens. For example, typing “y0305” and pressing “Alt + X” results in the y-bar symbol displayed in the above image, but typing “x0305” and pressing “Alt + X” does not work. We don’t know why this happens, but we found information online that corroborates this. When we tested it ourselves, it indeed didn’t work. So, if you need to create a compound character using the letter “x”, follow the first method.

在某些情况下,第二种方法不起作用。 如果尝试在字母“ x”上放置变音标记,则什么也不会发生。 例如,键入“ y0305”并按“ Alt + X”会导致上图显示y栏符号,但键入“ x0305”并按“ Alt + X”不起作用。 我们不知道为什么会这样,但是我们在网上找到了证实这一点的信息。 当我们自己进行测试时,它确实无法正常工作。 因此,如果需要使用字母“ x”创建复合字符,请遵循第一种方法。

There is also a free tool called WinCompose that sits in the system tray and allows you to easily create compound characters using shortcuts. You can download WinCompose here and also find instructions on using the program on the same webpage.

系统托盘中还有一个免费的工具WinCompose,可让您使用快捷方式轻松创建复合字符。 您可以在此处下载WinCompose,也可以在同一网页上找到有关使用该程序的说明。

All three methods are easy to use and provide ways to add combining diacritics to your Word documents without having to use the Equation Editor. WinCompose doesn’t require Word, so you can use it to insert symbols into other programs, such as Notepad.

这三种方法都易于使用,并提供了无需使用“公式编辑器”即可将组合变音符号添加到Word文档的方法。 WinCompose不需要Word,因此您可以使用它将符号插入到其他程序中,例如记事本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/239321/how-to-manually-create-compound-characters-in-word/



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