10-81 3-1-(c)查询在st1公司于2018年制作的电影中出演的影星

select distinct starName
from StarsIn,Movie
where StarsIn.movieTitle=Movie.title and StarsIn.movieYear=Movie.year and year=2018 and studioName='st1';

10-82 A1-2根据所在国家查找订单信息

select OrderID,CustomerID
from orders
-- where ShipCountry in ('Germany','Brazil','France');
where ShipCountry = 'Germany' or ShipCountry = 'Brazil' or ShipCountry = 'France';

10-83 A1-3查询顾客表中所有不重复的城市

select distinct City
from customers;

10-84 A1-4在产品表中找出库存数量大于50的产品的信息

select ProductID,ProductName
from products
where UnitsInStock>50

10-85 3-1-(d)查询比电影《M1》时间更长的电影

select title,year
from Movie
where Movie.length >
(select lengthfrom Moviewhere title='M1'

10-86 3-1-(e)查询比a1更富有的行政长官

select name
from MovieExec
where netWorth >(select netWorth from MovieExec where name='a1')
and certID in (select presCertID from Studio);

10-87 A1-5在顾客表中找出特定名字的顾客信息

select CustomerID,CompanyName
from customers
where CompanyName like '%th%';

10-88 3-2-(a)查询配置了容量至少为1G字节硬盘的便携式电脑的生产厂商及其速度

select a.maker,b.speed
from product as a,(select model,speed from laptop where hd>=1) as b
where b.model = a.model and a.type = '便携式电脑';

10-89 3-2-(b)查询由生产厂商B生产的所有产品的型号(model) 和价格(price)

select model,price from pc where model in (select model from product where maker ='B')
select model,price from laptop where model in (select model from product where maker ='B')
select model,price from printer where model in (select model from product where maker ='B');

10-90 3-2-(c)查询所有出售便携式电脑(而不出售PC机)的生产厂商

select distinct maker
from product
where type = '便携式电脑' and maker not in
(select maker from product where type = '个人电脑'

10-91 3-2-(d)查询在两种或两种以上PC机上出现的硬盘容量

select hd
select hd ,count(*) as num
from pc
group by hd
) as a
where num>=2
order by hd asc;

10-92 3-2-(e)查询拥有相同速度和内存的PC机的成对的型号

select a.model as model1,b.model as model2
from pc as a,pc as b
where a.speed = b.speed and a.ram = b.ram and a.model<b.model;

10-93 A1-6在顾客表中找出不是特定城市的顾客信息

select CustomerID,Phone
from customers
where city!='Paris' and city !='Torino' and city !='Madrid';

10-94 A1-7在产品表中找出库存量小于订购量的产品信息

select ProductID,ProductName
from products
where UnitsInStock < UnitsOnOrder

10-95 A1-8查询传真号码不为空的供货商信息

select SupplierID,CompanyName
from suppliers
where Fax is not null;

10-96 A2-1查找产品表中再次订购量大于15的产品信息

select ProductID,ProductName,SupplierID
from products
where ReorderLevel >15

10-97 A2-2查找产品表中再次订购量大于等于10且修订量大于订货数量的产品信息

select ProductID,ProductName,SupplierID
from products
where ReorderLevel >= 10 and ReorderLevel > UnitsOnOrder
order by ProductID;

10-98 A2-3查询产品表中单价不在范围内的的产品

select ProductID,ProductName,CategoryID
from products
where UnitPrice<15 or UnitPrice>45;

10-99 spj-统计各供应商的零件供应量

select a.sno as 供应商号,s.sname as 供应商, sum(qty) as 供应总量
from s,
select * from spj where sno not in (select DISTINCT sno from spj where qty<100 )
) as a
where a.sno = s.sno
group by a.sno
order by a.sno;

10-100 spj-显示供应商供应零件的汇总列表

coalesce(sno,'所有供应商') as 供应商,
coalesce(pno,'所有零件') as 零件,
sum(qty) as 供应量
from spj
group by sno,pno
with rollup;

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