import net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4SafeDecompressor; //导入方法依赖的package包/类

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

LZ4Factory factory = LZ4Factory.fastestInstance();

byte[] data = "Compressors and decompressors are interchangeable: it is perfectly correct to compress with the JNI bindings and to decompress with a Java port, or the other way around.Compressors might not generate the same compressed streams on all platforms, especially if CPU endianness differs, but the compressed streams can be safely decompressed by any decompressor implementation on any platform.Compressors and decompressors are interchangeable: it is perfectly correct to compress with the JNI bindings and to decompress with a Java port, or the other way around.Compressors might not generate the same compressed streams on all platforms, especially if CPU endianness differs, but the compressed streams can be safely decompressed by any decompressor implementation on any platform.".getBytes("UTF-8");

final int decompressedLength = data.length;

System.out.println("dataLength:" + decompressedLength);

// compress data

LZ4Compressor compressor = factory.fastCompressor();

int maxCompressedLength = compressor.maxCompressedLength(decompressedLength);

byte[] compressed = new byte[maxCompressedLength];

int compressedLength = compressor.compress(data, 0, decompressedLength, compressed, 0, maxCompressedLength);

System.out.println("compressedLength:" + compressedLength);

// decompress data

// - method 1: when the decompressed length is known

LZ4FastDecompressor decompressor = factory.fastDecompressor();

byte[] restored = new byte[decompressedLength];

int compressedLength2 = decompressor.decompress(compressed, 0, restored, 0, decompressedLength);

// compressedLength == compressedLength2

System.out.println("compressedLength2:" + compressedLength2);

// - method 2: when the compressed length is known (a little slower)

// the destination buffer needs to be over-sized

LZ4SafeDecompressor decompressor2 = factory.safeDecompressor();

int decompressedLength2 = decompressor2.decompress(compressed, 0, compressedLength, restored, 0);

// decompressedLength == decompressedLength2

System.out.println("decompressedLength2:" + compressedLength);

XXHashFactory factory1 = XXHashFactory.fastestInstance();

ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);

int seed = 0x9747b28c; // used to initialize the hash value, use whatever

// value you want, but always the same

StreamingXXHash32 hash32 = factory1.newStreamingHash32(seed);

byte[] buf = new byte[8]; // for real-world usage, use a larger buffer, like 8192 bytes

for (;;) {

int read =;

if (read == -1) {



hash32.update(buf, 0, read);


int hash = hash32.getValue();



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