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最佳Gitter频道:Rust (Best Gitter channels on: Rust)

Rust is a programming language developed by Mozilla Research, and backed up by a big open source community. Its development started in 2006 by language designer Graydon Hoare.

Rust是Mozilla Research开发的一种编程语言,并得到了大型开源社区的支持。 它的开发由语言设计师Graydon Hoare于2006年开始。

Rust began as experimental project, but quickly flowered into full-blown development effort.


Rust is close to C and C++ in terms of the kinds of programming it can handle, but it lets you work in a much safer way by forbidding the use of code that could cause crashes due to memory problems.

就其可处理的程序类型而言,Rust接近C和C ++,但是它通过禁止使用可能由于内存问题而导致崩溃的代码,使您以更安全的方式工作。

Focused on “type safety, memory safety, concurrency, and performance,” Rust is intended for reliable system-level programming, as much as for distributed client/server applications.


Rust was not meant to be simple — it’s goal is rather to make working with that complexity more practical.


Check out the Gitter channels related to the Rust language below, and don’t hesitate to join these conversations.


  • rust-lang/rust A channel dedicated to Rust, a safe, concurrent, practical language.

    rust-lang / rust 专用于Rust的频道,Rust是一种安全,并行,实用的语言。

  • gfx-rs/gfx — A high-performance, bindless graphics API for Rust.

    gfx-rs / gfx-用于Rust的高性能,无绑定图形API。

  • Geal/nom — nom is a parser combinators library written in Rust. Its goal is to provide tools to build safe parsers without compromising the speed or memory consumption.

    Geal / nom — nom是用Rust编写的解析器组合器库。 它的目标是提供在不影响速度或内存消耗的情况下构建安全解析器的工具。

  • tomaka/glutin — Alternative to GLFW in pure Rust.

    tomaka / glutin —纯Rust中的GLFW替代品。

  • gtk-rs/gtk — GTK+ 3.x bindings and wrappers for Rust

    gtk-rs / gtk —用于Rust的GTK + 3.x绑定和包装器

  • nickel-org/— An express.js-inspired web framework for Rust.

    nickel-org / —受启发的Web框架。

  • Kintaro/wtftw — Window Tiling For The Win. A tiling window manager written in Rust.

    金太郎/ wtftw —胜利的窗口平铺。 用Rust写的平铺窗口管理器。

  • tokio-rs/tokio Tokio is a one-stop-shop for all your async I/O needs in Rust. At the heart of Tokio is the futures crate to model asynchronous computations, and you’ll find all layers from futures to event loops to protocols to services in the various Tokio crates.

    tokio-rs / tokio Tokio是一站式商店,可满足您在Rust中的所有异步I / O需求。 Tokio的核心是用来对异步计算进行建模的期货板条箱,您会在各个Tokio板条箱中找到从期货到事件循环,协议到服务的所有层。

  • iron/iron— Middleware-oriented, concurrency focused web development in Rust.

    iron / iron — Rust中面向中间件,并发的Web开发。

  • gchp/iota — A simple text editor written in Rust.

    gchp / iota —用Rust编写的简单文本编辑器。

  • tomaka/glium — Graphic stack for Rust.

    tomaka / glium — Rust的图形堆栈。

  • kbknapp/clap-rs — A simple and efficient Command Line Argument Parser written in Rust.

    kbknapp / clap-rs —用Rust编写的简单高效的命令行参数解析器。

  • tailhook/vagga Vagga is a containerization tool without daemons.

    tailhook / vagga Vagga是一个没有守护程序的容器化工具。

  • Ogeon/rustful A light HTTP framework for Rust.

    Ogeon / rustful Rust的轻量级HTTP框架

  • rustless/rustless REST-like API micro-framework for Rust.

    rustless / rustless Rust的类似REST的API微框架。

  • arrayfire-rust Rust wrapper for ArrayFire.

    arrayfire-rust ArrayFire的 Rust包装器。

  • hyperium/hyper An HTTP library for Rust.

    hyperium / hyper Rust的HTTP库。

  • Immington-Industries/way-cooler Customizable Wayland compositor (window manager) written in Rust.

    Immington-Industries / way-cooler 用Rust编写的可定制Wayland合成器(窗口管理器)。

  • ruRust/general Russian speaking Rust community.

    ruRust / general 俄语Rust社区。

Did we miss something? Do you want us to feature your channel? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们错过了什么吗? 您要我们推荐您的频道吗? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

You can also easily start your own channel here.

您也可以在这里轻松启动自己的频道 。

Happy coding! ?

编码愉快! ?


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