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最佳Gitter渠道:Python和Django (Best Gitter channels: Python & Django)

Python is a dynamic, object-oriented language that combines combines remarkable power with very clear syntax.Python is relatively easy to learn, available everywhere, and embraced by the industry. It is also one of the most popular languages for those learning to code.The name “Python” is reported to come from Monty Python’s Flying Circus!

Python是一种动态的,面向对象的语言,结合了非凡的功能和非常清晰的语法.Python相对易于学习,随处可见,并且受到业界的欢迎。 对于那些学习编码的人来说,它也是最流行的语言之一。“ Python”这个名字据说来自Monty Python的Flying Circus!

Django is a free and open source web application framework, written in Python. Django is an extremely widely used framework, and part of what makes is so powerful is the ability to be extended with ‘app’ plugins, as well as the availability of various packages.

Django是一个免费的开放源代码Web应用程序框架,使用Python编写。 Django是一个使用非常广泛的框架,而使它如此强大的部分原因是可以使用“ app”插件进行扩展的能力以及各种软件包的可用性。

Check out the Python & Django channels available on Gitter:


  • django/django Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

    django / django Django是一个高级Python Web框架,鼓励快速开发和简洁实用的设计。

  • sympy/sympy A computer algebra system written in pure Python.

    sympy / sympy 用纯Python编写的计算机代数系统。

  • pydata/pandas Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more

    pydata / pandas 用于Python的灵活而强大的数据分析/操作库,提供类似于R data.frame对象,统计函数的标记数据结构,以及更多

  • Tornado — Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.

    龙卷风 — Tornado是Python Web框架和异步网络库,最初由FriendFeed开发。

  • Axelrod-Python/Axelrod A research tool to run Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma tournaments

    阿克塞尔罗德的Python /阿克塞尔罗德 -一种研究工具来运行重复的囚徒困境比赛

  • DjangoGirls/tutorial This is a tutorial we are using for Django Girls workshops.

    DjangoGirls /教程 这是我们用于Django Girls讲习班的教程 。

  • viewflow/django-material — Material Design for django forms and admin. Template-driven.

    viewflow / django-material —用于django表单和admin的Material Design。 模板驱动。

  • potatolondon/djangae — Djangae (djan-gee) is a Django app that allows you to run Django applications on Google App Engine, including (if you want to) using Django’s models with the App Engine Datastore as the underlying database.The best way to run Django on Google App Engine

    马铃薯伦敦 — Djangae(djan-gee)是Django应用程序,它允许您在Google App Engine上运行Django应用程序,包括(如果需要)将Django模型与App Engine数据存储区作为基础数据库一起使用。 Google App Engine

  • lazzaro/django-scheduler — A calendar app for Django (in progress refactor of

    lazzaro / django-scheduler — Django的日历应用程序(正在进行重构 )

  • django-silk/silk Silk is a live profiling and inspection tool for the Django framework. Silk intercepts and stores HTTP requests and database queries before presenting them in a user interface for further inspection.

    django-silk / silk Silk是Django框架的实时分析和检查工具。 Silk会先拦截并存储HTTP请求和数据库查询,然后再将它们显示在用户界面中以进行进一步检查。

  • kmmbvnr/django-fsm django-fsm adds simple declarative states management for django models.

    kmmbvnr / django-fsm django-fsm为django模型添加了简单的声明式状态管理。

  • mariocesar/sorl-thumbnail Thumbnails for Django

    mariocesar / sorl-thumbnail Django的缩略图

Need more Python and Django channels? Go catch ’em all in our Explore section, or easily start your own channel here.

需要更多Python和Django频道吗? 在我们的“ 探索”部分中全神贯注 ,或者在此处轻松启动自己的频道。

Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们是否错过了您认为应精选的频道? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。


gitter 卸载

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