

1、A formulation of all mathematics; in other words allmathematical statements should be written in a precise formal language, andmanipulated according to well defined rules.

2、Consistency: a proof that no contradiction can be obtainedin the formalism of mathematics. This consistency proof should preferably useonly "finitistic" reasoning about finite mathematical objects.

3、Decidability:there should be an algorithm for deciding the truth or falsity of anymathematical statement.




1、Although itis not possible to prove completeness for systems at least as powerful as Peanoarithmetic (at least if they have a computable set of axioms), it is possibleto prove forms of completeness for many other interesting systems. The firstbig success was by Gödel himself (before he proved the incompleteness theorems)who proved the completenesstheorem for first-order logic,showing that any logical consequenceof a series of axioms is provable. An example of a non-trivial theory for whichcompleteness has been proved is the theory of algebraically closed fields ofgiven characteristic.

2、The question of whether there are finitaryconsistency proofs of strong theories is difficult to answer, mainly becausethere is no generally accepted definition of a "finitary proof". Mostmathematicians in proof theory seem to regard finitary mathematics as beingcontained in Peano arithmetic, and in this case it is not possible to givefinitary proofs of reasonably strong theories. On the other hand, Gödel himselfsuggested the possibility of giving finitary consistency proofs using finitarymethods that cannot be formalized in Peano arithmetic, so he seems to have hada more liberal view of what finitary methods might be allowed. A few yearslater, Gentzen gave a consistency prooffor Peano arithmetic. The only part of this proof that was not clearly finitarywas a certain transfinite inductionup to the ordinal ε0. If this transfinite induction isaccepted as a finitary method, then one can assert that there is a finitaryproof of the consistency of Peano arithmetic. More powerful subsets of secondorder arithmetic have been given consistency proofs by Gaisi Takeuti and others, and one can againdebate about exactly how finitary or constructive these proofs are. (Thetheories that have been proved consistent by these methods are quite strong,and include most "ordinary" mathematics.)

3、Althoughthere is no algorithm for deciding the truth of statements in Peano arithmetic,there are many interesting and non-trivial theories for which such algorithmshave been found. For example, Tarski found an algorithm that can decide thetruth of any statement in analytic geometry (more precisely, he proved thatthe theory of real closed fields is decidable). Given the Cantor–Dedekind axiom,this algorithm can be regarded as an algorithm to decide the truth of anystatement in Euclidean geometry.This is substantial as few people would consider Euclidean geometry a trivialtheory.


袁萌  10月30日


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