
One of the most popular and wanted jobs today is to be a coder. We’ve all seen photos of mysterious software developers sitting behind their computers and writing thousands of lines of code on a black background. That sounds mysterious right? Actually, it is not that mysterious or hard. We have always heard that the coders make pretty good money and in the future, everyone will be able to code. Well, how can we learn to code if we lose our motivation after watching two YouTube videos and quit after typing print(“Hello World”)? Is it really that hard to continue? Do you need to go to a great college and become a math genius? No! The reason why people quit coding is that they don’t know what to do next. And I’m here to tell you how to continue learning to code and how to make money from your home if you are passionate enough! Let’s dig a little deeper together and see that learning to code is not difficult at all.

当今最受欢迎和通缉的工作之一是成为一名编码员。 我们都看到过神秘的软件开发人员坐在他们的计算机后面,并在黑色背景上编写数千行代码的照片。 听起来很神秘吧? 实际上,这并不是那么神秘或困难。 我们一直都听说编码人员可赚很多钱,将来,每个人都可以进行编码。 好了,如果我们在观看两个YouTube视频后失去动力,而在键入print(“ Hello World”)后退出,我们该如何学习编码? 真的很难继续吗? 您需要上一所伟大的大学并成为数学天才吗? 没有! 人们退出编码的原因是他们不知道下一步该怎么做。 我在这里告诉您,如果您有足够的热情,如何继续学习编码以及如何在家中赚钱! 让我们深入探讨一下,发现学习编码一点都不困难。

  1. Don’t Give Up!


The stage where people give up on coding is usually the starting stage. If you are reading this article, I’m sure you’ve watched a 5-minute coding video on YouTube and said “Oh, I can’t do it” No! You can, everyone can. You can learn to code even if you don’t know to change the screen brightness of your laptop. Unfortunately, there are thousands of people who write “learn to code” on google and give up wondering what to do in the information pool that comes across. Yes of course there are thousands of paid / free videos and software languages ​​on the internet and we have to choose one. With which one can I make money? Or which one will be the most beneficial to learn? Java, Python, C, C #, Swift, Javascript, PHP, R, GO, Ruby, Objective-C, Pascal… which one should I learn?

人们放弃编码的阶段通常是开始阶段。 如果您正在阅读本文,我确定您已经在YouTube上观看了5分钟的编码视频,并说:“哦,我做不到”。 你可以,每个人都可以。 即使您不知道更改笔记本电脑的屏幕亮度,也可以学习编码。 不幸的是,有成千上万的人在google上编写“学习代码”,却不知道在出现的信息池中做什么。 是的,当然互联网上有成千上万的付费/免费视频和软件语言,我们必须选择一种。 我可以用哪一个赚钱? 或哪一个是最有益的学习? Java,Python,C,C#,Swift,Javascript,PHP,R,GO,Ruby,Objective-C,Pascal ...我应该学习哪一个?

2. The secret is Full Stack Development

2. 秘诀是全栈开发

Don’t be afraid when you hear Full Stack Developer. It is not a programming language or a tool, it is a concept. I know it is not an easily understandable name but developers like cool names! It basically means that someone who can create a website from scratch and makes it fully functional. Why Full Stack Development? Because you are not going to produce anything soon if you just go to YouTube and watch Python tutorials about if, else or for loops. But with FSD, you can create your first web-site within hours! Of course, it is not easy to be a full stack developer. However, at first, we are not going to set our expectations high. Believe me, it is the easiest way to learn the concepts of programming, internet and software and you can easily make money with those skills. Think about a local restaurant, or a hotel, or a barbershop. They all have a website, right? All right then, who makes that web-sites? Yes, you are correct! Full-Stack Developers. Just go any freelance site and type full stack developer. You will be amazed when you see the number of job offerings and prices.

当您听到Full Stack Developer时不要害怕。 它不是编程语言也不是工具,而是一个概念。 我知道这不是一个容易理解的名称,但是开发人员喜欢很酷的名称! 这基本上意味着可以从头开始创建网站并使其完全正常运行的人。 为什么要进行全栈开发? 因为如果您只是去YouTube并观看有关if,else或for循环的Python教程,那么您将不会很快产生任何东西。 但是,借助FSD,您可以在数小时内创建您的第一个网站! 当然,要成为一名全栈开发人员并不容易。 但是,起初,我们不会期望值很高。 相信我,这是学习编程,互联网和软件概念的最简单方法,并且您可以轻松地利用这些技能来赚钱。 考虑一下当地的餐厅,酒店或理发店。 他们都有一个网站,对吗? 那么,谁来创建该网站? 是的,你是对的! 全栈开发人员。 只需转到任何自由职业者站点,然后键入full stack developer。 当您看到工作机会和价格的数量时,您会感到惊讶。

3. How Can I Learn The Skill-set of a Full Stack Developer

3. 如何学习全栈开发人员的技能

So far, we learned what should we do. However, we don’t know how to do it. There are a good number of alternatives you can find online, you can go to YouTube or Coursera or Udemy. You can choose which course you are going to get. My suggestion is that you should definitely get a course prepared as a coding bootcamp package. The tools and technologies you will learn will not change much, to summarize briefly:

到目前为止,我们了解了应该怎么做。 但是,我们不知道该怎么做。 您可以在线找到很多替代方案,可以访问YouTube或Coursera或Udemy。 您可以选择要学习的课程。 我的建议是,您绝对应该准备作为编码训练营软件包的课程。 简要总结一下,您将学到的工具和技术不会有太大变化:

  • REACTReact
  • NODE节点

This list may go on, but basically any tutorial will teach you these. If you search the tools and technologies I wrote above one by one on the internet, you will encounter a lot of training and tutorials, but the most difficult and critical part is that they all should work in harmony with each other. That’s why training packages are better options.

该列表可能还会继续,但是基本上任何教程都可以教您这些。 如果您在互联网上逐一搜索我上面写的工具和技术,将会遇到很多培训和教程,但是最困难也是最关键的部分是它们应该相互协调工作。 因此,培训套餐是更好的选择。

I made some research and I’ve found a great and affordable bootcamp course for you. You should definitely check it out.

我进行了一些研究,为您找到了一个不错的且价格合理的训练营课程。 您一定要检查一下。

A little suggestion:


4. Show Your Work To the World


If you come to this step, you should have spent at least 100 hours on tutorials or training and created at least 25 simple web sites. If you haven’t, I’m sorry you can’t make money from it. Even 100 hours is not enough. Don’t be disappointed or sad, it is how the world works. There a lot of competition and no one would pay a freelancer who can show only 3 websites. So, I’m assuming you have done well. So, what to do next? How can I prove people that I can create websites for them? There are some ways to show your work. Let’s go over the steps.

如果您要执行此步骤,则应该在教程或培训上花费至少100个小时,并至少创建25个简单的网站。 如果您还没有,那么对不起您无法从中获利。 仅仅100小时是不够的。 不要失望或悲伤,这就是世界运作的方式。 竞争非常激烈,没有人愿意支付只能显示3个网站的自由职业者的薪水。 所以,我想你做得很好。 那么,下一步该怎么做? 如何证明人们可以为他们创建网站? 有一些方法可以展示您的作品。 让我们来看一下步骤。

a. Create your own web-site.

一个。 创建自己的网站。

Yes, the best way to show your skills is showing off your own web site. A client should be able to go to your website and see the great work you did!

是的,展示技能的最好方法是炫耀自己的网站。 客户应该可以访问您的网站并查看您所做的出色工作!

b. Use GitHub

b。 使用GitHub

GitHub is the holly temple of coders. It is a place to share your code and work together with other developers. Every programmer should use GitHub actively. We will talk about using GitHub in details in another article

GitHub是程序员的冬青树。 在这里,您可以共享您的代码并与其他开发人员一起工作。 每个程序员都应积极使用GitHub。 我们将在另一篇文章中详细讨论使用GitHub

c. Create accounts on freelance sites and seek for clients

C。 在自由职业者网站上创建帐户并寻找客户

Freelance sites are the place where you will find your next clients. This is the most crucial part, having a good and trustable account on freelance sites will get you new gigs. Spent time on your accounts and show off your work on freelance sites too. Even placing screenshots of the web-sites you created will help.

自由职业者站点是您可以找到下一个客户的地方。 这是最关键的部分,在自由职业者网站上拥有一个良好且可信赖的帐户将为您带来新的演出。 在您的帐户上花费时间,并在自由职业者网站上炫耀您的工作。 即使放置您创建的网站的屏幕截图也将有所帮助。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@dtoprakkazar/how-to-learn-to-code-and-make-money-as-a-freelancer-f30dc9bd37cc




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