
by Rick West

由里克·韦斯特(Rick West)

付出还是不付出:生活中最好的事情(例如编码课程)是否免费? (To pay or not to pay: are the best things in life — like coding courses — free?)

Recently, I’ve been working on a project that implements a React/Redux UI. I’m very much a React/Redux (and Javascript!) novice, so I reached for the documentation and got to work.

最近,我一直在从事实现React / Redux UI的项目。 我是React / Redux(和Javascript!)的新手,因此我接触了文档并开始工作。

This got me thinking about when I first started learning to code. I would rarely visit the documentation for anything.

这让我开始思考何时开始学习编码。 我很少会访问文档。

Maybe it was because I felt that the technical content would be over my head, or maybe it just never occurred to me. But now, the documentation is the first place I navigate to in order to learn something new.

也许是因为我觉得技术内容将使我望而却步,或者这只是我从未想到过。 但是现在,该文档是我导航到的第一个地方,以学习新知识。

我如何学习编码 (How I learned to code)

So, if i didn’t head for the documentation when I wanted to learn something, what did I do? How did I learn to code?

因此,如果我不想学习文档时就去寻找文档,该怎么办? 我如何学习编码?

Some of you can probably relate — I got into the habit of purchasing just about every Udemy course under the sun.


Looking back, I guess I was guilty of thinking (naively) something along the lines of: after I’ve worked through 30 hours of this “Complete Web Developer Bootcamp” (my made-up, generic name), then I’ll be a full-stack developer.


It’s embarrassing to admit now, but this was definitely my mindset back then.


Recently, after getting out of the coding tutorial rut and getting a job as a Web Developer, I got to thinking about coding tutorials. Why did I spend a small fortune buying courses when I first started out? And now that I’m a working, earning developer, why are most of the resources I use free?

最近,在摆脱了编码教程的束缚 ,找到了一名Web开发人员之后,我开始考虑编码教程。 为什么我刚开始时花了一点钱买课程? 现在,我是一个正在工作的,可赚钱的开发人员,为什么我使用的大多数资源都是免费的?

Should learning to code cost you anything?


We’ve all heard the saying — “the best things in life are free”— so couldn’t this apply to learning to code?


并非一切都是免费的 (Not everything is free)

I’m a strong believer that learning the basics of coding, like html, CSS, or (insert programming language here) can be free and accessible for everyone. Sites like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Coursera, and Khan Academy all offer free tutorials to help people get started. There are also many community blogs and resources that all teach the basics for free.

我坚信,学习编码的基本知识(例如html,CSS或(在此处插入编程语言)可以免费给所有人使用。 诸如Codecademy , freeCodeCamp , Coursera和Khan Academy之类的网站都提供免费教程,以帮助人们入门。 还有许多社区博客和资源都免费提供基础知识。

So why do people gravitate towards the plethora of paid courses on sites like Udemy? I think that it’s just our nature as humans. We look for the easy, quick, shortcut.

那么,为什么人们会喜欢Udemy等网站上过多的付费课程? 我认为这只是我们作为人类的天性。 我们寻找简单,快捷,捷径。

It doesn’t take long to realize that these shortcuts just doesn’t exist.


Unfortunately, many of us have already purchased and half-completed several of these quick fix courses.


That “build a website in 4 hours!” course — the one that’s on offer for $15 — seems much more appealing than spending 60 hours working through the first few sections of freeCodeCamp.

那就是“在4小时内建立一个网站!” 当然,以15美元的价格出售的产品,比在freeCodeCamp的前几个部分中花费60个小时来工作更具吸引力。

I’m pretty sure I don’t need to tell you which will benefit you most.


In this industry, you will get out of it exactly what you put in to it. There are no shortcuts, and there is nowhere to hide. The more effort and time you put in, the better developer you will become. It’s simple, yet seemingly so hard to wrap our heads around!

在这个行业中,您将完全摆脱您的投入。 没有捷径,也无处可藏。 您投入的精力和时间越多,您将成为更好的开发人员。 这很简单,但似乎很难缠住我们的头!

Not all tutorials out there are the same. The quality of the instruction and production, as well as the price, can vary greatly from platform to platform.

并非所有教程都是相同的。 指令和产品的质量以及价格在不同平台之间可能会有很大差异。

那么什么时候应该支付教程费用呢? (So when should you pay for a tutorial?)

Don’t get me wrong — I don’t think all tutorials and courses should be free. It takes hours and hours to record, edit, and write some of these tutorials. If a developer is giving up their time to produce complex content, then they deserve to be compensated for that. They’re giving their time that could have spent doing something else, like spending time with their family or working their day job.

不要误会我的意思-我认为所有的教程和课程都不应该免费。 记录,编辑和编写其中一些教程需要花费数小时的时间。 如果开发人员放弃了制作复杂内容的时间,那么他们应该为此得到补偿。 他们在浪费本来可以做其他事情的时间,例如陪伴家人或从事日常工作。

But I’ve found that many of the very best instructors give away lots of content for free. They are sharing their passion rather than trying to make a quick buck. It’s that passion that makes those developers the best teachers.

但是我发现许多优秀的讲师都是免费提供许多内容的。 他们正在分享自己的激情,而不是试图快速赚钱。 正是这种热情使这些开发人员成为了最好的老师。

A great example of this is Dan Abramov’s Getting Started with Redux course. What better way to learn redux than from the man who wrote the library. And it’s FREE! There is no one better or more qualified to deliver a course on Redux than Dan. He doesn’t do it for financial gain, but because he’s passionate about the project.

一个很好的例子是Dan Abramov的Redux入门课程。 有什么比编写图书馆的人更好的学习redux的方法。 而且是免费的! 在Danux上讲授课程的人比Dan更胜一筹。 他之所以这样做并不是为了获得经济利益,而是因为他对该项目充满热情。

Some of the best resources that I have come across have been free. And I’ll usually purchase a paid course after following some of the free material. Sometimes I’ll pay because I like the instructor’s teaching style. Other times it’s because I’m interested in the topic of the paid content. But occasionally, I find so much value in the free content that I want to show a little gratitude and support. This also encourages the production of further content.

我遇到的一些最好的资源是免费的。 我通常会在遵循一些免费材料后购买付费课程。 有时我会付钱,因为我喜欢讲师的教学风格。 有时是因为我对付费内容的主题感兴趣。 但是有时候,我在免费内容中发现了很多价值,我想对此表示感谢和支持。 这也鼓励产生更多的内容。

如果它带给您价值,那是值得的。 (If it brings you value, it’s worth something.)

There are tons of resources available for PHP developers like me. I came across this YouTube series by Codecourse while searching for some information about getting started with the Silex framework. It was just what I was looking for at the time, and it was totally free and excellently delivered.

有大量资源可供像我这样PHP开发人员使用。 我在寻找有关Silex框架入门的一些信息时遇到了Codecourse的YouTube系列 。 当时正是我在寻找的东西,它是完全免费的,而且交付效果非常好。

I visited codecourse.com and checked out some of Alex’s other free material, and subsequently had no problem signing up for £6 a month. Cheap as chips compared to the value it brings me.

我访问了codecourse.com,并查看了Alex的其他一些免费资料,随后就可以每月6英镑的价格签约。 作为芯片便宜,相比它给我带来的价值。

Likewise, the company where I work uses Symfony for all our projects. I use it as well for my side projects. When I was looking for some help with a particular bundle, I came across CodeReviewVideos.

同样,我工作的公司在所有项目中都使用Symfony 。 我也将其用于辅助项目。 当我在寻求有关特定捆绑包的帮助时,遇到了CodeReviewVideos 。

Now, outside of the documentation (which is excellent by the way!), up to date Symfony resources can be quite scarce. But in this case, CodeReviewVideos had the perfect video series — for free — which helped solve my problem in minutes.

现在,在文档之外(这非常好!),最新的Symfony资源可能非常稀缺。 但是在这种情况下,CodeReviewVideos拥有完美的视频系列(免费),可以在几分钟内解决我的问题。

This saved me a lot of time, and in turn brought value to me. They also have loads of free content on their YouTube channel and website. Possibly too much free content!

这节省了我很多时间,并反过来给我带来了价值。 他们还在YouTube频道和网站上拥有大量免费内容。 免费内容可能过多!

But my point is that it was 100% worth signing up to get access to all the content. Not only does it bring direct value to my day-to-day work, but it’s so easy to justify paying for content when you immediately see the benefit.

但是我的观点是,值得100%进行注册才能访问所有内容。 它不仅为我的日常工作带来直接价值,而且当您立即看到收益时,证明为内容付费是很容易的。

回到原来的问题... (Back to the original question…)

The best things in life are free’— so could this also apply to learning to code?


As I stated above, I don’t think that any resource that teaches the basics should come at a price. These skills, as commodities, don’t have face value. You’re probably not going to learn how to write a for loop and an if-statement and then start building the next Facebook.

如上所述,我认为教授基础知识的任何资源都不应该付出任何代价。 这些技能,作为商品,没有面值。 您可能不会学习如何编写for循环和if语句,然后开始构建下一个Facebook。

But there are plenty of quality resources available at no cost to teach you those basic skills.


When you are just starting out learning to code, don’t look for the short cuts. Put in the work and you will reap the rewards. Build a solid, foundational understanding using tried and tested resources such as Codecademy and freeCodeCamp.

当您刚开始学习编码时,不要寻找捷径。 投入工作,您将获得回报。 使用久经考验的资源(例如Codecademy和freeCodeCamp)建立扎实的基础理解。

Then, once you start exploring more advanced topics or working in the industry, I believe it’s fine (and even the right thing) to start paying for courses and supporting those teachers. You’re getting more value from the more advanced courses. And you’re using it to get ahead in your career, improve your prospects, and even get paid more. That’s real value.

然后,一旦您开始探索更高级的主题或在行业中工作,我相信开始支付课程费用和支持这些老师是很好(甚至是正确的事情)。 您可以从更高级的课程中获得更多价值。 而且您正在使用它来取得事业上的进步,改善前景,甚至获得更高的报酬。 那才是真正的价值。

Coding tutorials are very much like Open Source Software: available for free and you don’t HAVE to pay. But if you are using it to get ahead and improve your own financial gain, then why not consider giving something back and supporting the project?

编码教程与开源软件非常相似:免费提供,您无需付费。 但是,如果您使用它来取得成功并提高自己的财务收益,那么为什么不考虑回馈并支持该项目呢?

Even if its just buying a freeCodeCamp t-shirt, you’re helping to maintain the platform. Even if you’re just signing up for someone’s paid course after you got some value from a free version, you’re helping support them.

即使仅购买了免费的CodeCamp T恤,您仍在维护该平台。 即使您从免费版本中获得了一些价值之后,即使只是注册某人的付费课程,您也将在为他们提供支持。

It’s great to give back — we have all benefited from free resources at some point!


Thank you for reading! :) If you enjoyed it, please give me some claps. It will make it so more people see this story here on Medium.

感谢您的阅读! :)如果您喜欢它,请给我一些鼓掌。 它将使更多的人在Medium上看到这个故事。

I’m always happy to hear from like-minded people, so feel free to say hello on Twitter. Tell me how you are developing your own personal brand!

我总是很高兴听到志同道合的人的消息,因此随时在Twitter上打个招呼。 告诉我您如何发展自己的个人品牌!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/to-pay-or-not-to-pay-are-the-best-things-in-life-like-coding-courses-free-b723c9de73d7/



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