3、 [单选] 你的敏捷顾问建议你开始在卡片上编写用户故事,每个故事代表一个工作。每张卡片都是状态信号,指示何时可以提取新的工作,这种方法有助你看见工作流程。顾问建议使用的工具是什么?
Your agile consultant is suggesting that you start using writing your user stories on cards, where each of them represents single pieces of work. Each card acts as a signal of status and indicates when new work can be pulled, which will help you visualize your workflow. What tool is the consultant suggesting?

A:Scrum板 Scrum board
 B:看板 Kanban board
 C:任务板 Task board
 D:用户故事板 User-stories board
正确答案:B 你的答案:D


4、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个产品开发项目,有许多国家的消费者将使用该产品,而且开发团队将在不同的地理位置工作,在制定实施策略时,项目经理首先应该做什么?
A project manager is leading a product development project,Consumers across multiple countries, will use the product and the development team will working in different geographic locations. When developing the implementation strategy,what should the project manager do first?

A:创建工作分解结构(WBS)以了解所需工作的具体细节 Create A work breakdown structure (WBS) to understand the specific details of the required work
 B:制定甘特图以确定每个地点的资源和职责 Develop a Gantlet Charts to identify resources and responsibilities for each location
 C:确定可能影响项目成功的关键假设条件,制约因素和其他因素 Identify key assumptions,constraints and other factors that may impact project success
 D:审查组织结构,以便与来自不同地点的团队进行有效协作 Review the organizational structure to effectively work with teams from different locations
正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P78-事业环境因素。不同的地理位置、不同的文化背景,都是不受项目经理主观意愿影响的因素。 选项A:与事业环境因素关系不大; 选项B:甘特图主要用于进度的把控,B本身说法错误。 选项D:组织结构只显示汇报关系。

5、 [单选] 项目经理正在敏捷项目的庞大工作量下苦苦挣扎。她在传统项目管理方面非常有经验,接手敏捷项目这是第一次。默认情况下,她正在应用传统项目管理的工具和技术。她太忙了,想看看是否可以分发一些任务出去。在尝试集中精力完成项目整合管理的同时,她可以委派哪些任务给她的团队?
A project manager is struggling due to the high workload in an Agile project. She is quite experienced in traditional project management and this is her first Agile project. By default, she is applying the tools and techniques from traditional project management. She is swamped with work and is looking if she can delegate some tasks. What tasks may be delegated while attempting to focus on project integration management?

A:项目治理 Project governance
 B:产品规划和交付 Product planning and delivery
 C:项目风险管理 Project risk management
 D:与项目集有关的管理 Managing linkages to the program
正确答案:B 你的答案:C


8、 [单选] 一个项目即将完成,高级管理层要求项目经理开始收尾过程,即使该项目还有许多待完成的可交付成果。项目经理应该使用什么来决定是否继续收尾?
A project is nearing completion, senior management asks the project manager to begin the closing process, even though the project has a number of outstanding deliverables. What should the project manager use to decide whether to proceed with project closure?

A:阶段关卡 Phase gate
 B:专家判断 Expert judgment
 C:质量审计 Quality audit
 D:偏差分析 Variance analysis
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.7 结束项目或阶段 题目问“用什么来决定”,可以理解是在问工具与技术,项目要收尾,通过专家判断来决定是否继续收尾 其他选项:A阶段关口与收尾决策无关,C不是收尾,D虽然是收尾工具,但是用来总结经验教训,而非做收尾决策的。

11、 [单选] 项目发起人已经提供了项目目标,项目经理正在努力去合理确定项目章程中应包含哪些内容。项目经理应该关注什么方面?
A project sponsor has provided project objectives; and the project manager is working to appropriately determine what should be included in the project charter. On what should the project manager focus?

A:高层级需求 High-level requirements
 B:需求文件 Requirements documentation
 C:需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements traceabbility matrix
 D:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
正确答案:A 你的答案:D


12、 [单选] 在一个系统开发项目的执行阶段,一位关键开发人员由于个人原因,需要延长并进行计划外休假。项目经理知道,如果没有替代资源,项目进度计划就会面临风险。项目经理应该立即采取哪些措施来确保进度计划不会受到不利影响?
During the execution phase of a system development project, a key developer takes extended and unplanned leave due to personal reasons. The Project manager knows that without a replacement resource, the project schedule is at risk. What should the project manager do immediate to ensure that the schedule is not adversely affected?

A:与所有开发人员开会,以确定重新分配开发任务的方案 Meet with all developers to determine options for reassigning development tasks
 B:请求职能经理提供另一位技能熟练的开发人员 Ask the functional manager for another skilled developer
 C:请求项目发起人提供有关处理资源问题的建议 Ask the project sponsor for suggestions for handing the resource issues
 D:审查项目范围以减少开发任务,并相应的重新调整进度计划 Review the project scopes to reduce development tasks and realign the schedule accordingly
正确答案:B 你的答案:A


13、 [单选] 在一个工厂的项目建议书谈判期间,客户通知项目经理需要进行一项变更来提高性能。项目经理该怎么做?
During project proposal negotiations for an industrial plant, the customer informs the project manager that a change is required to improve performance. What should the project manager do?

A:让项目发起人增加额外资金 Ask the project sponsor for additional funding.
 B:征求高级管理层的建议 Call senior management for advice.
 C:更新工作分解结构(WBS) Update the work breakdown structure (WBS).
 D:修订风险应对计划 Revise the risk response plan.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P75-4.1制定项目章程。“项目建议书谈判期间”,项目的启动阶段,基准尚未形成,此时收到的变更请求通过协商的方式来解决,排除C选项。 选项A:是否增加依据协商的结果。 选项D:还未进入到规划阶段。

16、 [单选] 在冲刺评审会议上,其中一位主要利益相关方提出了一项新需求,该需求非常关键,应首先加以考虑。在这种情况下,你作为产品负责人,接下来要做什么?
During the sprint review meeting, one of the key stakeholders came up with a new requirement which is highly critical and should be taken up first. What would you do next as a product owner in this case?

A:将需求添加到下一个迭代的待办事项列表中 Add the requirement to next iteration backlog
 B:将需求添加到产品待办事项列表中 Add the requirement to the product backlog
 C:召开一个冲刺计划会议,并与团队讨论这个需求 Hold a sprint planning meeting and take up this requirement with the team
 D:在评审会议上通知团队成员,下一步需要处理这个需求 Inform the team members in the review meeting that they need to work on this requirement next
正确答案:B 你的答案:C


22、 [单选] 由于技术已在其他工厂运行,一个项目的用户验收测试被省略。但是,在实施后,该技术不能按预期起作用。项目经理应该怎么做?(这题不该选错)
User acceptance tests on a project have been omitted since the technology is operational at other factories.However,after implementation,the technology is not working as expected. What should the project manager do?

A:查看缺陷报告以确定并解决问题 Review the defect report ti identify and solve issue
 B:提交变更请求 Submit a change request
 C:执行根本原因分析,以确定纠正措施 Conduct a root cause analysis to identify corrective actions
 D:使用测试脚本来解决问题 Use test scripts to resolve the issue
正确答案:C 你的答案:B


23、 [单选] 在趋势分析过程中,项目经理得出结论,项目绩效已经恶化。这个结论是基于什么信息得出的?
During the trend analysis,the project manager concluded that the project performance has deteriorate. On What information is this conclusion based?

A:挣值分析(EVA) Earned value analysis (EVA)
 B:完工估算(EAC) Estimate at Completion (EAC)
 C:质量成本(COQ) Cost of Quality (COQ)
 D:计划价值(PV) Planned value (PV)
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P264-趋势分析。 趋势分析,答案只有EAC是趋势分析,而趋势分析包括(EAC/ETC/TCPI等),偏差分析包括(SV/CV/SPI/CPI),挣值分析包括(EV/PV/AC) 其他选项:A挣值分析包括计算(EV/PV/AC)

24、 [单选] 项目经理正在规划一个新的多公司参与项目,每家公司都有多名项目相关方。项目经理应该使用什么沟通方法?
A project manager is planning a new multi-company project that has several stakeholders per company. What communication method should the project manager use?

A:交互式沟通 Interactive
 B:推式沟通 Push
 C:拉式沟通 Pull
 D:选择性沟通 Selective
正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P374-沟通方法。拉式沟通适用于大量复杂信息或大量信息受众的情况(多公司多名相关方)。它要求接收方在遵守有关安全规定的 前提之下自行访问相关内容。这种方法包括门户网站、企业内网、电子在线课程、经验教训数 据库或知识库。 选项A:交互式沟通适用于实时的、多向的信息交换,沟通成本较高。 选项B:推式沟通,这种方式可以确保信息的发送,但是不能确保信息送达目标和被目标受众理解。 选项D: 没有此沟通方法。

25、 [单选] 你是一个适应型项目的项目经理,正试图了解实际进度,估计完成可发布产品所需的时间。为了实现这个目标,你会使用什么调度技术?
You are the project manager of an adaptive project and trying to find the actual progress and to estimate the time needed to have a releasable product. To achieve this objective, what scheduling technique would you use?

A:有待办事项列表的迭代进度计划 Iterative scheduling with a backlog
 B:按需进度计划 On-demand scheduling
 C:敏捷发布计划 Agile release planning
 D:看板系统 Kanban system
正确答案:C 你的答案:D


26、 [单选] 在项目的最后一个星期,一场强风暴造成损害并影响项目的交付日期,项目经理应该怎么做?
During the last week of the project,a strong storm causes damage and impacts the project's delivery date ?What should the project manager do?

A:提交变更请求 Submit a change request.
 B:将其报告给项目发起人 Report it to the project sponsors.
 C:使用储备分析技术 Use the reserve analysis technique.
 D:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P457-监督风险-变更请求。执行监督风险过程后,可能会就成本基准和进度基准,或项目管理计划的其他组件提出变更请求,应该通过实施整体变更控制过程对变更请求进行审查和处理。 变更请求可能包括:建议的纠正与预防措施,以处理当前整体项目风险级别或单个项目风险。 选项B:是否报告发起人,要看风险应急计划中规划的应对策略。 选项C:储备分析技术用以判断风险敞口和储备之间的关系。 选项D:风险应急计划的执行结果更新到风险登记册,在选项A之后。

28、 [单选] 项目团队在完成现有工作后,马上在团队内部分配新工作。这是因为缺乏适当的汇报制度,也没有对在制品和剩余的工作进行控制。在这种情况下,你建议团队怎么做?
The project team is struggling to assign new work among them as soon as existing work is completed. This is because there is no proper reporting, nor is there control of work in progress and the work remaining. What do you suggest the team do in such a situation?

A:使用看板指示牌 Use a Kanban sign board
 B:消除工作中的浪费,创造额外的工作能力 Remove waste from the work to create extra capacity for work
 C:应用六西格码,解决缺陷 Remove defects by applying the Six Sigma process
 D:使用敏捷开发方法 Use an Agile development approach
正确答案:A 你的答案:D


30、 [单选] 项目经理意识到数据收集不足并且不符合质量管理计划,这种疏忽将严重影响项目的制约因素。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager realizes that data gathering is insufficient and does not conform to the quality management plan. This oversight will seriously affect the project's constraints. What should the project manager do next?

A:提交变更请求,以修订质量管理计划 Submit a change request to revise the quality management plan.
 B:遵行因果分析,并将结果报告给项目发起人 Conduct a cause-and-effect analysis, and report the results to the project sponsor.
 C:确定不合格的根本原因 Determine the root cause of the nonconformance.
 D:通知项目发起人,并要求与相关方开会,以修订质量管理计划 Inform the project sponsor, and request a meeting with stakeholder to revise the quality management plan.
正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P292-根本原因分析。根本原因分析是确定引起偏差、缺陷或风险的根本原因的一种分析技术。与质量管理计划有偏差,要先分析偏差的根本原因。 其他选项:A,错的不是质量管理计划,B上报没有意义,D在C之后。

33、 [单选] 一家公司必须实施一项产品来解决监管问题。项目经理必须让来自几个国家的不同团队参与进来,并使他们与承诺的里程碑保持一致。项目发起人要求项目经理在本周创建并分发项目进度计划。项目经理应该怎么做?
A company must implement a product to resolve regulatory issues. The Project managers must involve different teams from several countries and align them with the committed milestones. The sponsor asks the project manager to create and circulate the project schedule this week. What should the project manager do?

A:根据所需的里程碑创建进度计划并发布 Create the schedule based on the required milestones and publish it
 B:要求团队提供意见,并根据团队可用性创建进度计划 Request input from the teams and create the schedule based on their availability
 C:获得团队的估算,并使用进度计划工具来调整和满足里程碑 Obtain the estimates from the teams and use the scheduling tools to adjust and meet milestones
 D:使用暂定日期分发活动清单和相应属性 Circulate the list of activities and respective attributes with tentative dates
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P205- 6.5制定进度计划。 制定项目进度计划,一方面要有具体活动的时间估算,还要使用相关的各种进度计划工具来完成。C最全面 其他选项:A未考虑估算 、B只考虑的资源、D直接分发不对

35、 [单选] 一个用于交付IT解决方案实施项目的工作包正在准备中,项目经理检查验收标准,注意到可交付成果不符合验收标准清单中的两项。若要避免这个问题,在项目开发期间,项目经理应事先完成下列哪个?
A work package for delivering IT solution implementation projects is in preparation, and the project manager checks the acceptance criteria, noting that deliverables do not meet two of the acceptance criteria list. To avoid this problem, which of the following should the project manager complete in advance during project development?

A:进行检查 Held inspections.
 B:检查核查表 Examined the check-sheets.
 C:进行测试 Conducted testing.
 D:重新审查清单 Reviewed the checklist.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A


37、 [单选] 项目经理正在为刚刚进入第三次迭代的项目使用混合方法。完工预算(BAC)为500,000美元,已经完成100个故事点中的50个,每个故事点价值5,000美元,项目实际成本(AC)为400,000美元。管理层要求在下一次指导委员会会议上提交成本状态报告。项目经理应该使用什么来提交该报告?
A project manager is using a hybrid approach for a project that has just entered its third iteration. The budget at completion (BAC) is $500,000 and 50 story points out of 100 have been complete Each story point is worth $5,000 and the actual cost (AC) of the project is $400,000. Management requests that a cost status report be presented of the next steering committee meeting. What should the project manager use to present this?

A:信息发射源 Information radiator
 B:S曲线 S curve
 C:燃尽图 Bum-down chart
 D:燃起图 Bum-up chart
正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P264- 挣值分析。 需要提交成本状态报告,S曲线,能够展示成本、进度与基准的偏离情况。 其他选项:A包括CD,都偏重于任务进度,而非成本。

38、 [单选] 技术的进步使组织需要改进产品线的规格以保持领先于竞争对手。但是,本财政年度的预算已经处于巨大压力之下,新项目的可用资金很少。项目经理应该怎么做?
Advances in technology create an organizational need to improve a product line’s specifications to stay ahead of competitors. However, the budget for this financial year is already under significant strain,leaving very little funding available for new project.What should the project manager do?

A:等到新的财政年度再对产品改进做出任何变更 Wait for the new financial year to make any changes in product advancements
 B:对商业论证执行成本效益分析,以说明实施项目的好处 Perform a cost-benefit analysis of the business case to illustrate the benefits of implementing the project
 C:计算ROI以确定继续执行项目是否有意义 Calculate the ROI to decided it makes sense to proceed with the project
 D:计算预期货币价值(EMV)以向组织提出必要的建议 Calculate the expected monetary value (EMV) to make the necessary recommendations to the organization
正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P30-项目商业论证。项目商业论证指文档化的经济可行性报告,用来对尚缺乏充分定义的所选方案的收益进行有效论证。新了解到的信息要重新进行商业论证,用来论证项目的可行性。无论本财年年度预算是否紧张,新项目可用资金的拨付也是建立在商业论证结果的基础上,排除选项A。 选项C:ROI是商业论证的一个维度但不是全部。 选项D:通常用于风险定量分析。

39、 [单选] 你所在的机构在科技领域开展业务已有 30 多年的历史。 你们一直是引入光纤通信的先驱,这也是你的公司最为人熟知的业务。 但是,由于全球环境的变化,你知道你的公司必须开始在项目实施中使用敏捷方法。 即将到来的项目将是公司首次使用敏捷方法,项目发起者向你询问定制新方法的事宜。 你如何回应?
Your organization has been in the technology business for over 30 years. You have been pioneers in introducing fiber communications and that is what you are well known for. However, due to the changes in the global environment, you know that your company has to start using the Agile approach in the implementation of projects. The upcoming project will be the organization's first use of agile, and the sponsor asks you about tailoring the new methodology. How do you respond?

A:直接定制敏捷方法将能简化应用过程。 Customizing the methodology upfront will allow us to streamline the adoption process.
 B:“采用新方法将是团队学习敏捷实践的好途径。” Adapting the new methodology will be a good way for the team to learn about agile practices.
 C:“团队应该先适应新方法,然后再考虑改变。” The team should become comfortable with the new methodology before we consider changing it.
 D:“我们应该等到看到团队在应用该方法时遇到困难了,才调整我们的方法” We should wait to adjust our practices until we see where the team runs into difficulties applying them
正确答案:C 你的答案:B


40、 [单选] 用作产品可交付成果组成部分的一种原材料可能不符合质量标准,发生风险的概率很低,但是影响很大。因为公司将承担供应商错误的成本,而且没有经过批准的二级供应商。项目经理应使用什么风险策略?
A raw material used as part of a product's deliverables may not meet quality standards and may have a low probability of risk, but the impact is significant. Because the company will bear the cost of supplier errors and there is no approved secondary supplier. What risk strategy should the project manager use?

A:回避 Avoid
 B:升级上报 Escalate.
 C:接受 Accept.
 D:分享 Share.
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P442-威胁应对策略。风险应对措施,接受。明确说了,没有备用的替代供应商,也就是说没有减轻计划,因此只能是接受了这个风险。 其他选项,D是机会策略。A规避就是不做了。B上报,题干中没有明确说明

42、 [单选] 由于项目落后于进度,超出了项目经理控制。一名有影响力但很少参加项目更新会议的高级经理抱怨项目延期。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is behind schedule for reasons beyond the project manager’s control.An influential senior manager,who rarely participates in project update meetings,complains about the delay.What should the project manager do?

A:管理沟通并签发变更请求 Manage communications and issue a change request.
 B:更新相关方登记册和风险日志 Update the stakeholder register and risk log.
 C:控制沟通并更新项目文件 Control communications and update project documents.
 D:更新问题日志并控制相关方的参与程度 Update the issue log and control stakeholder engagement.
正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4 监督相关方参与。延期、抱怨都是问题而非风险,同时要监控相关方,因此D更全面 其他选项:AC,非沟通问题。B非风险。

43、 [单选] 在为一家公司开发软件时,供应商收到几个新的客户请求,这些请求都包含在系统中,软件按时交付,但因为高级管理人员认为软件不符合要求而拒收该软件。 若要避免这个问题,供应商的项目经理应该事先做什么?
While developing software for a accompany, provider receives several new customer requests that incorporated into the system. The software is delivered on time but is rejected because a senior manager believes it does not align with the requirements. What should the provider's project manager have done to avoid this?

A:审查需求跟踪矩阵 Reviewed the requirements traceability matrix.
 B:请求高级管理层参与客户高级管理层一起讨论需求 Requested the involvement of their senior management to discuss the requirements with the customer’s senior management.
 C:执行实施整体变更控制过程,并更新项目文件和基准 Conducted the Perform Integrated Change Control process and updated the project documents and baseline.
 D:核实项目范围 Validated the project scope.
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。“不符合要求”,说明验收标准与客户请求不匹配,变更管理出现疏漏,基准没有更新。 选项A:需求跟踪矩阵记录着需求的状态,是评估变更请求的输入,不属于范围基准。 选项B:应该由项目经理和项目团队成员共同评估。 选项D:注意题干,“实现应该做什么”,而不是“正在做什么”,所以不选确认范围。

46、 [单选] 一家公司要求项目经理为一项新装配技术启动一个项目,项目资源平均为公司工作15年,并认为他们可以立即开始项目。项目经理应该怎么做来启动这个过程?
A company asks a project manager to launch a project for a new assembly technique.Project resources have an average of 15years working for the company and believe they can begin the project immediately.What should the project manager do to launch this process?

A:制定一份培训计划 Establish a training program
 B:召开项目启动大会 Hold a kick-off meeting
 C:创建项目管理计划 Create a project management plan
 D:制定一份激励计划 Establish an incentive program
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P82-4.2 制定项目管理计划。项目做事要有规划,即使是工作内容再熟悉,再有信心。 其他选项:AD排除,B是kick-off meeting开工大会,在C的后面。

51、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个大型全球项目,其中包含几位来自不同国家的人员,在规划阶段即将结束时,项目经理为项目启动大会准备了一份会议议程,其中一个议程事项是获得几个关键项目要素的一致性,在项目启动大会之前,项目经理应该怎么做?
A Project manager join a large global project with resources form several from different countries, near the end of the planning phase, the project manager prepares an agenda for the project start off meeting , one agenda item alignment on several key project elements, what should the project manager do before the kick-off meeting?

A:制定相关方登记册,概述每位相关方的责任 Develop A stakeholder register outlining the responsibilities of each of each project stakeholder
 B:详细审查项目目标,以确保所有参与者都了解项目目标 Conduct a detailed Review of project objectives to ensure that all participants are aware of project goals
 C:协同制定项目章程,并明确定义项目的进度计划、范围和预算 Work collaboratively to develop a project charter, and clearly define the project’s schedule, scope and budget
 D:审查最终的工作分解结构(WBS),以便所有参与者都可以在会议中分配到任务 Review the finalized work breakdown structure (WBS) so all participants leave the meeting with assigned tasks
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P122- 开工会议 题干明确说”规划阶段即将结束“,需要”启动大会"。项目启动大会就是要传达项目目标,获得相关方的承诺的,因此B选项最合适。 其他选项:规划结束后开的是Kick off会议,因此非启动阶段,AC都是启动阶段做的事,D的后半句不对,相关方的任务不是在会议中分配的。

54、 [单选] 一个主要可交付成果即将被发送给客户。团队成员对作为质量保证过程一部分而需要执行的任务量和时间有所抱怨,项目经理需要尽快将可交付成果准备就绪,以获得第一次项目付款。项目经理应该做什么去确保按时获得可交付成果?
A key deliverable is about to be sent to the customer.Team members complain about the time and number of tasks that need to be performed as part of the quality assurance process.The Project manager needs the deliverable to be ready soon to obtain the first project payment. What should the project manager do to get the deliverable on time?

A:执行因果分析 Perform a cause-and-effect analysis.
 B:对使用的过程和方法进行项目审计 Conduct a Project audit on the process and methods use
 C:让团队成员查阅项目管理计划 Refer team members to the project management plan.
 D:确定客户需求和相关方的期望 Determine customer requirements and stakeholder expectations.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P294-审计。质量保证任务繁重,可以通过质量审计,审计不增值的过程,以提高效率,加快进度。 其他选项:A,因为明确是质量保证过程的问题,因此使用审计更合适。审计识别出来问题以后再进行原因分析;CD与质量过程无关;

58、 [单选] 项目经理正在开展与IT系统开发相关的项目。负责安装服务器的一位团队成员询问项目经理是否可以订购具有比原计划更快处理器的服务器。这款服务器来自同一制造商,成本大致相同。主题专家(SME)分析并确定已遵循纠正措施和变更管理程序。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a project related to IT system development.A team member responsible for installing a server asks the project manager if it is acceptable to order a server with a faster processor than planned.The server is from the same manufacturer and costs approximately the same.Subject matter experts (SME) analyzed and determined corrective actions and change management procedures were followed. What should the project manager do next?

A:更新问题日志,变更请求和工作绩效数据 Update the issue log, change request, and work performance data
 B:批准变更请求,更新项目管理计划并评估事业环境因素 Approve the change request, update the project management plan, and assess the enterprise environmental factors
 C:更新项目文件、项目管理计划和工作绩效报告 Update the project documents, project management plan, and work performance reports
 D:与相关方沟通、更新变更日志并执行变更 Communicate with the stakeholders, update the change log, and execute the change
正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6 实施整体变更控制。已经遵循的变更控制程序,说明已经批准了,接下来是批准以后的动作,更新项目文件和计划、通知相关方、执行变更。 其他选项:C没必要更新工作绩效报告。A非正常变更程序。B,已经批准,没必要再次批准。

64、 [单选] 一位团队成员注意到多个风险均已过期,该团队成员询问项目经理如何处理这些风险。项目经理应该建议该团队成员做什么?
A team member noticed several risks with expired time periods,The team member asks the project manager how these risks should be handle What should the project manager advise the team members to do?

A:将这些风险从主动跟踪风险中删除,并消除项目中的任何相关意外事件 Remove the risks from active tracking and eliminate any associated contingencies from the project
 B:继续被动地监督风险,直到项目结束为止 Continue to passively monitors the risks until the end of the project
 C:继续审查风险,但减少频率 Continue to review the risks but on a less frequent basis
 D:删除风险减轻任务,以便这项任务可以用于其他潜在风险 Remove the risk mitigation task so that these tasks can be used on other potential risks
正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7监督风险。在风险审查中,还可以识别出新的单个项目风险(包括已商定应对措施所引发的次生风险),重新评估当前风险,关闭已过时风险,讨论风险发生所引发的问题,以及总结可用于当前项目后续阶段或未来类似项目的经验教训。 选项BCD:风险已经过期,所以无需继续跟踪,关闭即可。

65、 [单选] —位项目经理得知,由于持续的罢工,该项目的进口设备尚未被海关放行。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager learns that the project's imported equipment has not been released by customs due to an ongoing strike.What should the project manager do first?

A:执行定性风险分析 Perform a qualitative risk analysis.
 B:执行定量风险分析 Perform a quantitative risk analysis.
 C:与团队一起审查风险影响 Review the risk impact with the team.
 D:实施风险应对计划 Implement the risk response plan.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P419 -11.7监督风险。持续罢工是一个已经发生的未知风险,因此需要先确定已发生风险的影响。 其他选项:如果风险未发生,则可以按照AB的顺序来做;D在C 之后,先分析后实施具体的风险应对计划。

66、 [单选] 一个项目刚刚完成启动阶段,项目经理正在开始该项目的需求收集过程。相关方都位于同一地点,但来自优先级有冲突的不同部门。之前的项目经理经常被要求在执行阶段包含新的范围,导致项目预算的计划外增加并延长商定的进度计划。在满足所有相关方需求的同时,项目经理应该如何及时收集需求?
A project manager is beginning the requirements gathering process lot a project that has just completed the initiation phase. Project stakeholders are all in the same location but come from different departments with conflicting priorities. Previous project managers have often been required to include new scope during the execution phase, causing unplanned increase to the project budget and delaying the upon schedule, what should the project manager do to gather the requirements in a timely manner while meeting the needs of all stakeholders?

A:与所有相关方一起召开需求收集会议,以记录初始范围,然后将其分解为可完成的小部分可管理工作 Conduct a requirements gathering session with all stakeholders to document the initial scope and then break it into smaller pieces of manageable work that can be completed
 B:与所有项目相关方一起召开需求收集会议,以记录全部需求,然后关闭项目工作说明书 (SOW)并拒绝任何新需求 Conduct a requirements gathering session with all stakeholders to document full requirements, then close the statement of work (SOW) and reject any new requirements
 C:分别与最重要的相关方开会进行需求收集,然后仅在工作说明书中更新这些相关方的新需求 Individually Meet with the most important stakeholders for requirements gathering , then update the SOW with new requirements only from these stakeholders
 D:单独与所有相关方开会以记录范围,然后通过变更请求过程处理任何其他高优先级需求 individually meet with all stakeholders to document the scope, and then handle any additional high-priority requirements through the change request process
正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6) p138-5.2收集需求。 收集需求一定要全面的收集所有相关方的需求,不然后面会面临着大量的变更。 其他选项:B,拒绝新需求不对。CD不全面

67、 [单选] 项目发起人通知项目经理,即使已完成的项目符合进度计划,在预算范围满足范围需求,但客户对最终产品感到不满意。若要避免这种情况,项目经理应该事先做什么?
The project sponsor informs a project manager that even though a completed project was on schedule, within budget, and met scope requirements, the customer is unsatisfied with the final product. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

A:在制定质量管理计划的同时安排更多的会议 Scheduled more meetings while developing a quality management plan.
 B:确保可交付成果符合质量控制测量结果中列出的要求 Ensure that deliverables meet the requirements listed in the quality control measurements.
 C:实施石川图工具 Implement the Ishikawa diagram tool.
 D:完成需求跟踪矩阵 Complete the requirements traceability matrix.
正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P148-需求跟踪矩阵。客户是对最终产品不满意,而不是对产品质量不满意,最终产品的实现效果偏离了用户的预期,选D不选B。 选项A:问题出在了需求管理上,而不是质量管理。 选项C:题干强调“事先”应该做什么,而不是出现了问题怎么分析。

70、 [单选] 一位相关方经常错过计划每两周举行一次的相关方会议。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
One stakeholder regularly misses scheduled biweekly Stakeholder meeting. What should the project manager do first?

A:开始记录每两周举行一次的会议,并与所有预期的与会者分享记录 Start recording the biweekly meetings , and share the recordings with all the intended attendees.
 B:请项目发起人与该相关方进行交涉 Ask the project sponsor to intervene with the stakeholder.
 C:与该相关方会面,讨论其未能参加会议的问题 Meet with the stakeholder to discuss his failure to attend meetings.
 D:审查相关方参与评估矩阵,以了解该相关方的参与程度 Review the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix to understand the engagement level of the stakeholder.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P521- 相关方参与度评估矩阵。 按照处理问题的思维来看,处理的顺序应该是先D后C,AB都在后面。发现了相关方的问题,先看一下他对项目的参与程度,心里有数以后,当面和他沟通,然后再采取改善措施。

71、 [单选] 项目经理聘请一位资源开发一个网站。该资源在没有完成工作的情况下突然离职,项目经理必须聘请另一位资源来完成这项工作,新聘请的资源更改网络设计,覆盖了原有设计。应如何描述与第一位资源工作相关的成本?
A project manager hires resource to develop website.The resource abruptly quits without completing the work,and the project manager must hire another resource to complete the jo The newly hired resource changes the website’s design,which overrides the original design. How should the cost associated with the first resourced work be described?

A:间接成本 Indirect cost
 B:直接成本 Direct cost
 C:沉没成本 Sunk cost
 D:可变成本 Variable cost
正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:解析:经济学术语 沉没成本指已经付出的不可回收的费用。理性的人做决策不会考虑沉没成本。题干中明确说明了离职员工的工作被完全覆盖,因此未产生任何价值,也不可回收,因此是沉没成本。 其他选项:B,直接成本,直接用于产品项目的成本。A,间接成本,不直接构成产品项目的成本。D,可变成本,随着产量变动的成本。

72、 [单选] 用于在开发过程中进行产品测试的一个供应商技术正在被逐步淘汰,如果需要,项目委员会同意提供额外的时间和资金进行测试。项目经理应该如何处理这个风险?
A supplier’s technology for product testing during development is being phased out, the project board agrees to grant additional time and funds to conduct testing if require How should the project manager handle this risk?

A:通过从范围中删除测试来规避风险 Avoid the risk by removing testing from the scope
 B:通过将测试活动外包给合格供应商来转移风险 Transfer the risk by outsourcing testing activities to a qualified vendor
 C:使用另一种测试技术来减轻风险 Mitigate the risk by Using another testing technique
 D:通过使用淘汰的技术进行测试来接受风险 Accept the risks by using the phased-out technology for testing
正确答案:C 你的答案:B


73、 [单选] 重要材料需要运输供应商。如果该材料不能按时交付,项目预算将严重受到影响。为降低这个风险,项目经理购买了保险。项目经理采用了哪一种消极风险策略?
Important materials require transportation suppliers. If these materials are not delivered on time, the project budget will be severely affect To reduce this risk, the project manager has subscribed insurance. Which negative risk strategy does the project manager use?

A:规避 Avoidance
 B:接受 Acceptance
 C:减轻 Mitigation
 D:转移 Transfer
正确答案:D 你的答案:C


75、 [单选] 项目启动大会期间,一位相关方反复尝试向项目添加可交付成果。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
During a project kick-off meeting, a stakeholder repeatedly tries to add deliverables to the project. What should the project manager do first?

A:请该相关方查阅项目范围管理计划 Ask the stakeholder to refer to the scope management plan
 B:将该相关方包含进沟通管理计划 Include the stakeholder in the communication management plan
 C:要求该相关方查阅项目工作说明书(SOW) Request that the stakeholder refer to project statement of work (SOW)
 D:请该相关方查看变更管理流程 Refer the stakeholders ask to the change management process
正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制 已经在开”Kick-off meeting" ,表明计划已经确定了,“添加可交付成果“ 需要走变更流程,选D 其他选项:ABC都不是变更流程

76、 [单选] 一个项目遇到困难,且项目状态报告到期。但是,项目发起人正在休假。项目经理应该做什么?
A project is experiencing difficulties and the project status report is due.However,the project sponsor is on leave.What should the project manager do?

A:要求团队成员直接将项目进度传达给他们的业务联系人 Ask team members to directly communicate the project's progress to theirbusiness contact
 B:将状态报告发送到项目管理办公室(PMO),并要求PMO经理分发摘要 Send the status report to the project management office(PMO),and ask the PMO manager to distribute a summary.
 C:按计划发送状态报告 Send the status report as planned
 D:暂停分发状态报告,直到项目发起人休假回来 Hold distribution of the status report until the project sponsor returns.
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P377-沟通管理计划,沟通管理计划中包括:需沟通的信息、上报步骤、项目信息流向图等。项目状态报告根据沟通管理计划进行发布即可,不受限于项目发起人休假。 选项AB:既然有沟通管理计划,不遵循计划传递信息是错误的。

78、 [单选] 收到项目发起人批准项目章程后,项目经理安排召开项目启动大会,但是,七位关键相关方中有四位没有参加这次会议,项目经理应该怎么做?
After project sponsor approves for the project charter, the project manager schedules a kick-off meeting. However, four out of seven key stakeholders do not attend this meeting. What should the project manager do?

A:告知这些相关方的经理已经召开该会议 Inform the stakeholders’managers that the meeting has taken place
 B:组织发起人与四个缺席的相关方开会,以讨论该项目 Ask sponsors to meet with the four absent stakeholders to discuss the project
 C:向所有相关方提供项目计划、范围和风险 Provide the project plans, scope and risks to all stakeholders
 D:计划向缺席的相关方更新项目进度报告 Plan to update the absent stakeholders with project progress reports
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P528-会议 七个相关方四个没有来,其实最好的方式是重新召开启动大会。不过选项里面没有,排除法选C更合适一些。 A没有什么作用,B应该项目经理去找他们开会,而不是让发起人与他们开会。D仅提供进度信息意义不大。

79、 [单选] 一个关键的项目决策需要所有相关方的支持。项目经理现在得知之前未识别到一名关键相关方。 项目经理应该做什么来防止这个问题成为项目进展和成功的障碍?
A key project decision requires the support of all stakeholders. The project manager now learns that one key stakeholder was not previously identified. What should the project manager do to prevent this from being an obstacle to the project's progress and success?

A:审查相关方登记册 Review the stakeholder register.
 B:与项目发起人会面 Meet with the project sponsor.
 C:更新相关方参与评估矩阵 Update the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.
 D:定期及时审查沟通策略 Conduct regular and timely reviews of the communication strategy.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P534- 相关方参与评估矩阵。识别到一个新的相关方,需要更新他的基础信息,包括相关方登记册与相关方参与计划中的所有内容。C属于相关方参与计划制定的工具。排除法选C其他选项:A,应该是更新而不是审查相关方登记册。B,属于升级上报问题(没办法的办法,优先级低);D,不是沟通管理的问题,排除。

81、 [单选] 在一个季度末,项目发起人要求进度报告中包含一个指标,以确定项目是否将按时完成或将延迟多长时间。项目经理应该在这份报告中包含哪个指标?
At the end of the quarter,a project sponsor requests that the progress report include a metric to determine if the project will be finished on time or how long it will be delay.What should the project manager include in this report?

A:成本绩效指数(CPI) Cost performance index(CPI).
 B:完工偏差(VAC) Variance at completion(VAC).
 C:进度偏差(SV) Schedule variance(SV).
 D:完工估算(EAC) Estimate at completion(EAC).
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P222-6.6 控制进度。SV可以判断进度是还是延迟。SV>1,提前;SV=1,准时完成;SV<1,落后。通过偏差分析对进度进行综合分析,以了解项目的进度偏差情况,这样就便于采取合适的预防或纠正措施。其他选项:ABD都是成本相关,与进度无关。

83、 [单选] 一家组织正在一个新兴市场启动一个项目。这个市场的法规将在项目的生命周期中快速而持续地发生变化,项目发起人要求项目经理提供预算估测。 项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来提供预算预测?
An organization is kick-starting a project in an emerging market where regulation will rapidly and continuously change during its life cycle.The project sponsor asks the project manager for a budget forecast. What tools and techniques should the project manager use to provide this?

A:鱼骨图 Fish bone diagram.
 B:三点估算 Three-point estimating.
 C:备选方案分析 Alternatives analysis.
 D:蒙特卡洛分析 Morite Cario analysis.
正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P244- 三点估算。本题考查的是估算的方法,只有B三点估算是成本估算的方法。三点估算主要针对风险的估算,题干中也提到了各种不确定性。其它选项:A:鱼骨即是根本原因分析,是解决问题用的;C/D是针对风险管理的工具也不对

86、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个备受瞩目的项目,该项目将为公司带来重大效益,项目发起人告诉项目经理,一些关键相关方不赞同项目的效益,并且可能抵制该项目的工作。项目经理该怎么做?
A project manager joins a high-profile project that will create significant benefits for the company .The project sponsor tells the project manager that some key stakeholders disagree on the project's benefits and may be resistant to working on it.What should the project manager do ?

A:制定责任分配矩阵(RAM) Develop a responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).
 B:要求发起人获得相关方的支持 Ask the sponsor to obtain support from the stakeholders.
 C:与相关方开会展示该项目 Meet with stakeholders to present the project.
 D:更新相关方登记册,添加这项信息 Update the stakeholder register with this information
正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。首先识别这些关键项目相关方,将其更新到相关方登记册中,接下来展开相关方分析,根据分析的结果来制定相关方管理策略。 选项A:资源管理领域,相关方是否参与项目,在情景中没有交代。 选项B:相关方管理是项目经理的责任。 选项C:会议是识别相关方的工具。以什么样的方式对相关方管理,要根据相关方分析的结果。

88、 [单选] 项目经理已经在一个项目上工作了三个月,该项目是关于在公司的网站上发布了一个新功能,然而,一位关键相关方感到不满,因为可交付成果未能满足他们的期望。 项目经理应该参考什么文件?
A project manager has been working for three months on a project to launch a new functionality in a company’s website.However,a key stakeholder is dissatisfied because the deliverable fails to meet their expectations. What document should the project manager consult?

A:范围管理计划 Scope management plan
 B:项目范围说明书 Project scope statement
 C:需求跟踪矩阵 Requirements tractability matrix
 D:需求文件 Requirements documentation
正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P148需求跟踪矩阵。需求跟踪矩阵,将相关方和可交付成果连接起来,因此题干中提到了相关方与需求的联系,所以选C 其他选项:ABD都没有将相关方联系起来进行跟踪

90、 [单选] 在采购过程评审期间,项目经理发现,自项目启动以来,实施成本增加了6%,为了减少项目工作来满足预算,批准了一项变更请求。 项目经理应更新哪一个项目管理计划要素?
During the procurement process review, the project manager finds that the implementation cost has increased by 6% since the project is launched, and a change request is approved to reduce the project task to meet the budget. Which project management plan element should the project manager update?

A:采购管理计划 Procurement Management Plan
 B:变更管理计划 Change Management Plan
 C:范围管理计划 Scope Management Plan
 D:风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P500- 项目管理计划更新 采购管理计划。12.3 控制采购的输出 采购管理计划包含在采购过程中需要开展的活动。可能需要基于卖方执行工作的绩效情况,对采购管理计划进行更新。卖方绩效变差,提出变更以后,更新采购管理计划。 其他选项:BC不是输出,D题目没有提到风险。

92、 [单选] 你是一款新的汽车应用程序的Scrum主管,该应用程序可检测汽车故障并将其报告给服务中心。在下一个冲刺开始之前,产品负责人希望编写一份清单,列出团队在当前冲刺结束时需要完成的工作类型。满足此标准意味着该工作是可交付的。此外,此清单应作为验收标准,适用于此冲刺中的产品待办事项。产品负责人试图确定什么内容?
You’re a scrum master for a new automotive app that detects car faults and report them back to the service center. Before the start of the next sprint, the product owner wants to write a checklist of the types of work that the team is expected to complete by the end of the current sprint. Meeting this criterion means that the work is potentially shippable. Besides, this checklist should serve as an acceptance criterion that applies product backlog items within this sprint. What is the product owner trying to define?

A:冲刺目标 Sprint Goal
 B:准备就绪(DoR)的定义 Definition of Ready (DoR)
 C:完成的定义(DoD) Definition of Done (DoD)
 D:项目退出标准 Project Exit Criteria
正确答案:C 你的答案:A


93、 [单选] 在一个项目接近完工时,发起人要求承包商改变已安装的照明以符合新标准。承包商应该怎么做?
As a project nears completion,the sponsor asks the contractor to change the installed lighting to comply with a new standard.What should the contractor do?

A:审查工作并提交一份显示工作已完成的报告 Review the work and submit a report showing that work is already complete.
 B:请求延长工期并提交变更请求以完成工作 Request a schedule extension and submit a change request to complete the work.
 C:与发起人一起检查新规定,然后提交变更请求 Examine the new regulation with the sponsor and then submit a change request.
 D:评估成本和进度影响,然后向项目经理提交变更请求 Evaluate the cost and schedule impact and then submit a change request to the project manager.
正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6实施整体变更控制。 选项A:接近完工但是未完成。 选项B:是否延长工期由整体变更控制流程决策。 选项D:没有评估对范围基准的影响。

94、 [单选] 在项目启动阶段,项目发起人向项目经理询问已识别的风险情况。项目经理应参考下列哪一项?
During a project’s initiation phase, the sponsor asks the project manager about identified risks. What should the project manager reference?

A:项目章程 Project charter
 B:规划风险管理过程 Plan Risk Management process
 C:风险登记册 Risk register
 D:控制风险过程 Control Risks process
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P75-4.1制定项目章程。项目启动阶段,还没有进入到规划阶段,此时项目面临的高层次风险记录在项目章程中。 选项BC:规划过程组 选项D:监控过程

99、 [单选] 在新信息系统演示期间发生故障。在下一次状态会议上,项目经理发现两名团队成员以两种不同的方式独立解决该故障。若要预防任务重复,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A malfunction occurs during a presentation of a new information system.At the next status meeting,the project manager discovers that the malfunction was resolved independently by two team members in two different ways. What should the project manager have done to prevent this duplication of tasks?

A:更新风险登记册 Updated the risk register
 B:与团队成员开会,讨论解决方案 Met with team members to discuss a solution
 C:将该问题记录在问题日志中 Documented the problem in the issue log
 D:签发变更请求 Issued a change request
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P132- 问题日志 两个团队成员分别用自己的方法处理同一个任务,说明这个问题并没有放入一个团队成员共享的解决问题的文件中去。为了“预防任务重复”,题目问”事先“ 怎么做,选项中最合适的做法是C,,记录问题到问题日志,明确解决问题的责任人,以避免重复,其他选项:题目问题的事先避免,因此BD排除掉,A,不是风险问题

101、 [单选] 一个新的商业业务最近启动了一个项目,开发一个网络知识库。由于预算限制,该项目需要依赖有限的内部资源。管理层对持续时间较长的项目有较高的容忍度,只要初期能交付网站的基本版本,其余的需求就可以在后期交付。你会为这个项目选择哪种生命周期?
A new business case recently initiated a project for developing a web-based knowledge base. Due to budget limitations, the project needs to rely on limited internal resources. The management has a high tolerance for longer project duration as long as a basic version of the site is delivered initially, then the rest of the requirements can be delivered in later stages. Which life cycle would you select for this project?

A:预测型 Predictive
 B:敏捷型 Agile
 C:增量型 Incremental
 D:瀑布型 Waterfall
正确答案:C 你的答案:B


102、 [单选] 收到供应商建议书后,项目经理应使用什么来确保最低报价在当前市场范围内?
After receiving vendor proposals, what should a project manager use to ensure that the lowest price is within the current market range?

A:独立估算 Independent estimates
 B:建议书评价技术 Proposal evaluation techniques
 C:专家判断 Expert judgment
 D:分析技术 Analytical techniques
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P479- 独立估算 独立估算就是让专业的人把市场上的报价算清楚,然后做为对照基准。题干中说要包含市场上的最低报价,使用独立估算可以获取到这样的结果。 其他选项:B建议书评价,是对建议书本身进行技术上或商业上的评估,与最低报价不符。CD没有A准确。

103、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在与一个多元化的团队合作一个备受瞩目公共工程项目。项目相关方的公共部门非常担心,因为这个项目直接影响到他们的社区。项目经理应使用什么来与这个项目相关方团体沟通?
A project manager is working on a high-profile public works project with a diverse and engaged group of stakeholders.The public sector of stakeholders is very concerned,as this project directly impacts their community.,What should the project manager use to communicate with this stakeholder group?

A:推式沟通 Push communication
 B:交互式沟通 Interactive communication
 C:项目相关方沟通 Stakeholder notifications
 D:项目报告 Project reports
正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P374-沟通方法。在两方或多方之间进行的实时多向信息交换,适合采用交互式沟通(互动沟通)。 选项A:推式沟通的特点是可以确保发送,但是不能确保信息的接受效果,所以不利于向社区解答他们的困惑,这种沟通方式容易“火上浇油”。 选项C:范围太广。 选项D:项目报告用来说明的项目执行状态,不适用于向公众进行说明。

105、 [单选] 一位关键团队成员犯了一个严重错误,将导致项目严重延迟。按照相关方参与计划,项目经理与相关方开会讨论此问题。在会议上,项目经理应该提供什么信息?
A key team member makes a critical mistake that will result in a significant project delay.In accordance with the stakeholders engagement plan, The project manager meets with stakeholders to discuss this issue. What information should the project manager present during the meeting?

A:团队的培训计划,以避免类似错误 Training plan for the team to avoid similar mistakes
 B:说明防止类似问题发生的新规定 Description of new provisions to prevent similar issue from occurring
 C:修改范围以保持项目进度计划的方案 Options for amending the scope to maintain the project schedule
 D:根本原因分析,解释错误发生的原因 Root cause analysis, explaining why the mistake occurred
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P342-培训。项目经理应该按资源管理计划中的安排来实施预定的培训,也应该根据管理项目团队过程中的观察、交谈和项目,有效评估的结果,来开展必要的计划外培训。 选项B:规定不能解决人的技能短板。 选项C:人的问题没有解决,因为人的技能短板而调整范围本末倒置。 选项D:问题发生,项目经理跟相关方开会,相关方更加关注的是问题的解决方案而不是出现这个问题的原因,因此选择A

108、 [单选] 项目团队正通过估算每个工作包来制定项目预算。团队使用过往项目的统计值和历史数据。这使用的是什么估算工具或技术?
A project team is developing a project budget by estimating each work package.The team uses statistical values and historical data from past projects. What estimating tool or technique is being used?

A:储备分析 Reserve analysis
 B:类比估算 Analogous estimating
 C:专家判断 Expert judgment
 D:参数估算 Parametric estimating
正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P244-参数估算 参数估算是指利用历史数据之间的统计关系和其他变量(如建筑施工中的平方英尺),来进行项目工作的成本估算 历史数据、统计关系,书上的原话

113、 [单选] 一项任务花费的时间比预期长,经审查,项目经理确定所分配的人员不具备必要的技能。若要将项目任务拉回正轨,项目经理应该怎么做?
A task is taking longer than expected, upon review, the project manager identifies that the assigned resource does not process the necessary skills. What should the project manager do to get the task back on schedule?

A:制定并管理一份技能不熟练人员的纠正措施计划,以获得必要的技能 Establish and manage A corrective action plan for the unskilled resource to gain the necessary skills.
 B:分配技能熟练的人员以帮助不熟练人员获得必要的技能 Assign a skilled resource to help the unskilled personnel acquire necessary skills
 C:与职能经理会面,请求协助培训技能不熟练的人员 Meet with functional managers and request assistance in training unskilled personnel
 D:与职能经理一起合作,以替换该人员 Work with the functional manager to replace this person
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P342-培训。项目经理应该按资源管理计划中的安排来实施预定的培训,也应该根据管理项目团队过程中的观察、交谈和项目,有效评估的结果,来开展必要的计划外培训。 选项B:如果有技能熟练的人员,就不存在短缺的问题。 选项C:在团队内部的培训由项目经理负责。 选项D:太绝对,因为职能部门也可能缺少合适的资源。

114、 [单选] 如果你与多个Scrum团队一起处理项目,那么处理产品待办列表的最好方法是什么?
What is the best approach in handling the Product Backlog if you are working on the project with multiple Scrum teams?

A:为每个团队创建不同内容的产品待办列表 Create component-specific Product Backlogs for each team
 B:使用同一个产品待办列表,扩展整理范围,并考虑在待办事项列表中提供不同团队的视图 Employ one Product Backlog, extend the grooming horizon, and consider providing team-specific views into the backlog
 C:偏好组件团队而非特性团队,并为每个团队设置单独的空白产品待办事项列表 Prefer component teams to feature teams and empty separate Product Backlog for each team
 D:没有最好的方法,以上任何一个都可以 There is no best approach, it is possible to go with any of them
正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:《敏捷实践指南》,A3.12.大规模敏捷开发 (LeSS),表A3-6,P113。题干中的关键句是“多个Scrum团队一起处理项目”。选项A和选项C均错误。它们都强调了要为每个Scrum团队创建不同的产品待办事项列表,这违反了大规模敏捷(LeSS)框架的核心组织原则,可能会造成不必要的混乱或复杂性,因此排除。选项B正确,大规模敏捷(LeSS)框架的核心组织原则是尽可能保留传统单个团队 Scrum 模型的元素。这将有助于减少任何模型扩展,避免造成不必要的混乱或复杂性。根据表A3-6,Less与Scrum的相似性中,第一条就是“一个产品待办事项列表”。与题干描述相符。选项D错误,选项A和选项C违反了LeSS框架的核心组织原则,不能使用这两种方法,因此排除。

119、 [单选] 在一个IT项目的第二个交付里程碑中执行了质量评估。由于提出了许多问题,项目经理希望了解质量趋势以及是否存在相关变量。项目经理应该使用哪一项工具?
At the second delivery milestone of an IT project. A quality assessment is Performed ,A number of issues are raised, and the project manager wants to understand the trend about quality and whether or not there are related variables. What tool or technique should the project manager use?

A:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
 B:散点图 Scatter diagram
 C:帕累托图 Pareto chart
 D:统计分析 Statistical sampling
正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P293-散点图。散点图是一种展示两个变量之间的关系的图形。题干中有明确说明,希望了解质量趋势以及是否存在相关变量,属于散点图。 其他选项:ACD都无法体现变更关系。

123、 [单选] 一名新项目经理加入一个正在执行中的项目。该项目经理不清楚哪些环境因素可能影响向关键相关方进行有效的信息报告。 项目经理应该查阅下列哪份文件来了解这些影响?
A new project manager joins a project in progress. The project manager is unclear about what environmental factors may impact effective information reporting to key stakeholders. What should the project manager referent to understand these impacts?

A:沟通管理计划 Communications management plan
 B:相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan
 C:采购管理计划 Procurement management plan
 D:风险管理计划 Risk management plan
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P368- 项目管理计划-相关方参与计划。 哪些环境因素影响了项目信息,说明是规划沟通的输入,规划沟通的输入是相关方参与计划。 其他选项:A,主要看题干描述重点不是沟通,而沟通的影响因素。

133、 [单选] 创建工作分解结构(WBS)时,项目经理必须分解一项名为“招标”的任务。项目经理使用什么来进一步细分任务?
While creating a work breakdown structure (WBS), a project manager must decompose a task titled “solicit bids.”What can the project manager use to further subdivide the task?

A:石川图 Ishikawa diagram
 B:关键链法(CCM) Critical chain method (CCM)
 C:专家判断 Expert judgment
 D:类比估算 Analogous estimating
正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P156- 专家判断。此题考察的是创建WBS的工具,只有C对。

151、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个由跨职能团队执行的软件重新设计项目。该公司正在进行敏捷转型,项目管理办公室(PMO)发布了更新后的政策和程序,要求将当前项目迭代开发整合到项目管理方法中。若要确保每次迭代交付都考虑质量,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a software redesign project with a cross-functional team. The company is undergoing an agile transformation, and the project management office (PMO) has released updated policies and procedures that require current projects to integrated iterative development into project management approaches. What should the project manager do to ensure that quality is incorporated into each iteration of delivery?

A:与相关方以及和项目团队合作,以确保有明确定义的“已完成”定义(DoD) Work with stakeholders and the project team to ensure that there is a clearly a defined definition of done(DoD)
 B:将测试和验证活动分配给具有功能背景的团队成员 Assign testing and validation activities to team members with a functional background
 C:安排该项目最后一次迭代的所有测试活动,以便整个团队可以关注同一目标 Schedule all testing activities for the last iteration of the project so the entire team can focus on the same goal
 D:分配专门的软件测试人员,以确保在整个项目生命周期中进行测试 Assign a dedicated software tester to ensure that testing occurs throughout the project’s life cycle
正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:敏捷实践 DoD完成的定义,属于敏捷实践,首先明确定义“完成”,然后开发团队在某个冲刺中必须完成。质量标准也在DoD中被定义 其他选项:BCD都非敏捷实践。

153、 [单选] —名新成员加入团队,该团队的报告结构发生多次变更。若要快速使这位新团队成员适应,项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件?
A new member joins the team and the team's reporting structure has changed for several times. Which document should the project manager review to quickly get the new team member adapted?

A:项目组织图 Project Organization Chart
 B:层级资源图 Hierarchical Resources Map
 C:责任分配矩阵(RAM) Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
 D:资源管理计划 Resources Control Plan
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P319-资源管理计划-项目组织图。项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。题干中明确提到了报告结构,因此,选择项目组织图更准确。 其他选项:B不存在,C只确认了角色与职责的关系。D资源管理计划虽然包括了项目组织图,但是项目组织图明显更加准确。

154、 [单选] 项目经理必须为政府编制一份工厂生产能力报告。这份报告将通过对400家工厂的总经理进行调查而创建,并且必须在四个月内完成,然而,根据现有资源以及调查每位总经理所需的时间,该项目预计需要一年时间。项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来满足预期期限?
A project manager must compile a factory productivity for government.The report will be created by surveying general managers across 400 factories and must be completed in four mouths.However 9based on the available resources and the time needed to survey each general manager,the project is expected to take one year. What tool or technique should the project manager use to meet the expected deadline?

A:进度压缩 Schedule compression
 B:快速跟进 Fast tracking
 C:标杆对照 Benchmarking
 D:统计抽样 Statistical sampling
正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P215-进度压缩。 时间不够,要考虑进度压缩 其他选项:CD都不是进度工具,B不全面,除快速跟进外,进度压缩还包括赶工。

159、 [单选] 在项目启动期间,项目经理进行了成本效益分析,结果为0.6,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During the project start-up, the project manager conducted a cost-benefit analysis and the result was 0.6. What should the project manager do next?

A:咨询专家,寻找选择方案,并重新执行分析 Consult experts,look for options,and re-perform the analysis
 B:与项目发起人一起审查结果,以确认项目的可行性 Review the results with the project sponsor to confirm the project's feasibility
 C:审查报告以确定是应该开始项目还是拒绝项目 Examine response to determine if the project should start of be rejected
 D:咨询相关方关于项目的批准情况 Consult with stakeholders about project approval
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P30-项目商业论证。项目商业论证指文档化的经济可行性报告,用来对尚缺乏充分定义的所选方案的收益进行有效论证。拿到商业论证方案以后,要与项目发起人、主题专家一起就商业论证的结果进行讨论分析,确认项目的可行性或项目边界,而不是再次进行商业论证,排除A选项。 选项C:商业文件只是用来提供建议,具体是否批准要结合关键相关方的期望以及专家判断来决策。例如,由协议/合同而催生立项的项目,是不能够拒绝的。 选项D:尚未批准。

161、 [单选] 一个项目需要进行在一个新国家销售产品的可行性研究,项目经理应该使用什么合同类型?
A project requires that a feasibility study be conducted for the sale of products in a new country. What type of contract should the project manager use?

A:成本加奖励费用合同(CPAF) Cost plus award fee(CPAF).
 B:成本加激励费用合同(CPIF) Cost plus incentive fee(CPIF).
 C:工料合同(T&M) Time and material(T&M).
 D:总价加经济价格调整合同(FP-EPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FP-EPA).
正确答案:C 你的答案:B


166、 [单选] 一个营销团队负责一家组织的所有外部沟通,该团队很快将向客户沟通新产品的发布日期,同时,技术团队在没有通知营销团队的情况下对发布活动进行变更。 若要确保有效沟通,项目经理应该怎么做?
A marketing team is responsible for all of an organization's outside communications. This team will soon be communicating the launch date of new products to customers. Meanwhile the technology team makes changes to the launch activity without informing the marketing team. To ensure effective communications, what should the project manager do?

A:提醒团队所有变更都必须遵循沟通管理计划 Remind the teams that all changes must follow the communications management plan.
 B:通知技术主管遵循变更管理程序 Inform the technology lead to follow change management procedures.
 C:鼓励两个团队在项目团队会议期间讨论沟通问题 Encourage both teams to discuss communication issues during project team meetings.
 D:为两个团队组织沟通培训 Organize communication training for the both teams.
正确答案:B 你的答案:D


169、 [单选] 项目团队发现新监管法律可能对项目产生重大影响的风险。发起人要求项目经理进行进一步分析,以确定可能因此而发生的财务损失。项目经理应执行哪一项?
A project team discovers a risk that new regulatory laws may significantly impact the project. The sponsor asks the project manager to perform further analysis to identify the financial losses that may occur as a result. Which analysis should the project manager conduct?

A:成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis
 B:定性分析 Qualitative analysis
 C:根本原因分析 Root cause analysis
 D:定量分析 Quantitative analysis
正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P428-11.4实施定量风险分析。通过量化整体项目风险敞口,评估项目可能要面临的财务损失。 选项A:用以评估投入与产出效果,例如在质量管理领域测算投入资源和质量水平提升之间的关系。 选项B:对风险进行排序,估算风险发生的概率和影响,但具体的财务损失需要通过定量分析获取。 选项C:用以分析问题发生的原因。

172、 [单选] 新聘用的项目经理加入一个正在进行的项目,而该项目已经落后于进度,在规划阶段未考虑到几个时间制约因素,并且批准的基准进度计划具有不灵活的完工期限,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A newly hired project manager joins an ongoing project that is already behind schedule, several time constraints were not considered during the planning phase, and the approved baseline schedule has an inflexible completion deadline. What should the project manager do first?

A:制定进度计划 Develop the schedule
 B:控制进度计划 Control the schedule
 C:为项目活动排序 Sequence project activities
 D:快速跟进进度计划 Fast track the schedule
正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P258- 6.6控制进度之前的规划已经完成,而且项目正在进行中,处于执行阶段。接下来进入监控阶段,进度出现问题我们需要进行控制。其他选项:AC还在规划中,D控制进度的工具技术有很多,快速跟进只是其中一种,B比D更全面。

174、 [单选] 团队成员对问题日志中大量未解决的技术问题感到不满。项目经理应该怎么做?
Team members are unhappy about the significant number of unresolved technical problems in the issue log-What should the project manager do?

A:解释说这些问题应通过让主题专家(SMEs)参与解决 Explain that issues should be resolved by involving subject matter experts(SMEs).
 B:请求更多时间来分析未完成的事项 Request more time to analyze the outstanding items.
 C:将该情况上报给项目发起人,获得支持 Escalate the situation to the project sponsor to gain support.
 D:提交变更请求,替换项目经理 Submit a change request to replace the project manager.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P132- 问题日志。问题解决需要更多的时间,需要帮团队成员争取更多时间,选择B。 其他选项:此题宜用排除法,A推给专家不对,团队成员是解决问题的所有方。C这个问题是项目经理要解决的,直接上报发起人不合适。D换项目经理不合理。

178、 [单选] 项目经理从项目团队和供应商处收到一连串电子邮件,争论最近收到的一个可交付成果。项目团队认为该可交付成果未能满足特定需求,但供应商却坚持他们不知道这个需求。项目经理首先应该查阅哪份文件?
A project manager receives a chain of e-mails from the project team and vendor,arguing about a recently received deliverable.The project team believes that the deliverable fails to meet a specific requirement,but the vendor maintains they are unaware of this requirement.To what should the project manager first refer?

A:需求管理计划 Requirements management plan.
 B:工作分解结构(WBS) Work Breakdown structure(WBS).
 C:沟通管理计划 Communication management plan.
 D:工作说明书(SOW) Statement of works(SOW).
正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)477 采购工作说明书 项目经理与供应商打交道应该基于外部文件而非内部文件,只有D是与供应商打交道的外部文件。里面确定了规格、数量、质量水平、绩效数据等等。 其他选项:ABC都是内部文件。


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