CodeChef 做题记录

The XOR-OR Dilemma

Chef has an array AA of length NN such that Ai=iAi=i.

In one operation, Chef can pick any two elements of the array, delete them from AA, and append either their bitwise XOR or their bitwise OR to AA.

Note that after each operation, the length of the array decreases by 11.

Let FF be the final number obtained after N−1N−1 operations are made. You are given an integer XX, determine if you can get F=XF=X via some sequence of operations.

In case it is possible to get F=XF=X, print the operations too (see the section Output format for more details), otherwise print −1−1.


  • 1 x y if you want replace x and y with x OR y.
  • 2 x y if you want replace x and y with x XOR y



const int N=200010,M=N*2,mod=1e9+7;
int n,m,k,a[N];
struct Op{int op,a,b;
};void solve(){n=read(),m=read();int all=0;rep(i,1,n) all|=i;if(all<m){print(-1);return ;}int tmp=(all^m);if(tmp==0){int last=1;for(int i=2;i<=n;++i){printf("1 %d %d\n",i,last);last|=i;}return ;}vector<Op> vec(0);vector<int> temp;map<int,int> mp;for(int i=0;(1<<i)<=tmp;++i)if(tmp>>i&1){mp[1ll<<i]=1;temp.push_back(1ll<<i);}int cnt=0,last=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){if(mp.count(i)) continue;if(cnt==0) {cnt++;last=i;}else {vec.push_back({1,last,i});last|=i;}}if(last!=all){print(-1);return ;}int u=0;for(int i=0;i<temp.size();++i){if(i==0) u=temp[i];else vec.push_back({1,u,temp[i]}),u|=temp[i];}vec.push_back({2,last, u});for(auto u:vec){printf("%d %d %d\n",u.op,u.a,u.b);}

Codecherf START51 Div4 Chef & Cook Game


There is a non-negative integer array AA of length NN. Chef and Cook will play a game on the array with Chef starting first.

In one turn the player will perform the following operation:

  • Choose two indices i,j such that 1≤i<j≤N1 \le i \lt j \le N1≤i<j≤N and Ai>0A_i \gt 0Ai​>0.
  • Set Ai←Ai−1A_i \gets A_i-1Ai​←Ai​−1 and Aj←Aj+1A_j \gets A_j+1Aj​←Aj​+1,subtract 1 from AiA_iAi​ and add 1 to AjA_jAj​

The player who is unable to perform the operation loses. If both Chef and Cook play optimally, who will win?



void solve(){cin>>n;rep(i,1,n) cin>>a[i];if(n==1){cout << "Cook\n";return ;}LL sum=0;rep(i,1,n){if(a[i]&1) sum^=(n-i);}cout << (sum?"Chef":"Cook") << "\n";

September Lunchtime 2022 (Rated for All) (Based on EJOI)

Remove Numbers

Two players are playing a game. They are given an array A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_NA1,A2,…,A**N as well as an array B_1, B_2, \ldots, B_MB1,B2,…,B**M.

The game consists of MM rounds. Players are participating in rounds alternatively. During the ii-th round (for ii from 11 to MM) the corresponding player (first player, if ii is odd, and second if ii is even) has to do exactly one of the following:

The first player wants to minimize the sum of the remaining elements in the array AA after all MM rounds, and the second wants to maximize it. Find the sum of the remaining elements in the array AA after all MM rounds if both players are playing optimally.



假设对于想要让数组尽可能小的那个人操作,对于他操作的集合首先尽量满足每个数都不一样,然后由于Ai≤1014A_i \le 10^{14}Ai​≤1014而且18!>101418! \gt 10^{14}18!>1014所以对于这个人当他操作18次或者以上的时候一定能把数组变成全部都是0.因此对于两个人而言,如果数组容量大于36,则答案一定是0.对于数组容量小于36的情况直接搜索即可。


Adjacent Pairs


Alternative Sufferings


K - Beautiful Permutation



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