

def visualize_dataset(X):plt.scatter(X[..., 0], X[..., 1], marker="x", label="point")


def estimate_parameters_for_gaussian_distribution(X):mu = np.mean(X, axis=0)sigma2 = np.var(X, axis=0)return mu, sigma2


def gaussian_distribution(X, mu, sigma2):p = np.exp(-(X-mu)**2/(2*sigma2)) * 1/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma2))return np.prod(p, axis=1)


def visualize_contours(mu, sigma2):x, y = np.linspace(5, 25, 100), np.linspace(5, 25, 100)xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)X = np.concatenate((xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1)z = gaussian_distribution(X, mu, sigma2).reshape(xx.shape)cont_levels = [10**h for h in range(-20, 0, 3)]  # 当z为当前列表的值时才绘出等高线plt.contour(xx, yy, z, cont_levels)


# yp是预测值,yt是真实值
def error_analysis(yp, yt):tp, fp, fn, tn = 0, 0, 0, 0for i in range(len(yp)):if yp[i] == yt[i]:if yp[i] == 1:tp += 1else:tn += 1else:if yp[i] == 1:fp += 1else:fn += 1precision = tp / (tp+fp) if tp + fp else 0recall = tp / (tp+fn) if tp+fn else 0f1 = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall) if precision+recall else 0return f1


# yval真实值 pval预测值
def select_threshold(yval, pval):epsilons = np.linspace(min(pval), max(pval), 1000)l = np.zeros((1, 2))for e in epsilons:ypre = (pval<e).astype(float)f1 = error_analysis(ypre, yval)l = np.concatenate((l, np.array([[e, f1]])), axis=0)index = np.argmax(l[..., 1])return l[index, 0], l[index, 1]


def detection(X, e, mu, sigma2):p = gaussian_distribution(X, mu, sigma2)anomaly_points = np.array([X[i] for i in range(len(p)) if p[i]<e])return anomaly_points


def circle_anomaly_points(X):plt.scatter(X[..., 0], X[..., 1], s=80, facecolor="none", edgecolors="r", label="anomaly point")


data = sio.loadmat(文件路径)X = data["X"]  # (307,2)visualize_dataset(X)mu, sigma2 = estimate_parameters_for_gaussian_distribution(X)  # [14.11222578 14.99771051] [1.83263141 1.70974533]p = gaussian_distribution(X, mu, sigma2)  # (307,)visualize_contours(mu, sigma2)Xval = data["Xval"]  # (307,2)yval = data["yval"]  # (307,1)print(yval[:3])e, f1 = select_threshold(yval.ravel(), gaussian_distribution(Xval, mu, sigma2))print('best choice of epsilon is ', e, ',the F1 score is ', f1)# best choice of epsilon is  8.999852631901394e-05 ,the F1 score is  0.8750000000000001anomaly_points = detection(X, e, mu, sigma2)circle_anomaly_points(anomaly_points)plt.title('anomaly detection')plt.legend()plt.show()


data2 = sio.loadmat(文件路径)X = data2["X"]  # (1000,11)Xval = data2["Xval"]  # (100,11)yval = data2["yval"]  # (100, 1)mu, sigma2 = estimate_parameters_for_gaussian_distribution(X)e, f1 = select_threshold(yval.ravel(), gaussian_distribution(Xval, mu, sigma2))anomaly_points = detection(X, e, mu, sigma2)print('\n\nfor this high dimensional dataset \nbest choice of epsilon is ', e, ',the F1 score is ', f1)print('the number of anomaly points is', anomaly_points.shape[0])# for this high dimensional dataset # best choice of epsilon is  1.3786074982000235e-18 ,the F1 score is  0.6153846153846154# the number of anomaly points is 117



import scipy.io as sio
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error


# 参数一维向量化
def serialize(X, theta):return np.concatenate((X.flatten(), theta.flatten()), axis=0)# 将一维参数向量还原
def deserializer(params, nm, nu, nf):X = params[: nm*nf].reshape(nm, nf)theta = params[nm*nf:].reshape(nu, nf)return X, theta


def collaborative_filtering_cost(params, Y, R, nm, nu, nf, lamda=0.0):X, theta = deserializer(params, nm, nu, nf)part1 = np.sum(((X.dot(theta.T) - Y) ** 2)*R)/2part2 = (lamda/2) * np.sum(theta**2)part3 = (lamda/2) * np.sum(X**2)return part1 +part2 + part3


def collaborative_filtering_gradient(params, Y, R, nm, nu, nf, lamda=0.0):X, theta = deserializer(params, nm, nu, nf)g_X = ((X.dot(theta.T)-Y) * R).dot(theta) + lamda*Xg_theta = ((X.dot(theta.T)-Y) * R).T.dot(X) + lamda*thetareturn serialize(g_X, g_theta)


def check_gradient(params, Y, R, nm, nu, nf):e = 0.0001m = len(params)g_params = np.zeros((m,))for i in range(m):temp = np.zeros((m,))temp[i] = eg_params = (collaborative_filtering_cost(params+temp, Y, R, nm, nu, nf)-collaborative_filtering_gradient(params-temp, Y, R, nm, nu, nf))/(2 * e)return g_params


data1 = sio.loadmat(文件路径)# Y是包含从1到5的等级的(数量的电影x数量的用户)数组.R是包含指示用户是否给电影评分的二进制值的“指示符”数组。 两者应该具有相同的维度。Y = data1["Y"]  # (1682,943)R = data1["R"]  # (1682,943)data2 = sio.loadmat(r"E:\zl\机器学习\1\data\ex8\ex8_anomaly_detection_and_recommender_system_data_ex8_movieParams")X = data2["X"]  # (1682,10)theta = data2["Theta"]  # (943,10)nu = data2["num_users"][0][0]  # 943nm = data2["num_movies"][0][0]  # 1682nf = data2["num_features"][0][0]  # 10print(collaborative_filtering_cost(serialize(X, theta), Y, R, nm, nu, nf))  # 27918.64012454421print(collaborative_filtering_cost(serialize(X, theta), Y, R, nm, nu, nf, 1.5))  # 34821.703613072226
# 读入电影标签with open(文件路径) as f:movies = []for line in f.readlines():movies.append(line.split(' ', 1)[-1])# 训练模型# 添加一组自定义的用户数据my_ratings = np.zeros((1682, 1))my_ratings[0] = 4my_ratings[97] = 2my_ratings[6] = 3my_ratings[11] = 5my_ratings[53] = 4my_ratings[63] = 5my_ratings[65] = 3my_ratings[68] = 5my_ratings[182] = 4my_ratings[225] = 5my_ratings[354] = 5Y = np.concatenate((Y, my_ratings), axis=1)R = np.concatenate((R, my_ratings > 0), axis=1)nu += 1# params = serialize(np.random.random((nm, nf)), np.random.random((nu, nf)))# res = opt.minimize(fun=collaborative_filtering_cost, x0=params, args=(Y, R, nm, nu, nf,10), method="TNC",#                    jac=collaborative_filtering_gradient)# print(res.shape)trained_X, trained_theta = deserializer(sio.loadmat(文件路径)["params"].ravel(), nm, nu, nf)predict = trained_X.dot(trained_theta.T)my_predict = predict[..., -1]# 从预测结果选择10个最优推荐for i in range(10):index = int(np.argmax(my_predict))print("Predicting rating ", my_predict[index], " for movie ", movies[index])my_predict[index] = -1# Predicting# rating# 4.291401160077979# for movie  Titanic(1997)## Predicting# rating# 4.119953862808096# for movie  Star Wars (1977)## Predicting# rating# 3.9792200003762264# for movie  Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)## Predicting# rating# 3.9099976364851314# for movie  Good Will Hunting (1997)## Predicting# rating# 3.885805506896392# for movie  Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)## Predicting# rating# 3.8729551652292584# for movie  Return of the Jedi (1983)## Predicting# rating# 3.8712945387591366# for movie  Braveheart(1995)## Predicting# rating# 3.863004536777663# for movie  Empire Strikes Back, The (1980)## Predicting# rating# 3.757933676945382# for movie  Terminator 2: Judgment# Day(1991)## Predicting# rating# 3.7576861972110667# for movie  As Good As It Gets (1997)# 用均方误差来评价Y = Y.flatten()R = R.flatten()predict = predict.flatten()true_y = []pre_y = []for i in range(len(Y)):if R[i] == 1:true_y.append(Y[i])pre_y.append(predict[i])print("当前训练对岳原始数据集的均方误差", mean_squared_error(true_y, pre_y))  # 当前训练对岳原始数据集的均方误差 0.6400023155268085

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