
2016-06-17 加油。 中考英语


1.have/get a headache  头痛

2.have/get a stomachache  胃痛

3.have/get a toothache  牙痛

4.have/get a very sore throat  喉咙痛

5.have/get a sore back  背痛

6.have/get a sore leg  腿痛(伤)

7.have a fever  发烧

8.have colds =have a cold  感冒

9.have a nosebleed  流鼻血

10.have a cough  咳嗽

11.have a heart problem  心脏病

12.have the same spirit as Aron


13.had a serious mountain climbing accident


14.get into trouble  遇到麻烦

15.get hit on the head  撞到了头

16.get out of….从……  出来;远离……

17.rest for a few days  休息几天

18.have a rest = take a rest  进行休息

19.have a break=take a break (短暂的)休息

20.get some sleep  睡觉

21.get some rest  休息

22.expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait

for the next bus  期待绝大多数或全部的乘客下车去等下一班车

23.see a dentist and get an X-ray  去看牙医并照片

24.drink some hot tea with honey  喝加了蜜的热茶

25.take one’s temperature  给某人量体温

26.take good care of myself  好好照顾自己

27.take the man to the hospital  把这个人送到医院

28.move the man to onto the bus


29.need to take breaks away from the computer


30.put some medicine on the cut  在伤口上敷药

31.put a bandage on the finger  把创可贴绷在手指上

32.put your head back  把头往后仰

33.put on my jacket  穿上我的夹克

34.move my neck  转动我的颈子

35.played computer games all weekend


36.stopped the bus without thinking twice


37.stop the blood  止血

38.hurt yourself playing soccer  在踢足球时伤了你自己

39.found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in

Utah  在犹他州爬山时发现自己处于非常危险的景地

40.cut myself by accident  偶然砍伤了我自己

41.have to act quickly  必须赶快行动

42.thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers


43.saved the man in time  及时救了这个人的命

44.an American man who is interested in mountain climbing


45.one of the exciting things  刺激的事情之一

46.almost lost his life because of accidents


47.climbed down the mountain  下山

48.the importance of making good decisions


49.be in control of one’s life  把握生命

50.make a decision that could mean life or death


51.Aron ran out of water.= Aron’s water ran out. Aron


52.ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party


53.to one’s surprise,…  令某人吃惊的是……

54.agreed to go with him  同意和他一起去

55.hit an old man  撞到一个老人

56.right away  立刻,马上

57.right now  刚才

58.fall down  倒下,摔倒

59.run it under water  用水冲

60.tell of/about…  讲述……

61.still go mountain climbing  依然去爬山

62.doesn’t mind taking risks  不介意冒险

63.give up  放弃

64.an all-you-can-eat meal  所有东西都好吃的一餐

65.run under the hot sun  在毒辣的太阳下跑

66.be used to doing something  习惯于做……

67.lie down and rest  躺下休息


1.What’s the matter( with you)?=What’s wrong( with you)?=What is

happening (to you)?怎么了?

2.What should I do?我应该做什么呢?/我该怎么办呢?

3.Should I take my temperature? No, you shouldn’t. /Yes, you


4.That’s probably why.也许那就是原因。

5.If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a


6.At 9:00 a. m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua

Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the


7.A woman next to him was shouting for help.他旁边的一个女人正在声呼救。

8.It’s sad that many people don’t want to help others because

they don’t want any trouble.许多人因为不想惹麻烦而不想帮助他人,这很令人伤心。

9.But the driver didn’t think about himself. He only thought

about saving a life.但是这个驾驶员不考虑自己,他只考虑挽救生命。

10.As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking


11.Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him

when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.



12.Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five

days and hoped that someone would find


13.But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do

something to save his own life.但当他的水喝光的时候,他知道他不得不行动起来挽救自己的生命。

14.So he used his knife to cut off half his right


15.Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would

not lose too much blood.然后,他用左臂,为自己打好了绷带,以便于他不至于失血过多。

16.After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock

and a Hard Place.失去手臂之后,他写了一本书,书名是《生死难诀》。

17.His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on

climbing mountains even after this


18.I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed.我几乎不能下床。

19.It hurts a lot.它很痛。

20.It’s very difficult for me to talk.对我来说,谈话很困难。

21.Your face looks a bit red.你的脸看起来有点红。

22.You look terrible.你看起来可怕。

23.You don’t look well.你看起来不舒服。

24.What’s wrong with your face?你的脸怎么了?

25.It’ll hurt even more later!一会儿它会更痛。

26.He cut his knee, so I washed the


27.He was taken to the hospital to get an X-ray.他被带到医院去照片。

28.My head feels very hot我的头摸起来很烫。



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