

There are n wooden rods vertically placed over a horizontal line. The rods are numbered 1 through n from left to right. Each rod i (1 ⩽ i ⩽ n) is placed at position xi and has a height hi .

A termite wants to eat all the rods one by one. It starts eating from an arbitrary rod s (1 ⩽ s ⩽ n). Then, after eating a rod i, the termite selects the next rod to eat based on the following method. Among the remaining rods j, the one with maximum hj - |xi-xj| is selected. If there are ties, the one with minimum |xi-xj| is selected. 
If there are still ties, the left-most rod is selected.
Your task is to calculate the total (horizontal) distance traveled by the termite to eat all the rods.


The first line of the input contains two space-separated integers n, the number of rods, and s, the starting rod number (1 ⩽ s ⩽ n ⩽ 100 000). The rods are described in the next n lines. On the line 1 + i (1 ⩽ i ⩽ n), the i-th rod is specified with two space-separated integers xi (|xi| ⩽ 109 ) and hi (1 ⩽ hi ⩽ 109 ). Additionally, for each i (1 ⩽ i ⩽ n-1), xi < xi+1 .


You should print a single integer denoting the total distance traveled by the termite.

样例输入 Copy

5 3
1 3
4 8
8 2
10 4
11 1

样例输出 Copy







j>i : q[j].h - q[j].x + q[i].x

j<i: q[j].h + q[j].x - q[i].x





所以就会有 单点修改 + 区间查询


/*** keep hungry and calm CoolGuang!***/
#pragma GCC optimize(3)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define debug(x) cout<<#x<<":"<<x<<endl;
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef pair<int,int> pp;
const ll INF=1e17;
const int Maxn=2e7+10;
const int maxn =5e5+10;
const int mod=1e9+9;
const int Mod = 1e9+7;
///const double eps=1e-10;
inline bool read(ll &num)
{char in;bool IsN=false;in=getchar();if(in==EOF) return false;while(in!='-'&&(in<'0'||in>'9')) in=getchar();if(in=='-'){ IsN=true;num=0;}else num=in-'0';while(in=getchar(),in>='0'&&in<='9'){num*=10,num+=in-'0';}if(IsN) num=-num;return true;}
ll n,m,p;
ll ma[maxn],mb[maxn];///a - > 左 ,b -> 右
int posa[maxn],posb[maxn];
void push(int k){if(ma[k<<1] <= ma[k<<1|1]){ma[k] = ma[k<<1|1];posa[k] = posa[k<<1|1];}else{ma[k] = ma[k<<1];posa[k] = posa[k<<1];}if(mb[k<<1] >= mb[k<<1|1]){mb[k] = mb[k<<1];posb[k] = posb[k<<1];}else{mb[k] = mb[k<<1|1];posb[k] = posb[k<<1|1];}
void build(int k,int l,int r){ma[k] = mb[k] = -INF;posa[k] = posb[k] = -1;if(l == r) return ;int mid = (l+r)/2;build(k<<1,l,mid);build(k<<1|1,mid+1,r);push(k);
void Modify(int k,int l,int r,int pos,ll w1,ll w2){if(l == r){ma[k] = w1;mb[k] = w2;if(w1 == -INF) posa[k] = posb[k] = -1;else posa[k] = posb[k] = l;return;}int mid = (l+r)/2;if(pos <= mid) Modify(k<<1,l,mid,pos,w1,w2);else Modify(k<<1|1,mid+1,r,pos,w1,w2);push(k);
void Query_a(int k,int x,int y,int l,int r,ll &ans,int &pos){if(x<=l&&y>=r){if(ma[k] == -INF) return;if(ans<ma[k]){ans = ma[k];pos = posa[k];}else if(ans == ma[k]) pos = max(pos,posa[k]);return;}int mid = (l+r)/2;if(x<=mid) Query_a(k<<1,x,y,l,mid,ans,pos);if(y>mid) Query_a(k<<1|1,x,y,mid+1,r,ans,pos);push(k);
void Query_b(int k,int x,int y,int l,int r,ll &ans,int &pos){if(x<=l&&y>=r){if(mb[k] == -INF) return;if(ans<mb[k]){ans = mb[k];pos = posb[k];}else if(ans == mb[k])if(~posb[k])pos = min(pos,posb[k]);return;}int mid = (l+r)/2;if(x<=mid) Query_b(k<<1,x,y,l,mid,ans,pos);if(y>mid) Query_b(k<<1|1,x,y,mid+1,r,ans,pos);push(k);
struct node{ll x,y;
int main()
{read(n);read(m);build(1,1,n);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){read(q[i].x);read(q[i].y);Modify(1,1,n,i,q[i].x+q[i].y,q[i].y-q[i].x);}ll ans = 0, s = 1;while(1){ll tempm = m;Modify(1,1,n,m,-INF,-INF);ll ansa = -INF,ansb = -INF;int apos = -1,bpos = -1;if(m>1)Query_a(1,1,m-1,1,n,ansa,apos);if(m<n)Query_b(1,m+1,n,1,n,ansb,bpos);if(apos == -1 && bpos == -1) break;else if(apos == -1 && ~bpos) m = bpos;else if(~apos && bpos == -1) m = apos;else{if(ansa-q[m].x>ansb+q[m].x) m = apos;else if(ansa-q[m].x<ansb+q[m].x) m = bpos;else{if(q[m].x-q[apos].x <= q[bpos].x - q[m].x) m = apos;else m = bpos;}}ans += abs(q[m].x-q[tempm].x);}printf("%lld\n",ans);return 0;
4 3
1 3
2 10
3 11
4 10

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