
Program 1:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sum(int X, int Y = 20, int Z = 30)
return (X + Y + Z);
int main()
int A = 0, B = 0;
A = sum(5, 10);
B = sum(10);
cout << A << " " << B;
return 0;



45 60



Here, we created a function sum(), here we use two default arguments Y and Z with values 20 and 30 respectively.

在这里,我们创建了一个函数sum() ,在这里我们使用两个默认参数YZ分别具有值20和30。

Default arguments mean, if we don’t pass any value for default argument then it takes default specified value.


In the main() function, we declared two variables A and B with initial value 0.


Here, we made two function calls:


1st function call:
A = sum(5,10);
Here, X=5 and Y=10 and Z took default value 30.
Then A will be 45 after the function call.
2nd function call:
B = sum(10);
Here X=10 and Y and Z took default values 20 and 30 respectively.
Then B will be 60 after the function call.

Program 2:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sum(int X = 10, int Y = 20, int Z)
return (X + Y + Z);
int main()
int A = 0, B = 0;
A = sum(5, 10);
B = sum(10);
cout << A << " " << B;
return 0;



main.cpp: In function ‘int sum(int, int, int)’:
main.cpp:4:5: error: default argument missing for parameter 3 of ‘int sum(int, int, int)’
int sum(int X = 10, int Y = 20, int Z)



We can use only trailing argument as a default argument, that's why the above program will generate an error.


Program 3:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int K = 10;
int sum(int X, int* P = &K)
return (X + (*P));
int main()
int A = 0, B = 20;
A = sum(5);
cout << A << " ";
A = sum(5, &B);
cout << A << " ";
return 0;



15 25



Here, we defined a function sum() with a pointer as a default argument that stores the address of global variable K as a default value.

在这里,我们定义了一个函数sum() ,其指针作为默认参数,该参数将全局变量K的地址存储为默认值。

Here we made two function calls.


1st function call:


A = sum(5);

In this function call, returns (5+10), here the value of *P will be 10. Because pointer P contains the address of global variable K.  Then it will return 15.

在此函数调用中,返回(5 + 10),此处* P的值为10。因为指针P包含全局变量K的地址。 然后它将返回15。

2nd function call:


A = sum(5,&B);

In this function, we passed the address of B then return statement will be like this:


return (5+20)

Then the final values are 15 and 25 will print on the console screen.


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