c ++查找字符串

Program 1:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample {
int A, B;
friend void fun();
void fun()
Sample S;
S.A = 10;
S.B = 20;
cout << S.A << " " << S.B << endl;
int main()
return 0;



10 20



Here, we created a class Sample that contains private data members A and B.

在这里,我们创建了一个类Sample ,其中包含私有数据成员AB。

As we know that, we cannot access the private members outside the class. Here, we defined a non-member function as a friend function that can access private members.

众所周知,我们无法访问课程之外的私人成员。 在这里,我们将非成员函数定义为可以访问私有成员的朋友函数。

Then, we set the values into A and B and printed.


Program 2:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample {
int A, B;
void fun();
friend void fun()
Sample S;
S.A = 10;
S.B = 20;
cout << S.A << " " << S.B << endl;
int main()
return 0;



main.cpp:9:1: error: ‘friend’ used outside of class
friend void fun()
main.cpp: In function ‘void fun()’:
main.cpp:13:7: error: ‘int Sample::A’ is private within this context
S.A = 10;
main.cpp:5:9: note: declared private here
int A, B;
main.cpp:14:7: error: ‘int Sample::B’ is private within this context
S.B = 20;
main.cpp:5:12: note: declared private here
int A, B;
main.cpp:16:15: error: ‘int Sample::A’ is private within this context
cout << S.A << " " << S.B << endl;
main.cpp:5:9: note: declared private here
int A, B;
main.cpp:16:29: error: ‘int Sample::B’ is private within this context
cout << S.A << " " << S.B << endl;
main.cpp:5:12: note: declared private here
int A, B;



This code will generate an error because we are accessing the private members of class Sample in the function fun() but did not define fun() as a friend within the class. We need to define fun() as a friend inside the class.

该代码将产生错误,因为我们正在访问fun()函数中的Sample类的私有成员,但未将fun()定义为该类中的朋友 。 我们需要将fun()定义为类中的朋友。

class Sample
int A,B;
friend void fun();

Program 3:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample {
int A, B;
friend void fun();
friend void fun()
Sample S;
S.A = 10;
S.B = 20;
cout << S.A << " " << S.B << endl;
int main()
return 0;



main.cpp:9:1: error: ‘friend’ used outside of class
friend void fun()



This code will generate an error because we used friend keyword in the definition of the function fun(). We cannot use a friend keyword outside the class.

该代码将产生错误,因为我们在函数fun()的定义中使用了friend关键字。 我们不能在课程外使用friend关键字。

Program 4:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample1 {
int A, B;
friend class Sample2;
class Sample2 {
int X, Y;
void fun1()
Sample1 S;
S.A = 10;
S.B = 20;
cout << S.A << " " << S.B << endl;
int main()
Sample2 S;
return 0;



main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:27:12: error: ‘void Sample2::fun1()’ is private within this context
main.cpp:14:10: note: declared private here
void fun1()



This code will generate an error, we are accessing the private member function fun1() in the main() function.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/friend-function-find-output-programs-set-1.aspx

c ++查找字符串

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