YouTube is the great time-waster. It’s no secret that we all spend a great deal of time on it watching video after video. What you may not realize is that all those videos are kept in your history, which you can clear or pause.

YouTube可以节省大量时间。 大家都花大量时间在视频上观看视频已经不是什么秘密了。 您可能没有意识到,所有这些视频都保留在您的历史记录中,您可以清除或暂停。

We’ve discussed other aspects to YouTube in the past such as how to disable annotations from automatically appearing in videos. Today, the subject is your ever-growing watch history, which may be the result of years of cat videos.

过去,我们已经讨论了YouTube的其他方面,例如如何禁止注释自动显示在视频中。 今天,这个主题是您不断增长的观看记录,这可能是猫录像带多年的结果。

If you’re logged in with your Google account, then whenever you watch anything on YouTube, it will be logged to your history. Regardless of whether you’re watching videos on or something embedded in a webpage, if you watch it, it is added to your history.

如果您使用Google帐户登录,那么只要您在YouTube上观看任何内容,它都会被记录到您的历史记录中。 无论您是在YouTube.com上观看视频还是嵌入在网页中的视频,只要您观看,它都会被添加到您的历史记录中。

To view your YouTube history, you first want to make sure you’re logged into your account, and then you will click on the “History” link in the left navigation pane.


Note, under “watch history” you will see two options to “clear all watch history” and “pause watch history”.


The first option will obviously clear your entire history from now until the beginning of time. Make sure that if there’s anything you’ve watched that you enjoyed, that you add it as a favorite or to a playlist.

第一个选项显然会清除从现在到时间开始的整个历史记录。 确保如果您喜欢看过任何东西,请将其添加为收藏夹或播放列表。

Clearing you history is total and permanent, meaning it cannot be undone.


Alternatively, you can pause your watch history, which prevents anything you watch from being added to you history until you unpause it.


If clearing your entire watch history doesn’t sound appealing, but there are videos you want to prune, then you can delete single videos from your watch history by clicking the small “X” in the upper-right corner of each video in your history.

如果清除整个观看记录听起来不那么吸引人,但是您想删除一些视频,则可以通过单击历史记录中每个视频右上角的小“ X”,从观看记录中删除单个视频。 。

Removing individual videos is quick and permanent. You won’t be asked if you’re sure or to confirm deletion. It will just happen so make sure you actually want to delete a video first.

删除单个视频既快速又永久。 系统不会询问您是否确定或确认删除。 这只会发生,因此请确保您确实要先删除视频。

Many people may simply elect to pause their history and clear out some videos individually. Of course, if your history is years long and contains thousands of watched videos, then that may not necessarily be practical. In that case, you may simply want to purge the whole thing.

许多人可能只是选择暂停他们的历史记录并单独清除一些视频。 当然,如果您的历史悠久,并且包含成千上万的观看视频,那么这不一定是切实可行的。 在这种情况下,您可能只想清除整个内容。

Before we wrap things up, we want to point out that you can also clear your YouTube search history as well.


Similar to your watch history, there are options to clear your entire history as well as pause it.


You can also remove individual searches from your history by clicking the three dots to the right, as pictured in the screenshot below.


So there you have it. It’s really as simple as that. Again, just make sure you don’t have anything in your watch history that you might want to preserve, and if you do, favorite them or add them to a playlist.

所以你有它。 就这么简单。 同样,只要确保您的观看历史记录中没有想要保留的任何内容,如果喜欢,可以收藏它们或将它们添加到播放列表中。

If you found this article useful, please let us know by sounding off in our discussion forum.




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