Google now offers a tool that automatically deletes your search and activity history from YouTube. By default, your data is stored forever, but it can be wiped from Google’s servers every 3 or 18 months.

Google现在提供了一种工具,可以自动从YouTube 删除您的搜索和活动记录。 默认情况下,您的数据将永久保存,但每3个月或18个月可以从Google的服务器中擦除一次。

Similar auto-delete settings are available for your location history as well as your “Web & app history.” These aren’t just privacy settings—choosing to wipe your history regularly means Google won’t use that wiped YouTube history to personalize your video recommendations.

类似的自动删除设置可用于您的位置记录以及“网络和应用程序记录”。 这些不只是隐私设置-选择定期擦除您的历史记录意味着Google不会使用擦除的YouTube历史记录来个性化您的视频推荐。

从YouTube移动应用自动删除历史记录 (Automatically Delete History from YouTube Mobile App)

You can set up automatic history deletion directly from your smartphone or tablet. That’s convenient because more than 50 percent of all YouTube viewership happens on the video service’s mobile apps.

您可以直接从智能手机或平板电脑设置自动删除历史记录。 这很方便,因为所有YouTube观看次数的50%以上发生在视频服务的移动应用程序上。

To start, open the “YouTube” app on your device. If you can’t find it on your home screen or app drawer, iPhone and iPad owners can use Apple’s Spotlight search to find the app, and Android users can use Google’s search bar.

首先,在设备上打开“ YouTube”应用。 如果您无法在主屏幕或应用程序抽屉上找到它,则iPhone和iPad所有者可以使用Apple的Spotlight搜索来查找应用程序,而Android用户可以使用Google的搜索栏。

Next, tap on your account avatar in the top-right corner of the app.


Scroll down to the bottom of the list and select the “Settings” option.


Scroll down to the “History & privacy” section. Select the “Manage all activity” option.

向下滚动到“历史记录和隐私”部分。 选择“管理所有活动”选项。

You should now be in the YouTube History page. Tap “Choose to delete automatically” located just above the list of previously-watched YouTube videos.

您现在应该在YouTube历史记录页面中。 点击以前观看的YouTube视频列表正上方的“选择自动删除”。

(Don’t want to store any history at all? You can tap “Change setting” under YouTube History Is On to stop YouTube from keeping a history of videos you’ve watched and searches you’ve made.)

(根本不想存储任何历史记录。您可以在“ YouTube历史记录处于启用状态”下点击“更改设置”,以阻止YouTube保留您观看的视频和进行的搜索的历史记录。)

Now, choose how long you want to keep your YouTube History. By default, your history is only deleted when done so manually. You can change this setting so that YouTube automatically deletes history older than 18 months or three months.

现在,选择要保留YouTube历史记录的时间。 默认情况下,您的历史记录仅在手动完成后才被删除。 您可以更改此设置,以便YouTube自动删除18个月或3个月以上的历史记录。

After you make a selection, tap the “Next” button.


The YouTube History Activity page will explain what your decision means. It will also list several examples of video history that will be automatically deleted.

YouTube历史记录活动页面将说明您的决定意味着什么。 它还将列出将自动删除的视频历史记录的几个示例。

Tap on “Confirm” to save the automatic YouTube history setting.


自动从“我的Google活动”中删除历史记录 (Automatically Delete History from My Google Activity)

To delete your YouTube history automatically from your desktop or mobile browser, head to the YouTube History website. Make sure you’re signed into the Google account associated with your YouTube account.

要从台式机或移动浏览器中自动删除YouTube历史记录,请访问YouTube历史记录网站 。 确保您已登录与您的YouTube帐户关联的Google帐户。

Alternatively, you can head to the “My Google activity” website and manually navigate to the YouTube History section.

或者,您可以转到“ 我的Google活动 ”网站,然后手动导航到“ YouTube历史记录”部分。

If you jumped directly to the YouTube History website, skip the next two steps. Continue following these instructions if you visited the My Google Activity website.

如果您直接跳至YouTube历史记录网站,请跳过接下来的两个步骤。 如果您访问了我的Google Activity网站,请继续按照以下说明进行操作。

Click the “Activity controls” option found in the navigation menu on the left side of the page.


Note: Click the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner to expand the side menu if it’s hidden.

注意:如果隐藏了侧边菜单, 单击左上角的汉堡菜单图标以展开。

Scroll down to the “YouTube History” block and select the “Manage activity” option.

向下滚动到“ YouTube历史记录”块,然后选择“管理活动”选项。

(Don’t want to store any history at all? You can disable the “YouTube History” option here to prevent YouTube from keeping any history, or just uncheck the “Include the YouTube videos you watch” or “Include your searches on YouTube” options to stop YouTube from keeping your watch and search history in the first place.)

(根本不想存储任何历史记录。您可以在此处禁用“ YouTube历史记录”选项,以防止YouTube保留任何历史记录,或者仅取消选中“包括您观看的YouTube视频”或“包括您在YouTube上的搜索”阻止YouTube首先保留您的观看和搜索记录的选项。)

From the YouTube History website, click “Choose to delete automatically” located in the box displaying how often the history data is deleted.


You can choose how long to keep your YouTube History. By default, your history is only deleted when done so manually. You can change this setting so that YouTube automatically deletes history older than 18 months or three months.

您可以选择将YouTube历史记录保留多长时间。 默认情况下,您的历史记录仅在手动完成后才被删除。 您可以更改此设置,以便YouTube自动删除18个月或3个月以上的历史记录。

After you make a selection, tap the “Next” button.


You will now be asked to confirm your selection. YouTube will also provide examples of some of the videos that will be wiped from your history.

现在将要求您确认选择。 YouTube还将提供一些从您的历史记录中删除的视频的示例。

Click the “Confirm” button to save the automatic YouTube history setting.


In the future, it would be nice if YouTube added an option to either customize the amount of time before automatically deleting history or adding a daily limit. In the meantime, you can always jump back to the YouTube History page and manually wiping the slate clean.

将来,如果YouTube添加了一个选项来自定义时间长度,然后自动删除历史记录或添加每日限制,那就太好了。 同时,您随时可以跳回“ YouTube历史记录”页面,并手动将板岩擦干净。



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