
Longest Increasing Subsequence

A subsequence of a permutation is a collection of elements of the permutation in the order that they appear. For example, (5, 3, 4) is a subsequence of (5, 1, 3, 4, 2).

A subsequence is increasing if the elements of the subsequence increase, and decreasing if the elements decrease. For example, given the permutation (8, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 4, 3, 9), an increasing subsequence is (2, 6, 7, 9), and a decreasing subsequence is (8, 6, 5, 4, 3). You may verify that these two subsequences are as long as possible.

Given: A positive integer n≤10000 followed by a permutation π of length n.
Sample input

5 1 4 2 3

Return: A longest increasing subsequence of π, followed by a longest decreasing subsequence of π.
Sample output

1 2 3
5 4 2











public class Longest_Increasing_Subsequence动态规划 {public static void main(String[] args) {//1.读取数据并进行检查int[] permutationπ = BufferedReader("C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/Downloads/rosalind_lgis.txt");
//        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(permutationπ));//检查数据//2.最长递增序列longestIncrease(permutationπ);//3.最长递减序列longestDecrease(permutationπ);}public static void longestIncrease(int[] permutationπ){//2.建立动态规划数组int[] dp = new int[permutationπ.length];List<List<Integer>> increaseArray = new ArrayList<>();//建一个装集合的集合[学术程稻属]// 初始化increaseArray和dp数组List<Integer> start = new ArrayList<>();start.add(permutationπ[0]);increaseArray.add(start);dp[0] = 1;for (int i = 1; i < permutationπ.length; i++) {List<Integer> Tempincrease = new ArrayList<>();dp[i] = 1;for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {//最长递增序列if (permutationπ[i] > permutationπ[j]) {dp[i] = Math.max(dp[j] + 1, dp[i]);if (Tempincrease.size()<increaseArray.get(j).size()){Tempincrease = increaseArray.get(j);}}}//!!!!构建临时集合以避免同名变量覆盖之前increaseArray集合中的数据List<Integer> Temp = new ArrayList<>();for (Integer ele : Tempincrease) {Temp.add(ele);}Temp.add(permutationπ[i]);increaseArray.add(Temp);
//            System.out.println(increaseArray);//检查数据}List<Integer> max = new ArrayList<>();for (List<Integer> ele : increaseArray) {if (max.size()<ele.size()){max = ele;}}for (Integer ele : max) {System.out.print(ele+" ");}System.out.println();}public static void longestDecrease(int[] permutationπ){//2.建立动态规划数组int[] dp = new int[permutationπ.length];List<List<Integer>> decreaseArray = new ArrayList<>();//建一个装集合的集合[学术程稻属]// 初始化increaseArray和dp数组List<Integer> start = new ArrayList<>();start.add(permutationπ[0]);decreaseArray.add(start);dp[0] = 1;for (int i = 1; i < permutationπ.length; i++) {List<Integer> Tempdecrease = new ArrayList<>();dp[i] = 1;for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {//最长递减序列if (permutationπ[i] < permutationπ[j]) {dp[i] = Math.max(dp[j] + 1, dp[i]);if (Tempdecrease.size()<decreaseArray.get(j).size()){Tempdecrease = decreaseArray.get(j);}}}//构建临时集合以避免同名变量覆盖之前increaseArray集合中的数据List<Integer> Temp = new ArrayList<>();for (Integer ele : Tempdecrease) {Temp.add(ele);}Temp.add(permutationπ[i]);decreaseArray.add(Temp);}List<Integer> max = new ArrayList<>();for (List<Integer> ele : decreaseArray) {if (max.size()<ele.size()){max = ele;}}for (Integer ele : max) {System.out.print(ele+" ");}}//读取以空格分隔的数字,并保存到字符串数组中public static int[] BufferedReader(String path) {BufferedReader reader;String[] perm = new String[1];try {reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));String line = reader.readLine();String line2 = reader.readLine();perm = line2.split("\\s+");reader.close();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}int[] permutationπ = new int[perm.length];for (int i = 0; i < perm.length; i++) {int number = Integer.parseInt(perm[i]);permutationπ[i] = number;}return permutationπ;}


改进的空间也是有的,例如本例中的dp数组。本文通过构建ArrayList increaseArray /decreaseArray 实现了动态储存,节省运算资源和储存空间。新建的dp数组用于保存最长递增序列的元素个数,能有助于输出最长递增集合个数,但在本题中对于输出最长递增集合元素没有帮助。故代码中可以省略,有兴趣的小伙伴可以自行尝试精简代码。

感谢大佬EmmettPeng对于动态规划的分析,思路讲解在这篇博客中写的十分详细:【Rosalind】Longest Increasing Subsequence - 动态规划算法(Dynamic Programming)初探.

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