iphone 键盘兼容

With iOS 11, Apple added a one-handed keyboard option to the iPhone. This should make it easier to type while holding a larger iPhone in a single hand. Both right-handed and left-handed keyboards are available.

在iOS 11上,Apple向iPhone添加了单手键盘选项。 这样一来,单手握住较大的iPhone时,键入起来会更容易。 右手和左手键盘都可用。

Note that this one-handed keyboard only exists on 4.7- and 5.5-inch iPhones (like the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus)—it doesn’t exist on smaller iPhones like the SE, nor does it exist on the iPod Touch or iPad.

请注意,此单手键盘仅在4.7英寸和5.5英寸iPhone(如iPhone 8和8 Plus)上存在-在较小的iPhone(如SE)上不存在,在iPod Touch或iPad上也不存在。

快速切换到单手键盘 (Quickly Switch to the One-Handed Keyboard)

To quickly switch to the one-handed keyboard while typing, long-press the emoji key on the keyboard. When the pop-up menu appears, select either the left-handed or right-handed keyboard icons.

要在键入时快速切换到单手键盘,请长按键盘上的表情符号键。 出现弹出菜单时,选择左手或右手键盘图标。

To return to the default two-handed keyboard, just tap the arrow button at the left or right side of the keyboard. You can also long-press the emoji key once again and tap the two-handed keyboard icon.

要返回默认的双手键盘,只需点击键盘左侧或右侧的箭头按钮。 您也可以再次长按表情符号键,然后点击双手键盘图标。

If you have multiple keyboards enabled, you’ll see a globe-shaped international keyboard key. Long-press the globe key instead of the emoji key to open the menu.

如果启用了多个键盘,则会看到一个球形的国际键盘键。 长按地球键(而不是表情符号键)以打开菜单。

If you don’t see an emoji or globe key, this means you’ve disabled all additional keyboards, including the emoji keyboard. To re-enable the emoji keyboard, head to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > Emoji. The emoji key will reappear on your keyboard.

如果您没有看到表情符号或地球键,则表示您已禁用所有其他键盘,包括表情符号键盘。 要重新启用表情符号键盘,请转至设置>常规>键盘>键盘>添加新键盘>表情符号。 表情符号键将重新出现在键盘上。

将单手键盘设置为默认键盘 (Set the One-Handed Keyboard as Your Default)

You can also set the one-handed keyboard as your default keyboard, if you prefer it. To do so, head to Settings > General > Keyboard > One Handed Keyboard and select either “Left” for the left-handed keyboard or “Right” for the right-handed keyboard.

如果愿意,也可以将单手键盘设置为默认键盘。 为此,请转到设置>常规>键盘>单手键盘,然后为左手键盘选择“左”或为右手键盘选择“右”。

To restore the two-handed keyboard as your default keyboard, return here and select “Off”.


Third-party keyboards may also have a one-handed mode. For example, Google’s Gboard keyboard also allows you to select a “One-handed mode” option after you long-press on the globe option. So even if you don’t use Apple’s keyboard, give this a shot and see if your keyboard of choice has a similar option.

第三方键盘也可能具有单手模式。 例如,在长按Globe选项后, Google的Gboard键盘还允许您选择“单手模式”选项。 因此,即使您不使用Apple的键盘,也请尝试一下,看看您选择的键盘是否具有类似的选项。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327447/how-to-use-the-one-handed-keyboard-on-your-iphone/

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