这是我遇到的第一道2-SAT问题。将两条边记为x和y。如果x和y相交,那么x和y不能同时在环外(即都取true),也不能同时在环内(即都取false)。前者,我们有x->~y, y -> ~x;后者,我们有~x->y, ~y -> x。


thestoryofsnow 3207 Accepted 1236K 79MS C++ 3532B
ID: thestor1
TASK: poj3207
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>using namespace std;// const int MAXN = 1000;
const int MAXM = 500;class Edge
public:int a, b;Edge() {}Edge(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) {}inline bool operator< (const Edge &rhs) const {return a < rhs.a || (a == rhs.a && b < rhs.b);}
};bool isundefined(int u, vector<int> &indexes)
{return indexes[u] < 0;
}void strongconnect(int u, int &index, vector<int> &indexes, vector<int> &lowlinks, int &SCCNO, vector<int> &sccnos, stack<int> &S, vector<bool> &onStack, const vector<vector<int> > &adjs)
{// Set the depth index for u to the smallest unused indexindexes[u] = index;lowlinks[u] = index;index++;S.push(u);onStack[u] = true;// Consider successors of ufor (int i = 0; i < adjs[u].size(); ++i){int v = adjs[u][i];if (isundefined(v, indexes)){// Successor v has not yet been visited; recurse on itstrongconnect(v, index, indexes, lowlinks, SCCNO, sccnos, S, onStack, adjs);lowlinks[u] = min(lowlinks[u], lowlinks[v]);}else if (onStack[v]){// Successor v is in stack S and hence in the current SCClowlinks[u] = min(lowlinks[u], lowlinks[v]);    }}// If u is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCCif (indexes[u] == lowlinks[u]){// start a new strongly connected componentwhile (true){int v = S.top();S.pop();onStack[v] = false;// add v to current strongly connected componentsccnos[v] = SCCNO;if (v == u){break;}}SCCNO++;}
}// Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarjan%27s_strongly_connected_components_algorithm
void tarjan(const int N, const vector<vector<int> > &adjs, int &SCCNO, vector<int> &sccnos)
{int index = 0;vector<int> indexes(N, -1);vector<int> lowlinks(N, -1);stack<int> S;vector<bool> onStack(N, false);for (int u = 0; u < N; ++u){if (isundefined(u, indexes)){strongconnect(u, index, indexes, lowlinks, SCCNO, sccnos, S, onStack, adjs);}}}int main()
{int n, m;scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);Edge edges[MAXM];for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i){scanf("%d%d", &edges[i].a, &edges[i].b);if (edges[i].a > edges[i].b){int t = edges[i].a;edges[i].a = edges[i].b;edges[i].b = t;}}sort(edges, edges + m);// in the 2-SAT sense, if i is x, then i + n is ~xvector<vector<int> > adjs(2 * m, std::vector<int>());for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i){for (int j = i + 1; j < m && edges[j].a < edges[i].b; ++j){if (edges[j].b > edges[i].b){// i interleaves with j, then x (i) and y (j) can not both be true// then if x is true, y should be false (that is, ~y is true)//  x -> ~yadjs[i].push_back(j + m);adjs[j].push_back(i + m);adjs[i + m].push_back(j);adjs[j + m].push_back(i);    }}}int SCCNO = 0;vector<int> sccnos(2 * m, -1);tarjan(2 * m, adjs, SCCNO, sccnos);bool conflict = false;for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i){// if both x and ~x are true, we have conflicts hereif (sccnos[i] == sccnos[i + m]){conflict = true;break;}}if (conflict){printf("the evil panda is lying again\n");}else{printf("panda is telling the truth...\n");}return 0;

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