
Field userService in com.lyh.Controller.UserController required a bean of ...



SpringBoot 错误:Field userService in com.lyh.Controller.UserController required a bean of...相关推荐

  1. 启动SpringBoot报错:Field userService in com.sunshin.controller.UserController required a bean of type...

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  2. 解决办法 Field userService in com.sxsj.controller.RegistLoginController required a bean of type

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  5. Field XXXService in com.XXX.controller.XXX required a bean of type ‘com.XXX.mapper.xxx‘that could no

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  6. Field myFeignClient in com.zkh.controller.FeignController required a bean of type 'com.zkh.feign.MyF

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  7. Field rightsService in com.jt.controller.RightsController required a bean of type ‘com.jt.service.R

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  8. Field studentMapper in com.zhongxia.controller.StudentController required a bean of type 'com.zhongx

    springboot用mybatis时的时候出现这个错误 解决办法:在springboot启动类中加入 @MapperScan("mapper的路径")

  9. Field userClient in com.xxx.UserController required a bean of type“com.xxx“that could not be found.

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