

2,不定词(to V)


②作形容词:修饰名词,N+ to V,something...to V


3,祈使句:Do it right now.

直述句:Doing/To do it right now is important.

Sleeping/To sleep eight hours a day is good for health. 一天睡八小时有益健康,be good for health

It is good for health to sleep eight hours a day.

Swimming /To swim at the beath is a lot of fun.

It is a lot of fun to swim at the beath.

It's no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。



You have to give up smoking.  give up(动词片语) + Ving

I like watching basketball games on TV.

2,下列动词之后接Ving或to V当受词,意义不变:like, love, hate, learn, start, begin等。

They began dancing/to dance faster and faster.

3,下列动词之后接Ving或to V当受词,意义改变:stop, remember, forget, try等。

*to V(未做),Ving(已做)

The man stopped talking. 停止讲话。

The man stopped to talk to a newsboy. 停下来去跟报童讲话。

I'm tried, i have to stop working/to take a rest.

She remembered meeting him somewhere. 她记得曾在哪里见过他。

She remembered to meet him at the station. 她记得要去火车站见他。

Remember to preview your lessons before class and (remember to) review your lessons after class.

Lucy forgot sending me a card.  忘记曾经寄过卡片给我。

Lucy forgot to send me a card.  忘记寄卡片给我。

Don't forget to send me a card on Christmas.

Try to(设法) slove the problem before ten o'clock.

Try(尝试) knocking at the back door if nobody hear you at front door.

4,下列动词之后只能接Ving,mind, enjoy, finish, practice, miss, quit, understand, give, avoid等

*can't help/stand不能忍、忍不住,It's no use/good没有用

Would(aux助动词) you mind waiting for me/if i sit next to you?  mind介意(v)、心智(n)

I made up my mind(V=decide) to wait for her.

These students practice speaking English every day.

I can't help laughing at him. 我忍不住嘲笑他,laugh at + 人


He is interested in playing hide and seek.  躲猫猫游戏,You'll be it.你当鬼。be interested in 某人对...感兴趣

We're thinking about buying a washing machine.我们正考虑买一台洗衣机。



My work is washing cars. 事实,已知

My work is to wash car.  计划

One of my hobbies is collecting stamps.

2,在其他句型中的Ving,go Ving 或 go N  Ving,名词N前面不加冠词(a/an/the),后面不加s/es,去从事...活动

go  +  golfing(打高尔夫球)/fishing(去钓鱼)/hunting(打猎)/bowling(打保龄球)/skating(溜冰)/swimming(去游泳)/hiking(去健行)/sailing(去航行)/picnicking(去航行)

go window shopping 逛街,不买,go shopping逛街,不一定会买,可能买

go   +  mountain climbing/bike riding/bird watching,climb a mountain爬山

3,do + a lot of/a little + Ving,做...事

I'm busy, but i still do a little painting.

Do you have to do a lot of traveling in your work?

4,be busy/have trouble/have fun + ...(in) Ving

My mom was busy cooking dinner.

I had trouble finding out the answer to the question.

5,There is no Ving...,...是没办法做到的

There is no telling what will happen next.

There is no knowing who did it.

I remember seeing Mr.Smith tomorrow.

Would you mind going to London on business?

Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one.  做完finish doing

I can't help feeling worried about his health.

I apologize for not keeping my promise.


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