



1,变得,become + 形容词/名词, get, grow, come, go + 形容词

Come home before it gets dark. 天黑前回家。come home/go home,come true, go wrong

My dream will come true in the future.我的梦想未来会实现。

She went red with(因为) anger.满脸通红

2,...起来,+ (形容词)/(like介+名词)

look(看起来), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), fell(感觉起来) ...

It sounds great.

It sounds like a true story.

The cloth feels soft.摸起来很软。cloth布,clothes衣服(复)

The cloth feels like silk.摸起来像丝。

*注意,feel like + Ving/n(想要),feel like(大概...似的)

I don't feel like taking a walk now.

It feels like rain.

3,保持...(状态),keep, stay

She kept calm during the earthquake.

The weather is going to stay fine for a few days.



2,句型:S + 授与动词 +(人+物) / (物+介+人)

She asked me a question. = She asked a question of me.


①to: give, show, pass, pay, sell, send, teath

②for: buy, make, cook, get, find, play, sing...

③of: ask

Will you lend me your pen?/ lend you pen to me?


I borrowed many story books from my friend.

His mother bought (hime a CD player/ a CD player for him/ it for him).



①make(强迫)/have(叫)+受词+VR,get(叫...)+受词+to V

②let(让)+受词+VR,help(帮忙)+受词+(to) V

Our parents made us brush our teeth three times a day.

I'll get them to try it again.

He helped me (to) paint the wall green.


1,感觉(feel),器官(眼看: see, notice, watch, look at,耳听: hear, lister to) + 受词 + VR/Ving

I looked(+at+O) carefully but saw nothing.我注意看了,但什么也没看见。

I saw him mow/mowing the lawn.

I noticed her stand/standing behind me. 我注意到她站在我后面。




①S(事物) + 情绪V + O(人)




The computer  game interests.

The computer game is iteresting to young people.

Young people are interested in the computer game.

Young people take/ have interest in the computer game.


*人 beV + (interested in/ surprised at/ excited about/ embarrassed about/ worried about/ bored with/ satisfied with) + 事物

Tom is boring, so nobody wants to be with him.

I am bored with his endless tales.


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