Put your hands up if the amount of times you wash your hands a day has quadrupled since February 2020.

P UT你的手如果倍量你洗你的手,每天自2020年2月翻了两番。

I can’t speak for where you are in the world, but over here in the United Kingdom, there’s great emphasis placed on the frequency of handwashing.


There have been government-backed campaigns on the education of handwashing efficacy and general hand cleanliness.

已经有政府支持的关于洗手功效和一般洗手卫生教育的运动 。

Sanitising stations are commonplace in several central London transport hubs. And yet there is still understandable reluctance in the general public’s return to normalcy.

消毒站在伦敦市中心的几个交通枢纽很普遍。 然而,公众恢复正常状态仍然存在不容回避的感觉。

Transport bodies are even considering free transport initiative to encourage the public to venture out back into cities and use transport facilities.


Photo by Mélissa Jeanty on Unsplash
MélissaJeanty在 Unsplash上的 照片

But it seems that no matter how much I wash, sanitise and scrub my hands; when I step into a public environment, I’m still cautious of putting my hands near my mouth, eyes, and nose.

但是,无论我洗手多少,洗手多少和擦洗多少,似乎都没有问题。 当我进入公共环境时,我仍然对将手靠近嘴,眼睛和鼻子保持谨慎。

Since February there has been an influx of articles advising individuals on how to avoid touching their faces; see here, here and here.

自二月以来,有大量文章建议个人如何避免触摸自己的脸。 看到这里 , 这里和这里 。

The tips from health organisation and experts are helpful and worth incorporating into your daily routine to form a habit. Social distancing, elbow-elbow greeting and good hand hygiene are now rooted in our daily lives.

卫生组织和专家的提示是有帮助的,值得将其纳入您的日常工作中以养成习惯。 社交疏远,肘肘打招呼和良好的手部卫生已经植根于我们的日常生活中。

But if you are human like me, sometimes you forget.


We forget to be cautious.


提醒我 (Remind Me)

insung yoon on insung yoon在 Unsplash Unsplash拍摄

By day I’m a Computer Vision Engineer, and at night I tinker with various forms of technology.


Most of my evenings are spent either writing about Artificial Intelligence topics or nerding away on side projects.


Regardless of the time of day, my smartwatch never fails to vibrate. Messages, events, notifications and alarms all trigger slight nudges on my smartwatch device as if to scream “pay attention!”.

无论一天中的什么时间,我的智能手表都不会振动。 消息,事件,通知和警报都会在我的智能手表设备上引起轻微的推动,仿佛在尖叫“ 注意! ”。

After some discussions with some clever friends of mine, over Zoom, I suggested tinkering with some code and creating a smartwatch app that can remind me to stop touching my face, or at least remind me to be cautious about hand to face contact.


The idea is pretty simple. My smartwatch device will send a slight nudge if my watch arm was either next to or touching my face.

这个 想法 很简单。 如果我的手表臂靠近或触摸我的脸,我的智能手表设备会发出轻微的推动。

The aim was to have a form of a reminder that didn’t depend on my ability to stay constantly vigilant and cautious.


技术 (Technical)

Clément H on 克莱门特^ h上 Unsplash Unsplash

Smartwatches are jam-packed with sensors, accelerometer, gyroscopes, barometer, GPS etc.


The data received by these sensors provide numerical information about your physical state, your environment and motion.


Smartwatches ability to detect motion isn’t a surprise to most readers, especially when smartwatches typically tell you information such as your heart rate, steps taken, sleep length, hydration levels etc.


Using some software magic and my rusty app development knowledge, I managed to put together an actual smartwatch application that can give you a nudge when I was touching my face or just about to.


I called it Moretion(marriage between the words More and Motion).

我称它为 Moretion (更多与运动之间的婚姻)。

Let me explain how it all works.


使用启发式 (Using Heuristics)

Smartwatch sensors spew out numerical data constantly.


Below is an image of what a subsection of numerical data from sensors can look like.


Just a bunch of numbers. (Image by author)
只是一堆数字。 (作者提供的图片)

The numbers in the image above probably don't make much sense to you, but when we plot some charts form these numbers, we get images that seem to provide a bit more sense.


Accelerometer data plotted
Gyroscope data plotted

You probably can notice a bunch of repeating patterns in the charts above — feel free to look again.


What you are observing is me moving my hands towards and away from my face a bunch of times.


To detect when my hand was about to or already touching my face, all I had to do was select a threshold and get the smartwatch to vibrate when the threshold was reached or exceeded.


This simple idea worked pretty well, I will discuss some more finding soon, but let me share with you another interesting aspect of this project.


使用机器学习 (Using Machine Learning)

I wouldn’t be doing this experimental project any justice if I didn’t use a bit of my machine learning knowledge.


Most machine learning applications or “AI” are powered by neural networks. A bunch of intelligent researchers have, to some degree, replicated the interactions between neurons in our brains with some cleverly written algorithms.

大多数机器学习应用程序或“ AI”都由神经网络提供支持。 一群聪明的研究人员在某种程度上已经通过一些巧妙编写的算法复制了大脑中神经元之间的相互作用。

Neural networks are good recognising patterns, and humans are also good at doing this too; it’s why you quickly noticed the oscillating patterns in the charts within the images above.

神经网络是很好的识别模式,人类也很擅长这样做。 这就是为什么您很快在上图中的图表中注意到了振荡模式的原因。

Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) are utilised for detecting and predicting patterns within temporal data, just like the numbers in the image shown earlier.


Temporal data are usually structured sequentially, this makes RNNs extract features from data easily — there is more to it, but it’s beyond the scope of this article.


Future versions of the Moretion application will have these neural networks implemented. Moretion will essentially be able to predict arm to face movement and send you a nudge before you fully complete the move itself.

Moretion应用程序的未来版本将实现这些神经网络。 在完全完成移动本身之前,Moretion基本上可以预测手臂到面对的移动并向您发送微动。

结果 (Results)

Falster 3 by Skagen Skagen的Falster 3

I’ve been using Moretion experimentally on Falster 3 smartwatch equipped with Wear OS by Google. I mostly turn the app on when I’m in public places like the London underground, trains, public parks etc.

我一直在配备Google Wear OS的Falster 3智能手表上实验性地使用Moretion。 当我在伦敦地铁,火车,公园等公共场所时,我通常会打开该应用程序。

There is no doubt that the nudge from my smartwatch does remind me that I should limit the number of times I’m touching my face. Sometimes I even forget that I have switched on Moretion and I’m taken by surprise when I get the ‘bzzz bzzz’ nudge from my smartwatch.

毫无疑问,智能手表的微调确实提醒我应该限制触摸脸部的次数。 有时,我什至忘记了我开启了Moretion,当我从智能手表上看到“ bzzz bzzz”微调时,我感到很惊讶。

If you have a Wear OS enabled smartwatch, then you can give Moretion a spin if you are curious. The application is still experimental and I’ll be conducting plenty of updates to it soon. At this point in time, it is in no shape or form a method of dependence, and you should always engage in good hand cleanliness.

如果您具有启用了Wear OS的智能手表,则可以在有好奇的情况下旋转Moretion。 该应用程序仍处于试验阶段,我将很快对其进行大量更新。 此时,它还没有形成任何形式或依赖的方法,您应该始终保持良好的手部清洁度。

Now there is a problem with Moretion that you might have noticed.


Moretion only nudges the wrist arm where the smartwatch is worn. When you touch your face with your other arm, you get no nudges or vibrations.

Moretion仅在佩戴智能手表的地方轻推腕臂。 当您用另一只手臂触摸脸部时,不会出现轻推或振动。

How to solve this is a challenge that I’ll be exploring soon, supposedly if enough people show interest in the project. I already have a few ideas in mind.

如果有足够的人对该项目感兴趣,那么我将很快探索如何解决这个问题。 我已经有了一些想法。

未来发展 (Future Development)

There’s still a lot of work to be done on Moretion.


Below are a few areas of work and research I’ll be exploring:


  • Battery Optimisation: Reading from multiple sensors is very expensive, battery wise. I’ve limited the running time of Moretion to a few hours and enable the application to function as a background process. There are plenty of more battery optimisation techniques that I can leverage to reduce battery consumption.

    电池优化:从电池角度来看,从多个传感器读取数据非常昂贵。 我将Moretion的运行时间限制为几个小时,并使该应用程序能够作为后台进程运行。 我可以利用许多其他的电池优化技术来减少电池消耗。

  • Apple, Fitbit: I am also working on an Apple version of Moretion and with some additional work, a Fitbit version can definitely be developed. I have developed a version of Moretion that works on both Apple and Fitbit smartwatches.

    苹果公司,Fitbit:我还正在开发Apple版本的Moretion,并且通过一些其他工作,肯定可以开发出Fitbit版本。 我已经开发了适用于Apple和Fitbit智能手表的Moretion版本。

  • NHS Approval: After undergoing some extensive research work and survey, if there is a benefit of using Moretion to limit the amount of hand to face contact, then I’ll be exploring the possibility of making it an officially approved NHS app. This is entirely depending on research efforts and Moretion usage results.

    NHS批准 :在进行了广泛的研究和调查之后,如果使用Moretion来限制手与脸的接触量会有益处,那么我将在探索使其成为正式批准的NHS应用的可能性。 这完全取决于研究工作和Moretion使用结果。

  • Research/Survey: There is a considerable amount of effort required to examine the effectiveness of the Moretion smartwatch application. This effort will involve user testing and monitoring when the smartwatch application is utilised.

    研究/调查 :要检查Moretion智能手表应用程序的有效性需要付出大量的精力。 这项工作将涉及用户测试和监视何时使用smartwatch应用程序。

信息和联系方式 (Information and Contact)

Moretion Logo Moretion徽标

如果您有配备Wear OS的智能手表,请随时尝试Moretion 。 (Feel free to try out Moretion if you have a smartwatch with Wear OS.)

Contact me to discuss other enquires or your experience with it.

与我联系 以讨论其他咨询或您的经验。

Connect with me on LinkedIn.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-im-using-smartwatch-sensors-to-limit-covid-19-infection-51abe04f81f9



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