Signals of most probably extra-terrestrial origin have been received and digitalized by The Aeronautic and Space Administration (that must be going through a defiant phase: “But I want to use feet, not meters!”). Each signal seems to come in two parts: a sequence of n integer values and a non-negative integer t. We’ll not go into details, but researchers found out that a signal encodes two integer values. These can be found as the lower and upper bound of a subrange of the sequence whose absolute value of its sum is closest to t.

You are given the sequence of n integers and the non-negative target t. You are to find a non-empty range of the sequence (i.e. a continuous subsequence) and output its lower index l and its upper index u. The absolute value of the sum of the values of the sequence from the l-th to the u-th element (inclusive) must be at least as close to t as the absolute value of the sum of any other non-empty range.
The input file contains several test cases. Each test case starts with two numbers n and k. Input is terminated by n=k=0. Otherwise, 1<=n<=100000 and there follow n integers with absolute values <=10000 which constitute the sequence. Then follow k queries for this sequence. Each query is a target t with 0<=t<=1000000000.
For each query output 3 numbers on a line: some closest absolute sum and the lower and upper indices of some range where this absolute sum is achieved. Possible indices start with 1 and go up to n.
Sample Input
5 1
-10 -5 0 5 10
10 2
-9 8 -7 6 -5 4 -3 2 -1 0
5 11
15 2
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
15 100
0 0
Sample Output
5 4 4
5 2 8
9 1 1
15 1 15
15 1 15

#define ll long long
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;const int maxx=1e5+100;
struct node{int num;int pos;bool operator<(const node &a)const{return num<a.num;}
int a[maxx];
int n,m;int main()
{while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)&&(n+m)){p[0].num=0;p[0].pos=0;//这里需要解释一下,因为这是前缀和,不是原来的数组,添加一个0是因为有可能从头开始取元素,那样的话,p[l].num需要为0才可以。for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {scanf("%d",&a[i]);p[i].num=p[i-1].num+a[i];p[i].pos=i;}sort(p,p+1+n);//从0开始排序。while(m--){int t;scanf("%d",&t);int ans=inf,Ans;int L=0,R=0;int l=0,r=1;while(r<=n){int res=p[r].num-p[l].num;if(abs(res-t)<ans){ans=abs(res-t);Ans=res;L=p[l].pos;R=p[r].pos;}if(res<t) r++;else if(res>t) l++;else break;if(l==r) r++;}if(L>R) swap(L,R);printf("%d %d %d\n",Ans,L+1,R);}}return 0;


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