


pedant 学究

molehill 鼹鼠打洞制造的小丘,小事,小困难

gullibility [,gʌli'biliti]轻信,易上当

busker 街头艺人


Five jobs no computer can replace

By Mr Colin Pringle.

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FT columnist Michael Skapinker published an article on March 20, in which he pointed out five irreplaceable careers: receptionist, climate researcher, care of the elderly, executive assistant, and pedant(or pedagogue).


Sir, I think Michael Skapinker’s “top five careers for the next 25 years” are valid, but aim too low. These five are likely to be the real winners.

Lawyer. Computers cannot readily replace the science of making a mountain out of a molehill. The computations are complex: dispute resolution = maximum billable hours * gullibility.

Politician. A role that definitely needs to be done by a human, despite strong impressions to the contrary. This is the career that all buskers aspire to. You must carry on banging your own drum while pretending to play everyone’s favourite tune on the flute. If you can’t get the crowd with you, let them help themselves to a few coins from the hat.

Banker. Few know exactly what a banker is. It sounds important and has the seal of mystery. Traditionally bankers simply charged a levy on the ownership of assets. More recently they have diversified into lucrative lines like “fixing” interest rates, foreign exchange and other “crook the house” strategies. Why are they so indispensable? In true mafia tradition, they can threaten: “If you want to see your money again . . . ”

Doctor. Tiberius Caesar(second emperor of Rome, stepson of Augustus) said he would have on his tombstone: “It was the crowd of physicians that killed me.” Doctors are always in demand – witness the time needed to make an appointment and the wait when you actually visit. The subjective nature of some ailments and the love of second opinions mean that it can take many doctors to replace a hip. No chance of redundancy here.

Spin-doctor. Not to be confused with a real doctor (or anything real). The very human art of persuading people to change direction by using misleading signposts guarantees these rally experts are always in demand by those desperate to be first past the finish line.


1. Where can we find whis article in FT?

a. Readers' letters.

b. Comments to Skapinker's article.

c. Satire column.

d. Guest commentator page.

2. The writer says lawyers can "make a mountain out of a molehill", what does this mean?

a. They always work with paper mountains.

b. They are good at diving into details.

c. They use tedious and lengthy language.

d. They always make a fuss from trivial things.

3. What is a "spin-doctor"?(You may go back to the last paragraph.)

a. Fashion & image consultant.

b. obbyst.

c. Fifty-center.

a. Propagandist.

4. What is the right match between a career and the reason it cannot be replaced, according to the passage?

a. lawyer--no computer can resolve disputes.

b. Politician--no computer can act like a busker.

c. Banker--no computer can anticipate interest or exchange rates.

d. Doctor--no computer can offer a second opinion during a surgery.

[1] 答案a. Readers' letters.


[2] 答案d. They always make a fuss from trivial things.

解释:"make a mountain out of a molehill"是句著名的谚语“小题大做”,不是指文件堆成的山,也不是褒义。

[3] 答案a. Fashion & image consultant.

解释:首先你需要知道spin一词除了“旋转”,还有“吐丝”的意思,引申义就是“编织、编造、忽悠”。spin-doctor显然是个贬义词,这些人通过粉饰、误导、断章取义等手段试图影响舆论使之对自己有利,一些政客的“公关人员”就是干这个的,其汉语翻译是“政治化妆师”。维基上的解释:"spin" often implies disingenuous, deceptive and/or highly manipulative tactics.

[4] 答案d. Doctor--no computer can offer a second opinion during a surgery.




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