
Apple doesn’t really believe in detailed instruction manuals, so some handy tricks slip through the cracks. One such trick we’ve recently discovered is that you can move multiple app icons at once on iOS. Here’s how.

Apple并不真正相信详细的说明手册,因此一些方便的技巧会贯穿其中。 我们最近发现的一种技巧是,您可以在iOS上一次移动多个应用程序图标。 这是如何做。

On the Home Screen, tap and hold an app icon until it starts to jiggle. Be careful not to press too firmly or you’ll activate 3D Touch.

在主屏幕上,点击并按住一个应用程序图标,直到它开始抖动。 注意不要过分用力,否则将激活3D Touch。

Update: Starting with iOS 13, you must now long-press an app icon and tap “Rearrange Apps” or long-press and hold until the icons start jiggling around.

更新:从iOS 13开始,您现在必须长按一个应用程序图标并点按“重新排列应用程序”,或者长按并按住直到图标开始晃动。

Next, tap and drag one icon to start moving it around the Home Screen.


To add another app, use another finger to tap its icon while you’re still holding down the first icon. Yes, you have to use two fingers at once! And you can keep adding icons to the stack the same way.

要添加其他应用,请在按住第一个图标的同时用另一根手指点击其图标。 是的,您必须同时使用两个手指! 您可以继续以相同的方式将图标添加到堆栈中。

You can then drag the stack of apps to wherever you want on your Home Screen.


And when you drop the stack, the icons fan out in the order they appear in the stack.





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