

I want to comment out a block of code in sublime text.

I see it in RailsCasts, but don't think he uses sublime text ... to do the following ...

if (uncommented)

some uncommented example

# if (commented)

# some commented example code

# end


Is there a shortcut in sublime text that I can use to insert the block of #'s?


The shortcut to comment out or uncomment the selected text or current line:

Windows: Ctrl+/

Mac: Command ⌘+/

Linux: Ctrl+Shift+/

Alternatively, use the menu: Edit > Comment

For the block comment you may want to use:

Windows: Ctrl+Shift+/

Mac: Command ⌘+Option/Alt+/


You're looking for the toggle_comment command. (Edit > Comment > Toggle Comment)

By default, this command is mapped to:

Ctrl+/ (On Windows and Linux)

Command ⌘+/ (On Mac)

This command also takes a block argument, which allows you to use block comments instead of single lines (e.g. /* ... */ as opposed to // ... in JavaScript). By default, the following key combinations are mapped to toggle block comments:

Ctrl+Shift+/ (On Windows and Linux)

Command ⌘+Alt+/ (On Mac)


With a non-US keyboard layout the default shortcut Ctrl+/ (Win/Linux) does not work.

I managed to change it into Ctrl+1 as per Robert's comment by writing



"keys": ["ctrl+1"],

"command": "toggle_comment",

"args": { "block": false }



{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+1"],

"command": "toggle_comment",

"args": { "block": true }



to Preferences -> Key Bindings (on the right half, the user keymap).

Note that there should be only one set of brackets ('[]') at the right side; if you had there something already, copy paste this between the brackets and keep only the outermost brackets.


Ctrl-/ will insert // style commenting, for javascript, etc

Ctrl-/ will insert comments for HTML,

Ctrl-/ will insert # comments for Ruby,


But does not work perfectly on HTML

HTML tags:

Ctrl-/ twice (ie Ctrl-/Ctrl-/) will effectively comment out the line:

The first Ctrl-/ adds // to the beginning of the line,

which comments out the script tag, but adds "//" text to your webpage.

The second Ctrl-/ then surrounds that in

style comments, which accomplishes the task.

Ctrl--Shift-/ does not produce multi-line comments on HTML (or even single line comments), but does

add /* */ style multi-line comments in Javascript, text, and other file formats.


[I added as a new answer since I could not add comments.

I included this info because this is the info I was looking for, and this is the only related StackOverflow page from my search results.

I since discovered the / / trick for HTML script tags and decided to share this additional information, since it requires a slight variation of the usual catch-all (and reported above)

/ and Ctrl--Shift-/ method of commenting out one's code in sublime.]


Just in case someone is using the Portuguese ABNT keyboard layout

The shortcut is

Ctrl + ;


Just an important note. If you have HTML comment and your uncomment doesn't work

(Maybe it's a PHP file), so don't mark all the comment but just put your cursor at the end or at the beginning of the comment (before ) and try again (Ctrl+/).


You can toggle the block comment with


Source: http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2967


In mac I did this

type your comment and press command + D to select the text

and then press Alt + Command + / to comment out the selected text.

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