我正在修改从CSGO reddit收到的一些代码,使用刚刚发布的游戏状态集成来实现炸弹计时器,我设法使代码与HTTP Post JSON一起工作,如下所示:import time

import SimpleHTTPServer

import SocketServer

import logging

import cgi

import sys

import json

import signal

PORT = 3000

planted = False

#If we ctrl+C out of python, make sure we close the serial port first

#handler catches and closes it

def signal_handler(signal, frame):



class ServerHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):

def do_GET(self):


#SimpleHTTPServer doesn't handle post by default. Hacked up way to do it here

def do_POST(self):

length = int(self.headers["Content-Length"])

jsonString = str(self.rfile.read(length))

print jsonString

print "---"

jsonDict = json.loads(jsonString)

#From here we have a JSON dict, that has whatever data CS is sending

#For the timer, all we care about is the the 'round' key

if 'round' in jsonDict:

rounds = jsonDict['round']

if 'bomb' in rounds:

if rounds['bomb'] == "planted":

planted = True

print "Bomb has been planted"

#timer code here

def main():

x = 10

for i in range(x + 1):



x -= 1

def formatTime(x):

minutes = int(x / 60)

seconds_rem = int(x % 60)

if (seconds_rem < 10):

return(str(minutes) + ":0" + str(seconds_rem))


return(str(minutes) + ":" + str(seconds_rem))


#If bomb has been defused, then send the 'C' message

if rounds['bomb'] == "defused":

planted = False

print "bomb has been defused"

#if the round ends, either bomb exploded or everyone died.

#Send the 'C' message to stop timer.

if 'previously' in jsonDict:

if 'round' in jsonDict['previously']:

if 'bomb' in jsonDict['previously']['round']:

planted = False

print "Round ran out"

#not sure if a response is really required. Send it anyway

response = bytes("This is the response.") #create response

self.send_response(200) #create header

self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(response)))


self.wfile.write(response) #send response

Handler = ServerHandler

#On windows, Serial ports are usually COM1-3

#On mac/linux this will be different

#Set up our handler for ctrl+c

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

#Start server

httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)

#Run server






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