
1. 查看网卡型号


lspci -v

2. 下载对应网卡驱动



3. 解压对应网卡驱动

cd  ~/Downloads/
tar -xzvf e1000e-3.8.4.tar.gz


4. 安装网卡驱动


To manually build the driver

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice.
    For example, use ‘/home/username/e1000e’ or ‘/usr/local/src/e1000e’.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the
    driver tar file:

   # tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz

3. Change to the driver src directory, where <x.x.x> is the version number
for the driver tar:

   # cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  1. Compile the driver module:
   # make install

The binary will be installed as:

The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ
for various Linux distributions.

  1. Load the module using the modprobe command.

    To check the version of the driver and then load it:

   # modinfo e1000e# modprobe e1000e

Alternately, make sure that any older e1000e drivers are removed from the
kernel before loading the new module:

   # rmmod e1000e; modprobe e1000e

6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following,
where is the interface name that was shown in dmesg after modprobe:

   # ip address add <IP_address>/<netmask bits> dev <ethX>
  1. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where IP_address
    is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface
    that is being tested:
   # ping <IP_address>

Note: For certain distributions like (but not limited to) Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 7 and Ubuntu, once the driver is installed, you may need to update the
initrd/initramfs file to prevent the OS loading old versions of the e1000e
driver. Use the dracut utility on Red Hat distributions:

 # dracut --force

For Ubuntu:

 # update-initramfs -u



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