








2.3、detect anomalies in video files.py



TCSteg是个新式数据隐藏武器, 它在TrueCrypt(一个非常有名且好用的加密工具)的基础上又增加了隐写掩盖功能, 最新的一个进步可以把一个TrueCrypt容器隐藏到MP4或QuickTime多媒体文件中。

这个应用软件 tcsteg. py是一个纯python脚本, 并以略带限制的开源形式共享出来。 这个工具简单易懂,支待以QuickTime和MP4多媒体容器作为载体。

tcsteg.sy应用程序将TrueCrypt文件容器嵌入到了现有的MP4或QuickTime的多媒体 载体文件中, 这使得处理后的文件运行时既可以是一个标准的多媒体文件, 也可以是一个可挂载的TrueCrypt卷。


使用 tcsteg. Py可以在不影响电影效果的情况下, 将TrueCrypt容器嵌入到QuickTim e或MP4电影中。 换句话说, 电影会照常播放, 虽然电影的大小因隐藏的容器而略有增 加,但通过常规的检查是检测不到的。 如果有人真想找到隐藏信息, 没有专业的检测技术, 要想发现其中嵌入的TrueCrypt容器是相当困难的。 甚至, 即使TrueCrypt被检测出来了, 没有用来加密隐藏的TrueCrypt卷的密钥, 要提取出具体的隐藏信息几乎是不可能的

网络上(YouTube等)快速增长的电影文件传输量,为秘密信息的隐藏和隐蔽传输提供 了丰富的土壤, 而且据预测, 在最近十年内, 还将以几何级数增长。 可想而知, 这个新方法可以被恋童癖者充分利用, 通过共享看似正常、 无伤大雅的数据媒体来交换他们想要的信息, 甚至还可能被不法分子用来进行大量的地下消息交换。


可以看到一个典型的电影文件的简化结构(注意:是简化的,因为描述详细结构可能要写 本书)。 媒体数据(Media Data, MDAT)和采样表块偏移(S ampleTable Chunk Offset, STOC) 是多媒体文件用来隐藏数据的关键部分, MDAT中包含的是真正的原始视频, 即视频数据。MDAT数据块的长度大小不一,排列顺序也没有严格要求。 STCO是个索引表, 包含了指向MDAT中各数据块位置的指针。 STCO使得MDAT中的块可以以无序的状态存在



快速编辑、 检索、 本地回放和视频流能力。只需要简单地修改STCO中的指针就可以方便快捷地调整样本顺序。 对文件的每次检索都需要访问STCO来查询MDAT块的正确位置, 播放电影时我们靠这种方法来定位电影的指定部分、 快进、 回放和记录曾经停止过的位置。 通过操作MDAT和STCO, tcsteg.py可以嵌入一个不包含原始音频或视频, 却含有TrueCrypt隐藏卷内容的数据块。

经tcsteg.py略微修改的电影文件结构, 为了让隐藏有效, TrueCrypt容器必须包含两个卷:外层卷和内层卷(隐藏卷)。为了进一步掩盖数据嵌入痕迹,嵌入数据的过程中会丢弃外层卷,但内层卷还是完整的。TCTSTEG还会加入一些伪造数据让MDAT看起来更加真实合法。因此,如果用十六进制编辑器来查看多媒体文件,那么你不会看到MDAT中有任何可疑数据。播放媒体文件时也不会有任何异常,但如果用TrueCrypt挂载媒体文件

被嵌入True Crypt容器的电影文件







#!/usr/bin/env python
tcsteg2 -- TrueCrypt real steganography tool
version 2.0 (2012-02-18)
by Vladimir Ivanov <vladimirivanov815@gmail.com>
and Martin J. Fiedler <martin.fiedler@gmx.net>see: http://keyj.emphy.de/real-steganography-with-truecryptThis software is published under the terms of KeyJ's Research License,
version 0.2. Usage of this software is subject to the following conditions:
0. There's no warranty whatsoever. The author(s) of this software can notbe held liable for any damages that occur when using this software.
1. This software may be used freely for both non-commercial and commercialpurposes.
2. This software may be redistributed freely as long as no fees are chargedfor the distribution and this license information is included.
3. This software may be modified freely except for this license information,which must not be changed in any way.
4. If anything other than configuration, indentation or comments have beenaltered in the code, the original author(s) must receive a copy of themodified code.Version history
===============2.0 (Vladimir Ivanov, speed optimizations by Martin Fiedler)
- now supports files over 4 GiB
- erases duplicate encoder signature
- auto-renames TrueCrypt container
- supports 3gp videos
- function allowing post-embed password change1.0 (Martin Fiedler)
- initial release
import sys, os, structMAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 67108864   # 64 MiB
TC_HEADER_SIZE = 65536       # 64 KiB
MAX_INT32 = 4294967295
MAX_INT64 = 18446744073709551615Lclass ProcessingError(RuntimeError):pass################################################################################class Atom(object):def __init__(self, f_src, name, start, header_size, size, mother):self.f_src = f_srcself.name = nameself.start = startself.size = sizeself.header_size = header_sizeself.mother = motherself.childs = []self.contents = Nonedef setBodySize(self, bodySize):    oldBodySize = self.size - self.header_sizebodyDiff = bodySize - oldBodySizehDiff = 0       if bodySize <= MAX_INT32:if self.header_size != 8:self.header_size = 8hDiff = -8else:if self.header_size != 16:self.header_size = 16hDiff = 8self.size = self.header_size + bodySizeif self.mother:oldParentBodySize = self.mother.size - self.mother.header_sizeself.mother.setBodySize(oldParentBodySize + hDiff + bodyDiff)def writeHeader(self, f_dest):if self.size >= MAX_INT32 and self.header_size == 8:raise ProcessingError("Atom size too large for compact header")     # compactif self.size <= MAX_INT32 and self.header_size == 8:f_dest.write(struct.pack(">I4s", self.size, self.name))# extendedelse:f_dest.write(struct.pack(">I4sQ", 1, self.name, self.size))return self.size - self.header_sizedef writePayload(self, f_dest):if self.childs:for atom in self.childs:atom.write(f_dest)else:dataBuffer = NonebodySize = self.size - self.header_sizeif self.f_src:self.f_src.seek(self.start + self.header_size)percent_i = 0percent_f = 0.0if bodySize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE:percent_incr = 100.0 * MAX_BUFFER_SIZE / bodySizeelse:percent_incr = 0.0while bodySize > 0:if bodySize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE:dataBuffer = self.f_src.read(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)else:dataBuffer = self.f_src.read(bodySize)f_dest.write(dataBuffer)bodySize -= MAX_BUFFER_SIZEpercent_f += percent_incrpercent_i_new = min(100, int(percent_f))if percent_i_new > percent_i:percent_i = percent_i_newsys.stderr.write("%3d%% done\r" % percent_i)sys.stderr.flush()elif self.contents:if bodySize == len(self.contents):f_dest.write(self.contents)else:raise ProcessingError("Atom content size does not equal body size")else:if bodySize > 0:f_dest.seek(bodySize - 1, 1)byte = f_dest.read(1)if not byte:f_dest.write("\0")else:f_dest.seek(-1, 1)f_dest.write(byte)def write(self, f_dest):self.writeHeader(f_dest)self.writePayload(f_dest)################################################################################def AnalyseFile(f):atoms = Nonetry:atoms = parseAtoms(f, 0, os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size, None)except Exception, e:raise ProcessingError("Parse Error: " + str(e))return atomsdef parseAtoms(f, start, end, mother):offset = startatomSize = NoneatomHeaderSize = Nonecomrades = []try:while offset < end:f.seek(offset)      atomSize = struct.unpack(">I", f.read(4))[0]atomType = struct.unpack(">4s", f.read(4))[0]if atomSize == 1:atomSize = struct.unpack(">Q", f.read(8))[0]atomHeaderSize = 16 # Extendedelse:atomHeaderSize = 8  # Compactif atomSize == 0:atomSize = end - offsetif start + atomSize > end:raise ProcessingError("Invalid size for atom '" + atomType + "' @ " + hex(offset))atom = Atom(f, atomType, offset, atomHeaderSize, atomSize, mother)if mother:mother.childs.append(atom)comrades.append(atom)if atomType in ["moov","trak","mdia","minf","stbl"]:atom.childs = parseAtoms(f, offset + atomHeaderSize, offset + atomSize, atom)offset = offset + atomSizeexcept struct.error, e:raise ProcessingError("Atom header must be multiples 4 or 8 near " + hex(offset))except Exception, e:raise ProcessingError(str(e))return comradesdef findAtom(atoms, name):aList = []for a in atoms:if a.name == name:aList.append(a)aList = aList + findAtom(a.childs, name)return aListdef printAtoms(atoms, l=0):for a in atoms:print "%s %s %ld @ 0x%lx" % ("   "*l, a.name, a.size, a.start)printAtoms(a.childs,l+1)def adjustSampleOffsets(atoms, offset):sampleAtoms = findAtom(atoms, "stco") + findAtom(atoms, "co64")if len(sampleAtoms) == 0:raise ProcessingError("Could not find any 'stco' or 'co64' atoms")for sAtom in sampleAtoms:sAtom.f_src.seek(sAtom.start + sAtom.header_size)verFlags, count = struct.unpack(">II", sAtom.f_src.read(8))if sAtom.name == "stco":sampleOffsets = struct.unpack('>' + 'I' * count, sAtom.f_src.read(count * 4))elif sAtom.name == "co64":sampleOffsets = struct.unpack('>' + 'Q' * count, sAtom.f_src.read(count * 8))sampleOffsets = [x + offset for x in sampleOffsets]# Does the atom need to support 64-bit values?if max(sampleOffsets) > MAX_INT32 and sAtom.name == "stco":sAtom.name = "co64"sAtom.contents = struct.pack(">II", verFlags, count)if sAtom.name == "stco":sAtom.contents += struct.pack('>' + 'I' * count, *sampleOffsets)elif sAtom.name == "co64":sAtom.contents += struct.pack('>' + 'Q' * count, *sampleOffsets)if (sAtom.size - sAtom.header_size) != len(sAtom.contents):sAtom.setBodySize(len(sAtom.contents))      sAtom.f_src = Nonereturn min(sampleOffsets)def TCSteg_Embed(atoms, tcFile):ftyp = findAtom(atoms, "ftyp")mdat = findAtom(atoms, "mdat")moov = findAtom(atoms, "moov")if len(ftyp) != 1 or len(mdat) != 1 or len(moov) != 1:printAtoms(atoms)raise ProcessingError("One of each type required to embed: ['ftyp','mdat','moov']\nWe do not support this.")ftyp = ftyp[0]mdat = mdat[0]moov = moov[0]tcFileSize = os.fstat(tcFile.fileno()).st_sizetcPreservedSize = tcFileSize - (TC_HEADER_SIZE * 3)tcStartHeaderVolBackup = tcFileSize - (TC_HEADER_SIZE * 2)mdatRealBodySize = mdat.size - mdat.header_sizemdatEndMarker = tcFileSize - (TC_HEADER_SIZE * 2) + (mdatRealBodySize)mdatNewSize = mdatEndMarker - ftyp.sizetcFile.seek(0)if ftyp.size + 16 > TC_HEADER_SIZE:raise ProcessingError("'ftyp' atom + 'mdat' headers too long")ftyp.write(tcFile)tempH = mdat.header_sizetempL = mdat.sizeif mdatNewSize <= MAX_INT32:Atom(None, "free", None, 8, 8, None).write(tcFile)mdatNewSize = mdatNewSize - 8mdat.size = mdatNewSizemdat.header_size = 8mdat.writeHeader(tcFile)else:mdat.size = mdatNewSizemdat.header_size = 16mdat.writeHeader(tcFile)mdat.header_size = tempHmdat.size = tempL# re-generate first 64 KiBvoidRegionSize = TC_HEADER_SIZE - tcFile.tell()mdat.f_src.seek(mdat.start + mdat.header_size)tcFile.write(mdat.f_src.read(voidRegionSize)) # start header volume backups. Last 128 KiB of tc_filetcFile.seek(tcStartHeaderVolBackup)# Mark the position of the real mdat sample startmdatOffset = tcFile.tell() - (mdat.start + mdat.header_size)mdat.writePayload(tcFile)if tcFile.tell() != mdatEndMarker:raise ProcessingError("Wrote more mdat than we should have")# fix mdat shift by offsetting to each sample chunkprint "Fixing up hybrid file ..."firstSample = adjustSampleOffsets(atoms, mdatOffset)# Destory duplicate encoder signature before first sample.tcFile.seek(tcStartHeaderVolBackup)tcFile.write(os.urandom(min(firstSample - tcStartHeaderVolBackup, TC_HEADER_SIZE)))tcFile.seek(mdatEndMarker) moov.write(tcFile)def Pass_Helper(video_path):f = Nonetry:f = open(video_path, "rb+")last = AnalyseFile(f)[-1]if last.name == "skip":print "Removing padding 'skip' atom"f.truncate(last.start)print "Removal completed successfully"else:print "Preparing hybrid file for password change ... "f.seek(0, 2)Atom(None, "skip", None, 8, 8 + TC_HEADER_SIZE * 2, None).write(f)print "Complete.  Now change the TrueCrypt password"except IndexError:passexcept IOError:print >>sys.stderr, "Error opening file '"+video_path+"'"except Exception, e:print >>sys.stderr, str(e)if f:f.close()################################################################################if __name__ == "__main__":supported_formats = ["mov","qt","mp4","m4v","m4a","3gp"]if len(sys.argv) < 3:pname = sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1]print "too few arguments"print "Usage (1):", pname, "<MP4 Video> <TrueCrypt Container>"print "Embeds a file into a TrueCrypt container so that both are still readable."printprint "<MP4 Video> is a file in one of the following formats:"print "   QuickTime / ISO MPEG-4  (%s)" % (", ".join(["*." + fmt for fmt in supported_formats]))printprint "<TrueCrypt Container> is a TrueCrypt hidden volume. The file will be"print "modified in-place so that it seems like a copy of the input file that can be"print "opened in an appropriate viewer/player. However, the hidden TrueCtype volume"print "will also be preserved and can be used."printprintprint "Usage (2):", pname, "-p <Hybrid File>"print "<Hybrid File> is a file that is both TrueCrypt container and a video."print "This file will be modified in-place to make it possible to change the TrueCrypt"print "password. After changing the password, this command should be run again to"print "remove that (detectable and hence insecure) modification!"printprintsys.exit(2)if sys.argv[1] == "-p":Pass_Helper(sys.argv[2])sys.exit(0) video_path = sys.argv[1]tc_path = sys.argv[2]video_file = Nonetc_file = NonetcSize = 0try:video_file = open(video_path, "rb")except IOError, e:print >>sys.stderr, "Error opening file '"+video_path+"'"sys.exit(1)try:tc_file = open(tc_path, "rb+")tcSize = os.path.getsize(tc_path)except IOError, e:print >>sys.stderr, "Error opening file '"+tc_path+"'"sys.exit(1)try:video_ext = os.path.splitext(video_path)[1].lstrip(".")if video_ext in supported_formats:  print "Parsing video ..."atoms = AnalyseFile(video_file)print "Embedding ... be patient"TCSteg_Embed(atoms, tc_file)tc_file.close()if not tc_path.endswith("." + video_ext):if not os.path.exists(tc_path + "." + video_ext):new_tc_path = tc_path + "." + video_extos.rename(tc_path, new_tc_path)tc_path = new_tc_pathprint "Hybrid file '%s' was created successfully." % tc_pathprintprint "Everything OK. Try mounting the file in TrueCrypt and playing the video."else:print >>sys.stderr, "Error: input video format is not supported"except (ProcessingError, IOError), e:print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR:", etc_file.truncate(tcSize)finally:video_file.close()tc_file.close()


import sys
import struct
import os#JPEG Segment markersSOI = 0xFFD8 # Start of Image - Fixed size
SOF0 = 0xFFC0 # Start of Frame (Baseline DCT)
SOF2 = 0xFFC2 # Start of Frame (Progressive DCT)
DHT = 0xFFC4 # Define Huffman Table(s)
DQT = 0xFFDB # Define Quantization Table(s)
DRI = 0xFFDD # Define Restart Interval
SOS = 0xFFDA # Start of Scan
RST0 = 0xFFD0 # Restart (0-7) - Fixed size
APP0 = 0xFFE0 # Application-specific (0-F)
COM = 0xFFFE # Comment
EOI = 0xFFD9 # End of Image - Fixed sizeRST_MASK = 0xFFD8
FIELD_LENGTH = 2# Parse JPEG segments until the end of image marker is
# encountered. Returns the Payload as a string.def extractPayload(fp):fp.seek(0)offset = 0length = NonestartofPayload = 0while True:offset = fp.tell()# Read segment markermarker = struct.unpack(">H", fp.read(2))[0]# Handle variable size segments with trailing length fieldif marker in [SOF0,SOF2,DHT,DQT,DRI,COM] or (marker&APP_MASK)==APP0:# Read length Big-endian int16length = struct.unpack(">H",fp.read(2))[0]# Seek to next segment markerfp.seek(length - FIELD_LENGTH, 1)# Handle fixed size segmentselif marker in [SOI,EOI] or (marker&RST_MASK)==RST0:length = FIELD_LENGTH# entropy-coded data, any 0xFF byte will be followed by 0x00 unless it is a markerelif marker == SOS:# Read file remainder into bufferbuff = fp.read()# Search until EOI marker is foundeoi_pos = buff.find("\xFF\xD9")if eoi_pos < 0 :print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR : Corrupt JPEG. Cannot find End of Image marker."return Noneelse:return buff[ eoi_pos + FIELD_LENGTH:]else:print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR : Unknown marker 0x" + hex(marker&0xFFFF)sys.exit(1)#endif# endwhilereturn None
#enddefif __name__ == "__main__":if len(sys.argv) < 3:print "Usage : jpegEOFx.py <INPUT JPEG> <OUTPUT PAYLOAD>"sys.exit(2)jpegFile = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")# Check if file is JPEGif jpegFile.read(2) != "\xFF\xD8":print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR : File is not a JPEG image."sys.exit(1)payload = extractPayload(jpegFile)# Write payload to output fileif payload:print "Found an extra", len(payload), "bytes after End of Image marker."outFile = open(sys.argv[2], "wb")outFile.write(payload)outFile.close()jpegFile.close()

2.3、detect anomalies in video files.py

#!/usr/bin/env python# http://www.forensicmag.com/product-releases/2012/01/python-script-detect-hidden-data
# January 2012 Discovering the Hidden Column by C. Hosmer
# DFI Column Python Script Sample Method to Detect TCSTEGO Data Hiding
# Version .90
# Source is released for public use provided that you reference the source article# IMPORTSimport struct # used for packing/unpacking binary data
import sys # command line arguments
import os.path # file handling# constants
MB_100 = 104857600
GB = 1073741824
MB = 1048576
KB = 1024
START_POS = 12 # SKIPS OVER 4 byte container name stco, 4 byte version + flags, 4 byte number of elements (count)
STCO_STR = "stco\0\0\0\0"
STEG_SUSPECTED = "Stego Suspected detected Orphan Chunk : %s"
STEG_NOT_SUSPECTED = "NO Stego Suspected No Orphans Found""""
This functions purpose to find the stco table in a file, without loading the whole file.
Loading the whole file may cause memory errors
def ffind(fh, target, offset=0):buff = []pos = DEFAULTPOSITIONfh.seek(offset)ft = DEFAULTPOSITIONwhile True:buff = fh.read(MB_100) #100 MB readpos = buff.find(target)if pos != DEFAULTPOSITION:pos = fh.tell() - len(buff) + posbreak#endiffh.seek(fh.tell() - len(target))# if we backtracked to the same place then EOFif ft >= fh.tell():breakelse:ft = fh.tell()#endif#endwhilefh.seek(offset)return pos#enddef"""
FUNCTION: formatBytes
This functions converts bytes into a more appropriate unit, if needed
def formatBytes(bytes):bytes = float(bytes)if bytes >= GB:gigabytes = bytes / GBstring = '%.2f GB' % gigabyteselif bytes >= MB:megabytes = bytes / MBstring = '%.2f MB' % megabyteselif bytes >= KB:kilobytes = bytes / KBstring = '%.2f KB' % kilobyteselse:string = '%.2f ' % bytesreturn stringif __name__ == '__main__':if len(sys.argv) < 2:print "Please provide a file to analyze..."sys.exit() # check that they provided a fileif os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) == False:print "The file does not exists, please provide a valid path"sys.exit()#open QuickTime / ISO MPEG-4 ### mov,qt,mp4,m4v,m4afileIn = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')mdat_pos = ffind(fileIn,"mdat")print ""print "Scanning File ..."# print "MDAT @", mdat_posstco_pos = 0foundMdatRef = Falseminimum = sys.maxint#seacrh for Sample Table Chunk Offsetswhile stco_pos > DEFAULTPOSITION:stco_pos = ffind(fileIn,STCO_STR, stco_pos + STCO_LEN)#quit no STCO struct foundif stco_pos == DEFAULTPOSITION:break# print "STCO @", stco_pos# Determine length and buffer the STCO tablefileIn.seek(stco_pos - 4)sLen = struct.unpack(BIGINDIAN,fileIn.read(4))[0]sTable = fileIn.read(sLen)count = struct.unpack(BIGINDIAN,sTable[8:12])[0]# print "Records in STCO atom:", count# Mark the start and end of STCO structurestartChunkOffsets = START_POSendChunkOffsets = startChunkOffsets + (count*4)# Iterate over the chunkOffsetsdiff = 0firstRecord = Truewhile startChunkOffsets <= endChunkOffsets - 4:offset = struct.unpack(BIGINDIAN,sTable[startChunkOffsets:startChunkOffsets+4])[0]diff = offset - mdat_pos + 4minimum = min(diff,minimum)#If any chunk references the begining of mdat, quit not-steggedif offset == (mdat_pos + 4):foundMdatRef = TruebreakstartChunkOffsets += 4#endwhile#endwhileprint ""if foundMdatRef or minimum <= THRESHOLD:print STEG_NOT_SUSPECTEDelse:print STEG_SUSPECTED % (formatBytes(minimum))print "Starting at MDAT Offset :", hex(offset)#close the QuickTime / ISO MPEG-4 ### mov,qt,mp4,m4v,m4a filefileIn.close()

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    图片隐写术,是一种将信息藏在图片中的技术.这个技术的前景非常广阔,在网络安全.神经网络对抗攻击等都有一定应用. 2020年7月10日,我开发出图片隐写工具--TPEncoder v1.0.2,可以将海 ...


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