
  • Ardupilot-NMEA协议的GNSS处理优化
    • 原固件存在的问题
    • 解决办法



原因如下:检测新消息需要判断RMC 和GGA消息包不大于150ms,返回false,然后在update_instance函数中进入超时未收到数据包而误判无GNSS,所有把端口删除, delete drivers[instance]

/*see if we have a new set of NMEA messages*/
bool AP_GPS_NMEA::_have_new_message()
{if (_last_RMC_ms == 0 ||_last_GGA_ms == 0) {return false;}uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();if (now - _last_RMC_ms > 150 ||now - _last_GGA_ms > 150) {return false;}if (_last_VTG_ms != 0 && now - _last_VTG_ms > 150) {return false;}// prevent these messages being used againif (_last_VTG_ms != 0) {_last_VTG_ms = 1;}if (now - _last_HDT_ms > 300) {// we have lost GPS yawstate.have_gps_yaw = false;}_last_GGA_ms = 1;_last_RMC_ms = 1;return true;
}/*update one GPS instance. This should be called at 10Hz or greater*/
void AP_GPS::update_instance(uint8_t instance)
{if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_HIL) {// in HIL, leave info alonereturn;}if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_NONE) {// not enabledstate[instance].status = NO_GPS;state[instance].hdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP;state[instance].vdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP;return;}if (locked_ports & (1U<<instance)) {// the port is locked by another driverreturn;}if (drivers[instance] == nullptr) {// we don't yet know the GPS type of this one, or it has timed// out and needs to be re-initialiseddetect_instance(instance);return;}if (_auto_config == GPS_AUTO_CONFIG_ENABLE) {send_blob_update(instance);}// we have an active driver for this instancebool result = drivers[instance]->read();uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis();// if we did not get a message, and the idle timer of 2 seconds// has expired, re-initialise the GPS. This will cause GPS// detection to run againbool data_should_be_logged = false;if (!result) {if (tnow - timing[instance].last_message_time_ms > GPS_TIMEOUT_MS) {memset((void *)&state[instance], 0, sizeof(state[instance]));state[instance].instance = instance;state[instance].hdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP;state[instance].vdop = GPS_UNKNOWN_DOP;timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = tnow;timing[instance].delta_time_ms = GPS_TIMEOUT_MS;// do not try to detect again if type is MAVif (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MAV) {state[instance].status = NO_FIX;} else {// free the driver before we run the next detection, so we// don't end up with two allocated at any timedelete drivers[instance];drivers[instance] = nullptr;state[instance].status = NO_GPS;}// log this data as a "flag" that the GPS is no longer// valid (see PR#8144)data_should_be_logged = true;}} else {if (state[instance].uart_timestamp_ms != 0) {// set the timestamp for this messages based on// set_uart_timestamp() in backend, if availabletnow = state[instance].uart_timestamp_ms;state[instance].uart_timestamp_ms = 0;}// delta will only be correct after parsing two messagestiming[instance].delta_time_ms = tnow - timing[instance].last_message_time_ms;timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = tnow;if (state[instance].status >= GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {timing[instance].last_fix_time_ms = tnow;}data_should_be_logged = true;}#if GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS > 1if (drivers[instance] && _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX_RTK_BASE) {// see if a moving baseline base has some RTCMv3 data// which we need to pass along to the roverconst uint8_t *rtcm_data;uint16_t rtcm_len;if (drivers[instance]->get_RTCMV3(rtcm_data, rtcm_len)) {for (uint8_t i=0; i< GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS; i++) {if (i != instance && _type[i] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX_RTK_ROVER) {// pass the data to the roverinject_data(i, rtcm_data, rtcm_len);drivers[instance]->clear_RTCMV3();break;}}}}
#endifif (data_should_be_logged) {// keep count of delayed frames and average frame delay for health reportingconst uint16_t gps_max_delta_ms = 245; // 200 ms (5Hz) + 45 ms bufferGPS_timing &t = timing[instance];if (t.delta_time_ms > gps_max_delta_ms) {t.delayed_count++;} else {t.delayed_count = 0;}if (t.delta_time_ms < 2000) {if (t.average_delta_ms <= 0) {t.average_delta_ms = t.delta_time_ms;} else {t.average_delta_ms = 0.98f * t.average_delta_ms + 0.02f * t.delta_time_ms;}}}#ifndef HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPHif (data_should_be_logged &&(should_log() || AP::ahrs().have_ekf_logging())) {AP::logger().Write_GPS(instance);}if (state[instance].status >= GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {const uint64_t now = time_epoch_usec(instance);if (now != 0) {AP::rtc().set_utc_usec(now, AP_RTC::SOURCE_GPS);}}


// Processes a just-completed term
// Returns true if new sentence has just passed checksum test and is validated
bool AP_GPS_NMEA::_term_complete()
{// handle the last term in a messageif (_is_checksum_term) {uint8_t nibble_high = 0;uint8_t nibble_low  = 0;if (!hex_to_uint8(_term[0], nibble_high) || !hex_to_uint8(_term[1], nibble_low)) {return false;}const uint8_t checksum = (nibble_high << 4u) | nibble_low;if (checksum == _parity) {if (_gps_data_good) {uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();switch (_sentence_type) {case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC:_last_RMC_ms = now;//time                        = _new_time;//date                        = _new_date;     = _new_latitude;state.location.lng     = _new_longitude;state.ground_speed     = _new_speed*0.01f;state.ground_course    = wrap_360(_new_course*0.01f);make_gps_time(_new_date, _new_time * 10);set_uart_timestamp(_sentence_length);state.last_gps_time_ms = now;fill_3d_velocity();break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA:_last_GGA_ms = now;state.location.alt  = _new_altitude;  = _new_latitude;state.location.lng  = _new_longitude;state.num_sats      = _new_satellite_count;state.hdop          = _new_hdop;switch(_new_quality_indicator) {case 0: // Fix not available or invalidstate.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;break;case 1: // GPS SPS Mode, fix validstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;break;case 2: // Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix validstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS;break;case 3: // GPS PPS Mode, fix validstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;break;case 4: // Real Time Kinematic. System used in RTK mode with fixed integersstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED;break;case 5: // Float RTK. Satellite system used in RTK mode, floating integersstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT;break;case 6: // Estimated (dead reckoning) Modestate.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;break;default://to maintain compatibility with MAV_GPS_INPUT and othersstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;break;}break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG:_last_VTG_ms = now;state.ground_speed  = _new_speed*0.01f;state.ground_course = wrap_360(_new_course*0.01f);fill_3d_velocity();// VTG has no fix indicator, can't change fix statusbreak;case _GPS_SENTENCE_HDT:_last_HDT_ms = now;state.gps_yaw = wrap_360(_new_gps_yaw*0.01f);state.have_gps_yaw = true;// remember that we are setup to provide yaw. With// a NMEA GPS we can only tell if the GPS is// configured to provide yaw when it first sends a// HDT sentence.state.gps_yaw_configured = true;break;}} else {switch (_sentence_type) {case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC:case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA:// Only these sentences give us information about// fix status.state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;}}// see if we got a good messagereturn _have_new_message();}// we got a bad message, ignore itreturn false;}// the first term determines the sentence typeif (_term_number == 0) {/*The first two letters of the NMEA term are the talkerID. The most common is 'GP' but there are a bunch of othersthat are valid. We accept any two characters here.*/if (_term[0] < 'A' || _term[0] > 'Z' ||_term[1] < 'A' || _term[1] > 'Z') {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_OTHER;return false;}const char *term_type = &_term[2];if (strcmp(term_type, "RMC") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC;} else if (strcmp(term_type, "GGA") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA;} else if (strcmp(term_type, "HDT") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_HDT;// HDT doesn't have a data qualifier_gps_data_good = true;} else if (strcmp(term_type, "VTG") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG;// VTG may not contain a data qualifier, presume the solution is good// unless it tells us otherwise._gps_data_good = true;} else {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_OTHER;}return false;}// 32 = RMC, 64 = GGA, 96 = VTG, 128 = HDTif (_sentence_type != _GPS_SENTENCE_OTHER && _term[0]) {switch (_sentence_type + _term_number) {// operational status//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 2: // validity (RMC)_gps_data_good = _term[0] == 'A';break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 6: // Fix data (GGA)_gps_data_good = _term[0] > '0';_new_quality_indicator = _term[0] - '0';break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG + 9: // validity (VTG) (we may not see this field)_gps_data_good = _term[0] != 'N';break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 7: // satellite count (GGA)_new_satellite_count = atol(_term);break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 8: // HDOP (GGA)_new_hdop = (uint16_t)_parse_decimal_100(_term);break;// time and date//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 1: // Time (RMC)case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 1: // Time (GGA)_new_time = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 9: // Date (GPRMC)_new_date = atol(_term);break;// location//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 3: // Latitudecase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 2:_new_latitude = _parse_degrees();break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 4: // N/Scase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 3:if (_term[0] == 'S')_new_latitude = -_new_latitude;break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 5: // Longitudecase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 4:_new_longitude = _parse_degrees();break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 6: // E/Wcase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 5:if (_term[0] == 'W')_new_longitude = -_new_longitude;break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 9: // Altitude (GPGGA)_new_altitude = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;// course and speed//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 7: // Speed (GPRMC)case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG + 5: // Speed (VTG)_new_speed = (_parse_decimal_100(_term) * 514) / 1000;       // knots-> m/sec, approximiates * 0.514break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_HDT + 1: // Course (HDT)_new_gps_yaw = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 8: // Course (GPRMC)case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG + 1: // Course (VTG)_new_course = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;}}return false;


1、在 bool AP_GPS_NMEA::_have_new_message() 函数中把消息包更新间隔时间允许不大于250ms,可认为是支持5Hz数据输出的GNSS。

/*see if we have a new set of NMEA messages*/
bool AP_GPS_NMEA::_have_new_message()
{if (_last_RMC_ms == 0 ||_last_GGA_ms == 0) {return false;}//GNSS is required to reach a frequency of at least 5Hzuint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();if (now - _last_RMC_ms > 250 ||now - _last_GGA_ms > 250) {return false;}if (_last_VTG_ms != 0 && now - _last_VTG_ms > 250) {return false;}// prevent these messages being used againif (_last_VTG_ms != 0) {_last_VTG_ms = 1;}if (now - _last_HDT_ms > 300) {// we have lost GPS yawstate.have_gps_yaw = false;}_last_GGA_ms = 1;_last_RMC_ms = 1;return true;


 _last_RMC_ms = AP_HAL::millis();    //Correct package received when not located, refresh time_last_GGA_ms = AP_HAL::millis();    //Correct package received when not located, refresh time
// Processes a just-completed term
// Returns true if new sentence has just passed checksum test and is validated
bool AP_GPS_NMEA::_term_complete()
{// handle the last term in a messageif (_is_checksum_term) {uint8_t nibble_high = 0;uint8_t nibble_low  = 0;if (!hex_to_uint8(_term[0], nibble_high) || !hex_to_uint8(_term[1], nibble_low)) {return false;}const uint8_t checksum = (nibble_high << 4u) | nibble_low;if (checksum == _parity) {if (_gps_data_good) {uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();switch (_sentence_type) {case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC:_last_RMC_ms = now;//time                        = _new_time;//date                        = _new_date;     = _new_latitude;state.location.lng     = _new_longitude;state.ground_speed     = _new_speed*0.01f;state.ground_course    = wrap_360(_new_course*0.01f);make_gps_time(_new_date, _new_time * 10);set_uart_timestamp(_sentence_length);state.last_gps_time_ms = now;fill_3d_velocity();break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA:_last_GGA_ms = now;state.location.alt  = _new_altitude;  = _new_latitude;state.location.lng  = _new_longitude;state.num_sats      = _new_satellite_count;state.hdop          = _new_hdop;switch(_new_quality_indicator) {case 0: // Fix not available or invalidstate.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;break;case 1: // GPS SPS Mode, fix validstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;break;case 2: // Differential GPS, SPS Mode, fix validstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS;break;case 3: // GPS PPS Mode, fix validstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;break;case 4: // Real Time Kinematic. System used in RTK mode with fixed integersstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED;break;case 5: // Float RTK. Satellite system used in RTK mode, floating integersstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT;break;case 6: // Estimated (dead reckoning) Modestate.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;break;default://to maintain compatibility with MAV_GPS_INPUT and othersstate.status = AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D;break;}break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG:_last_VTG_ms = now;state.ground_speed  = _new_speed*0.01f;state.ground_course = wrap_360(_new_course*0.01f);fill_3d_velocity();// VTG has no fix indicator, can't change fix statusbreak;case _GPS_SENTENCE_HDT:_last_HDT_ms = now;state.gps_yaw = wrap_360(_new_gps_yaw*0.01f);state.have_gps_yaw = true;// remember that we are setup to provide yaw. With// a NMEA GPS we can only tell if the GPS is// configured to provide yaw when it first sends a// HDT sentence.state.gps_yaw_configured = true;break;}} else {switch (_sentence_type) {case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC:_last_RMC_ms = AP_HAL::millis();    //Correct package received when not located, refresh timecase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA:_last_GGA_ms = AP_HAL::millis();    //Correct package received when not located, refresh time// Only these sentences give us information about// fix status.state.status = AP_GPS::NO_FIX;}}// see if we got a good messagereturn _have_new_message();}// we got a bad message, ignore itreturn false;}// the first term determines the sentence typeif (_term_number == 0) {/*The first two letters of the NMEA term are the talkerID. The most common is 'GP' but there are a bunch of othersthat are valid. We accept any two characters here.*/if (_term[0] < 'A' || _term[0] > 'Z' ||_term[1] < 'A' || _term[1] > 'Z') {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_OTHER;return false;}const char *term_type = &_term[2];if (strcmp(term_type, "RMC") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC;} else if (strcmp(term_type, "GGA") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA;} else if (strcmp(term_type, "HDT") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_HDT;// HDT doesn't have a data qualifier_gps_data_good = true;} else if (strcmp(term_type, "VTG") == 0) {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG;// VTG may not contain a data qualifier, presume the solution is good// unless it tells us otherwise._gps_data_good = true;} else {_sentence_type = _GPS_SENTENCE_OTHER;}return false;}// 32 = RMC, 64 = GGA, 96 = VTG, 128 = HDTif (_sentence_type != _GPS_SENTENCE_OTHER && _term[0]) {switch (_sentence_type + _term_number) {// operational status//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 2: // validity (RMC)_gps_data_good = _term[0] == 'A';break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 6: // Fix data (GGA)_gps_data_good = _term[0] > '0';_new_quality_indicator = _term[0] - '0';break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG + 9: // validity (VTG) (we may not see this field)_gps_data_good = _term[0] != 'N';break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 7: // satellite count (GGA)_new_satellite_count = atol(_term);break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 8: // HDOP (GGA)_new_hdop = (uint16_t)_parse_decimal_100(_term);break;// time and date//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 1: // Time (RMC)case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 1: // Time (GGA)_new_time = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 9: // Date (GPRMC)_new_date = atol(_term);break;// location//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 3: // Latitudecase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 2:_new_latitude = _parse_degrees();break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 4: // N/Scase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 3:if (_term[0] == 'S')_new_latitude = -_new_latitude;break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 5: // Longitudecase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 4:_new_longitude = _parse_degrees();break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 6: // E/Wcase _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 5:if (_term[0] == 'W')_new_longitude = -_new_longitude;break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_GGA + 9: // Altitude (GPGGA)_new_altitude = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;// course and speed//case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 7: // Speed (GPRMC)case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG + 5: // Speed (VTG)_new_speed = (_parse_decimal_100(_term) * 514) / 1000;       // knots-> m/sec, approximiates * 0.514break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_HDT + 1: // Course (HDT)_new_gps_yaw = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;case _GPS_SENTENCE_RMC + 8: // Course (GPRMC)case _GPS_SENTENCE_VTG + 1: // Course (VTG)_new_course = _parse_decimal_100(_term);break;}}return false;

由此解决了频率5Hz的GNSS使用NMEA协议时,出现的连接上GNSS后过4秒又出现NO GPS,然后又检测到的问题


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