C2:核心2 (C2: Core 2)

C2 is an abbreviation of "Core 2" or "Intel Core 2".

C2是“ Core 2”或“ Intel Core 2”的缩写

It is a family of Intel's processor which was launched on the 27th of July, 2006. It comprises a series of Intel's processors in single, dual, and quad-core microprocessors format based on the Intel multi-core processor micro-architecture. Core 2 and other additional LGA 775 processors can do Virtualization.

它是2006年7月27 推出的Intel处理器家族。它包含一系列基于Intel多核处理器微体系结构的单,双和四核微处理器格式的Intel处理器。 Core 2和其他其他LGA 775处理器可以进行虚拟化。

As the Core 2 processor launched, the brand of Pentium downgraded to the mid-range market, and reunified laptop and desktop CPU models series for the objectives of business marketing by using the similar production name of the commodity. The Pentium brand was formerly had been classified into the Pentium 4, Pentium D, and Pentium M brands. From 2006 to 2009, the Pentium Dual-Core brand was used by Intel for conventional x86-architecture microprocessors.

随着Core 2处理器的推出,奔腾品牌降级为中端市场,并使用商品的相似生产名称统一了笔记本电脑和台式机CPU型号系列,以实现商业营销目的。 奔腾品牌以前被归类为奔腾4,奔腾D和奔腾M品牌。 从2006年到2009年,英特尔将奔腾双核品牌用于传统的x86架构微处理器。

核心2模型 (Core 2 Models)

Intel Core 2 CPU models comprise:

英特尔酷睿2 CPU型号包括:

  • Conroe/Allendale: This model processor is dual-core for desktops.

    Conroe / Allendale:此型号处理器为台式机双核。

  • Merom: This model processor is dual-core for laptops.


  • Merom-L: This model processor is single-core for laptops.


  • Kentsfield: This model processor is quad-core for desktops.


  • Wolfdale: This model processor is dual-core for desktops.


  • Penryn: This model processor is dual-core for laptops.


  • Yorkfield: This model processor is quad-core for desktops.


英特尔处理器的优势 (Advantages of Intel's processor)

  • The processors of Intel makes use of a very small number of unit of electricity.


  • The processors of Intel generate less amount of heat, for the reason that of its supplies of lesser power consumption and wattage.


  • The processors of Intel integrated memory controller enables to manage and organize the actions and functions and advances the process of provisionally storing and recovering the commands.


英特尔处理器的缺点 (Disadvantages of Intel's processor)

  • The processors of the Intel liquid cooling system pump can turn out to be a basis for a computer using Intel chips to put away a huge number of units of electricity, which augments the charges of operation and putting in damage on the electric grid.


  • The processors of Intel, like the Core 2 Duo, generate a huge amount of heat which has the need of numerous fans for cooling.

    英特尔的处理器(如Core 2 Duo)会产生大量的热量,需要大量风扇进行散热。

  • The availability of the latest up to date models may be complicated to purchase and get hold of in bulk quantities for traders with the latest processors of Intel.


Reference: Intel Core 2

参考: Intel Core 2

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'C'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'C '

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/c2-full-form.aspx


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