This tutorial will show you how to remove Tags block from Magento product pageЖ

There are 2 ways of removing the tagging feature from product pages:

  1. Navigate to System -> Configuration -> Advanced tab. Set ‘Mage_Tag’ to ‘Disable’Ж
  2. Open the tag.xml under app/design/frontend/default/themeXXX/layout/ folder.Locate this line: ‘catalog_product_view’, you should find it on line 66.The entire block should look like this:
    <catalog_product_view translate="label"><label>Catalog Product View</label><!-- Mage_Tag --><reference name=""><block type="tag/product_list" name="product_tag_list" before="-" template="tag/list.phtml"><block type="page/html_wrapper" name="product.tag.list.list.before" as="list_before" translate="label"><label>Tags List Before</label><action method="setMayBeInvisible"><value>1</value></action></block></block></reference>

    Remove the following part of the code:

    <block type="tag/product_list" name="product_tag_list" before="-" template="tag/list.phtml">
    <block type="page/html_wrapper" name="product.tag.list.list.before" as="list_before" translate="label">
    <label>Tags List Before</label>
    <action method="setMayBeInvisible"><value>1</value></action>

The tags block is no longer on product pages.


转自:Magento 移除标签 How to remove “Tags” block from a product page

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