
  • Word Preparation
    • season: 赛季;(电视剧)一季
    • fondness: 喜爱
    • play against somebody: 与...比赛
    • championship match:冠军赛
    • be hooked on something: 对某事着迷
    • team up with somebody: 与某人组队
  • Grammar
    • too ... to 的常见用法

Word Preparation

season: 赛季;(电视剧)一季

period of the year when a particular sport is played

James doesn’t need to exercise as much as normal when it’s not basketball season.

It will be basketball season in another two months and have you prepared well?

fondness: 喜爱

liking or affection for something or someone

I know many girls who have a fondness for sweet cakes.

He showed his fondness for traveling when he was young and finally he decided to explore the world in his forties.
他在年轻时就表现出了对旅行的喜好。 四十多岁的时候,他终于决定去探索世界了。

play against somebody: 与…比赛

to compete with somebody in a game or sport

Our team will play against yours next week.

Have you heard about which team shall play against tomorrow?

championship match:冠军赛

competition that decides which team or player is the best

A world heavy wight championship match is front page news.

The championship match is really breathtaking.

be hooked on something: 对某事着迷

to enjoy something so much that you cannot stop doing it

We begin to be hooked on English movies.

It is showed that some adults are hooked on computer games as well.

team up with somebody: 与某人组队

to join another person or group

A secretary must team up with other colleagues for a smooth operation to maximize working efficiency.

You won’t win unless you team up with Tom, the fastest player.


too … to 的常见用法

  1. too … to … means "太 … 以至于 (不能) "
  2. if there is a negative word before too, then the whole sentence express a affirmative meaning, too 后面的那个词表达一种委婉含义,意为 “不太 …”。
  3. 当 too 前面有 only, all, but 时,意思是 “非常 …”,相当于 very
  • He is too excited to speak.
    ⇒ He is overly excited and cannot speak.
  • It’s never too late to mend.
    ⇒ To mend is never too late.
  • I’m only too pleased to be able to help you.
    ⇒ I’m very pleased to be able to help you.
  • He was but too eager to get home.
    ⇒ He was very eager to get home.

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