
  • Word Preparation
    • classic: 经典著作
    • invent: 发明,创造
    • black and white: 黑白的
    • back in the day: 过去,从前,想当年
    • silent film: 无声电影,默片
    • short film: 短片
  • Grammar
    • verb + doing vs. verb + to do

Word Preparation

classic: 经典著作

something of high quality or standard against which other things are judged.

Have you read Great Expectations? It’s a classic novel!

She keeps all the classic movies and books in her office.

invent: 发明,创造

to design or create something which has never been made before

Not everyone believes that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
不是所有人都相信是Thomas Edison(托马斯 爱迪生)发明了灯泡。

John Harrington invented the toilet in the year 1596.
John Harrington 在1596年发明了马桶。

black and white: 黑白的

showing pictures or images only in black, white, and gray

Most kids don’t like to watch black and white films.

Are you okay with watching a black and white film?

back in the day: 过去,从前,想当年

used for talking about a time in the past

We didn’t have iPhones back in the day like you kids do.

Our grandparents grew their own food back in the day.

silent film: 无声电影,默片

a film without any sound

My sister thinks silent films are a little boring.

You can watch many different silent films and older movies online.

short film: 短片

a film that does not run longer than forty minutes

I only have time to watch a short film because I have an appointment soon.

Many film students start out with making short films.


verb + doing vs. verb + to do

  1. stop doing sth 停止做某事;stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事
    Sam stopped giving me a lift. Sam不再让我搭车了。
    Sam stopped to give me a lift. Sam停住了,让我搭他的车。

  2. remember doing sth 记得做过某事; remember to do sth. 记得去做某事
    I don’t remember signing a contract.
    He never remembered to lock the door when he went out.

  3. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事;forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事
    She would never forget seeing the Himalayas for the first time.
    Dad’s always forgetting to take his pills.

  4. go on doing sth. 继续做某事 (指同一件事);go on to do sth. 继续做和原来不同的另一件事
    We really can go on living like this — we’ll have to find a bigger house.
    The book goes on to describe his experiences in the army.

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