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  • litmus test *n.* [LIT-mus-TEST]
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    • litmus test


litmus test podcast

litmus test n. [LIT-mus-TEST]



: a test in which a single factor (such as an attitude, event, or fact) is decisive

Did You Know?

It was in the 14th century that scientists discovered that litmus, a mixture of colored organic compounds obtained from lichen, turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions and, thus, can be used as an acid-base indicator. Six centuries later, people began using litmus test figuratively. It can now refer to any single factor that establishes the true character of something or causes it to be assigned to one category or another. Often it refers to something (such as an opinion about a political or moral issue) that can be used to make a judgment about whether someone or something is acceptable or not.

词源词根演化:litmus test (scientific) —> litmus test (figuratively)


注:lichen ['laɪkən] :地衣,青苔;acid-base:酸碱;acid solution:酸性溶液;alkaline solution:碱性溶液


  • For Curtis, the litmus test of good barbeque ribs is whether or not they have that moist fall-off-the-bone quality.


  • “But, then, this can of corn: How did it even get there? Nothing against canned corn, but it’s not something we use. It definitely did not ‘spark joy,’ per [Marie] Kondo’s keep-it-or-toss-it litmus test.”
    但是,于是,这罐玉米:它是怎么来的?不是针对罐装玉米,但是这不是我们要用的。按照Marie Kondo的“拿着它-或-丢掉它”这种石蕊测试观点,它的确没有带来任何欢乐。
    Bethany Jean Clement, The Providence Journal, 6 Feb. 2019


litmus test

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