
Authentication allows us to secure our apps, or limit access for non-user members. Authentication can also be used, for example, to limit access to a paid service or specific service.

身份验证使我们能够保护我们的应用程序安全,或限制非用户成员的访问权限。 身份验证也可以用于例如限制对付费服务或特定服务的访问。

That's just one example of how authentication can be in your app. Today we will add authentication to a React Native app using Firebase.

那只是在您的应用程序中如何进行身份验证的一个示例。 今天,我们将使用Firebase将身份验证添加到React Native应用程序。

1安装react-native-firebase (1 Installing react-native-firebase)

The first thing we do is install and initialize Firebase inside our app. In React Native we need to use a Firebase Container for React Native. We are going to use react-native-firebase.

我们要做的第一件事是在应用程序内部安装并初始化Firebase。 在React Native中,我们需要为Fire Native使用Firebase容器。 我们将使用react-native-firebase 。

If you are about to start a new React Native app from scratch and you would like to use Firebase, you are lucky - you can install react-native-firebase pre-integrated using the React Native CLI.

如果您将要从头开始一个新的React Native应用程序,并且想使用Firebase,那么您很幸运-您可以安装使用React Native CLI预集成的react-native-firebase。

npx @react-native-community/cli init --template=@react-native-firebase/template authenticationFirebase
//** source:

Then just install the pod for iOS by running the following command inside the root directory of your app.


cd ios && pod install

If you are having issues installing a new project with Firebase please refer to react-native-firebase docs


将react-native-firebase添加到现有项目 (Adding react-native-firebase to an existing project)

Install the react-native-firebase package using yarn or npm


yarn add @react-native-firebase/app



npm install @react-native-firebase/app

Then install pods for iOS.


shell cd ios && pod install

shell cd ios && pod install

运行应用 (Running the app)

For iOS, there are two ways to do it: I personally use Xcode, as it gives me a clear idea if something went wrong and the build failed.


Always make sure the package is running - hit yarn start to start the app.

始终确保程序包正在运行- yarn startyarn start以启动应用程序。

The second way to run the app on iOS is running the react-native run-ios command - and that's it.

在iOS上运行应用程序的第二种方法是运行react-native run-ios命令-就是这样。

添加Firebase凭证 (Adding firebase credentials)

This step requires us to create a new project in the Firebase console .


After creating a new project on the dashboard page select add Firebase to iOS app. This will show you the steps to add credentials to iOS like below.

在仪表板页面上创建新项目后,选择将Firebase添加到iOS应用 。 这将向您显示将凭证添加到iOS的步骤,如下所示。

It consists of a few steps :


  • Download the GoogleService-info.plist file and put it inside the iOS folder within your project.


  • Initialize Firebase


对于Android (For Android)

Android has a different setup for Firebase. In project settings in the Firebase console select add Firebase to Android.

Android为Firebase设置了不同的设置。 在Firebase控制台的项目设置中,选择“ 将Firebase添加到Android”

You can put any name you like in the app name input - just make sure it conforms to the Firebase requirements. Then click Register.

您可以在应用程序名称输入中输入您喜欢的任何名称-只需确保它符合Firebase要求即可。 然后单击注册

After that, you need to download the google-services.json file and put it within the android/app folder.

之后,您需要下载google-services.json文件并将其放在android / app文件夹中。

Then the next step is to initialize the Android SDK.

然后,下一步是初始化Android SDK。

The last step is to apply the Firebase plugin inside: android/app/build.gradle .

最后一步是在内部应用Firebase插件: android/app/build.gradle

apply plugin: ''

If you have any issues running the steps above you can always refer to the Firebase docs or react-native-firebase websites.


Now that we are done with the integration, the next step is to implement Firebase functions to create users and sign in in React Native.

现在我们完成了集成,下一步是实现Firebase函数以创建用户并登录React Native。

添加登录,登录 (Adding SignIn, Login)

This phase is simple: just some React and JavaScript code to call Firebase functions. I'm going to create a simple UI for Login and SignUp (this is not necessary for this tutorial so you can skip this step).

这个阶段很简单:只需一些React和JavaScript代码即可调用Firebase函数。 我将为“登录”和“注册”创建一个简单的UI(本教程不需要这样做,因此您可以跳过此步骤)。

I will put the full source code at the end of article *


We will use the createUserWithEmailAndPassword function to sign up for a new user. I already implemented all the validation on the form - we just need to call this function to create a user.

我们将使用createUserWithEmailAndPassword函数来注册新用户。 我已经在表单上实现了所有验证-我们只需要调用此函数来创建用户。

When the user presses the Continue button, __doSignUp will be called and the code looks like this:

当用户按下继续按钮时,将调用__doSignUp ,代码如下所示:

const __doSignUp = () => {if (!email) {setError("Email required *")setValid(false)return} else if (!password && password.trim() && password.length > 6) {setError("Weak password, minimum 5 chars")setValid(false)return} else if (!__isValidEmail(email)) {setError("Invalid Email")setValid(false)return}__doCreateUser(email, password)
}const __doCreateUser = async (email, password) => {try {let response = await auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)if (response) {console.log(tag, "												


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