firebase 推送

by Leonardo Cardoso

由莱昂纳多·卡多佐(Leonardo Cardoso)

如何使用Firebase向Web应用程序添加推送通知? (How to add push notifications to a web app with Firebase ?+?)

As web applications evolve, it is increasingly common to come across functionality that you’d normally associate with a native app in a web app. Many sites send notifications to their users through the browser for various events that occur within the web app.

随着Web应用程序的发展,遇到通常与Web应用程序中的本机应用程序关联的功能变得越来越普遍。 许多网站都会通过浏览器向用户发送有关Web应用程序中发生的各种事件的通知。

Today, I’ll show you the steps required, in detail, to achieve such functionality in your web app using Firebase.


Firebase通知 (Notifications with Firebase)

Firebase is a platform that offers various services for mobile and web applications and helps developers build apps quickly with a lot of features.


To send the notifications, we will use the service called Cloud Messaging, which allows us to send messages to any device using HTTP requests.

要发送通知,我们将使用称为Cloud Messaging的服务,该服务使我们可以使用HTTP请求将消息发送到任何设备。

项目设置 (Project Setup)

First of all, you need to have a Firebase account and you’ll need to create a new project within it.


For this demo setup, I will use a simple project created with the create-react-app, but you can use the same code anywhere else that uses JavaScript.


In addition to that, we need to add the Firebase library to the project.


npm install firebase --save

因此,让我们开始编码吧! (So let’s get coding!)

Now that we’ve done our setup, we can begin coding the module that will be in charge of notifications.


Let’s create a file inside the project directory called push-notification.js.


Inside the file, let’s create a function that initializes Firebase and passes the keys of your project.


import firebase from 'firebase';export const initializeFirebase = () => {firebase.initializeApp({messagingSenderId: "your messagingSenderId"});

Well, now that we have the function we need to call it.


Inside the entry point of your project, import the function and call it.


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import { initializeFirebase } from './push-notification';ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

You can find the keys to your project inside the Firebase Console.


服务人员 (Service Workers)

A service worker is a script that your browser runs in the background, separate from the web page, enabling features that do not require a web page or user interaction.


To receive the onMessage event, your app needs a service worker. By default, when you start Firebase, it looks for a file called firebase-messaging-sw.js.

要接收onMessage事件,您的应用程序需要服务人员。 默认情况下,启动Firebase时,它将查找名为firebase-messaging-sw.js的文件。

But if you already have one and want to take advantage of it to receive notifications, you can specify during the Firebase startup which service worker it will use. For example:

但是,如果您已经拥有一个服务并希望利用它来接收通知,则可以在Firebase启动期间指定它将使用哪个服务工作者。 例如:

export const inicializarFirebase = () => {firebase.initializeApp({messagingSenderId: 'your messagingSenderId'});navigator.serviceWorker.register('/my-sw.js').then((registration) => {firebase.messaging().useServiceWorker(registration);});

This service worker will basically import the script needed to show the notifications when your app is in the background.


We need to add firebase-messaging-sw.js to the location where your files are served. As I’m using the create-react-app, I’m going to add it inside the public folder with the following content:

我们需要将firebase-messaging-sw.js添加到提供文件的位置。 当我使用create-react-app时,我将其添加到公共文件夹中,内容如下:

importScripts('');firebase.initializeApp({messagingSenderId: "your messagingSenderId again"
});const messaging = firebase.messaging();

要求发送通知的权限 (Requesting permission to send notifications)

Well, everyone knows how annoying it is to enter the site and ask for authorization to send notifications. So let’s do it another way!Let the user choose whether or not to receive notifications.

好吧,每个人都知道进入该网站并要求授权发送通知是多么烦人。 因此,让我们以另一种方式做吧!让用户选择是否接收通知。

First of all, let’s create the function that will make the request and return the user’s token.


Inside our push-notification.js file, add the function:


export const askForPermissioToReceiveNotifications = async () => {try {const messaging = firebase.messaging();await messaging.requestPermission();const token = await messaging.getToken();console.log('token do usuário:', token);return token;} catch (error) {console.error(error);}

We need to call this function from somewhere, so I’ll add it at the click of a button.


import React from 'react';
import { askForPermissioToReceiveNotifications } from './push-notification';const NotificationButton = () => (<button onClick={askForPermissioToReceiveNotifications} >Clique aqui para receber notificações</button>
);export default NotificationButton;

Okay, let’s see it working:


发送通知 (Sending notifications)

To send the notification, we need to make a request to the Firebase API informing it of the token the user will receive.

要发送通知,我们需要向Firebase API发出请求,以通知用户用户将收到的令牌。

In the examples below I use Postman, but you can do this from any other REST client.


Basically, we need to make a POST request to by sending a JSON in the request body.


Below is the structure of the JSON that will be sent:


{"notification": {"title": "Firebase","body": "Firebase is awesome","click_action": "http://localhost:3000/","icon": "http://url-to-an-icon/icon.png"},"to": "USER TOKEN"

In the request header, we need to pass the server key of our project in Firebase and the content-type:


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: key=SERVER_KEY

The server key is found in the project settings in the Firebase Console under the Cloud Messaging tab.


行动通知 (Notifications in action)

Remember that notifications will only appear when your app is minimized or in the background.


That is how we send a direct notification to a device.


向一组用户发送通知 (Send notifications to a group of users)

Well, now that we’ve seen how to send a notification to one user, how do we send a notification to multiple users at once?


To do this, Firebase has a feature called topic, where you insert multiple tokens for a specific topic, and you can send the same notification to all of them from a single request.


这该怎么做 (How to do this)

We will basically send a POST request to the address, passing the topic name and the token in the URL.

我们基本上将POST请求发送到地址 TOKEN / rel / topics / TOPIC_NAME , 在URL中传递主题名称和令牌。

Do not forget to pass in the header the same authorization that we used to send the notification.


Sending the notification to users subscribed to any topic is very similar to sending a notification to a single user. The difference is that we need to pass the topic name in the “to” attribute instead of the token.

向订阅了任何主题的用户发送通知与向单个用户发送通知非常相似。 区别在于我们需要在“ to”属性中传递主题名称,而不是令牌。

See the example below:


{"notification": {"title": "Firebase","body": "Firebase topic message","click_action": "http://localhost:3000/","icon": "http://localhost:3000/icon.png"},"to": "/topics/TOPIC_NAME"

结论 (Conclusion)

Thanks for reading this! I hope you now understand how to make use of push notifications. The repository with the demo code can be found here.

感谢您阅读本文! 希望您现在了解如何使用推送通知。 可以在此处找到带有演示代码的存储库。

To get notified of my future posts, follow me on GitHub or Twitter.



firebase 推送

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