该项目为 PHP 提供基于 POSIX 的多线程编程机制。可异步执行任何与定义的用户自定义方法和函数。内建支持同步和同步方法。


一个易于使用,快速学习的 Threading API for PHP5.3+

Execute any and all predefined and user declared methods and functions asynchronously

Ready made synchronization included, geared towards the PHP environment

Seamless operation in multi-threaded SAPI environments

A world of possibilities ...


Posix Threads


Worker Threads

Synchronized Methods

Complete Support for OO - ie. traits, interfaces, inheritance

Full read/write/execute support for threaded objects

Mutex ( direct, subset )

Conditions ( direct, subset )

pthreads was written with simplicity, compatibility and efficiency in mind, it's performance beggars belief !!



ZTS Enabled ( Thread Safety )

Posix Threads Implementation

Testing has been carried out on x86, x64 and ARM, in general you just need a compiler and pthread.h

PHP 版本支持

pthreads should compile and work in any version of PHP from 5.3.0 to the latest release.

示例代码:class AsyncOperation extends Thread {

public function __construct($arg){

$this->arg = $arg;


public function run(){


printf("Hello %s\n", $this->arg);




$thread = new AsyncOperation("World");





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  6. State Threads 回调终结者(ST线程库)

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