
It's funny how it's almost always the imperfections in a technology that become its signature – the bit that we celebrate.


What am I talking about?


  • The hiss and crackle of a vinyl record 黑胶唱片的嘶嘶声和crack啪声
  • The sprocket holes in movie film reels 电影胶片卷轴上的链轮Kong
  • The clicks, whistles and squeals of dial-up internet 拨号上网的滴答声,啸叫声
  • The linear brush stroke in a painting绘画中的线性笔触

Each is not much more than an accidental side-effect of their creation process. For instance, dialup modems hacked audio phone tech to make data connections work. It was never a great system to send data so we moved away from it. Yet that tinny whine can still make people smile.

每一个都不过是其创建过程的偶然副作用。 例如,拨号调制解调器入侵了音频电话技术,以使数据连接正常工作。 从来没有一个伟大的系统可以发送数据,因此我们放弃了它。 但是那微弱的抱怨仍然可以使人们微笑。

Similarly, we rarely rely on moving mechanical reels to drive today's digital video. Yet perforated film reels are still easily the most common visual motif in logos for film companies and photographers.

同样,我们很少依靠移动机械转盘来驱动当今的数字视频。 然而,穿Kong的胶片卷轴仍然很容易成为电影公司和摄影师徽标中最常见的视觉图案。

Which brings us to the 'halftone pattern'.


半色调 (The Halftone)

The 'halftone' – those little dots that you see in most printed photographs – are another side-effect of an imperfect process. A case of ‘this is the best we can do with what we have‘.

“半色调”(您在大多数打印的照片中看到的那些小点)是不完美过程的另一个副作用。 “ 这是我们所能拥有的最好的”案例。

Before the invention of the halftone, almost all color imagery was hand-painted, and skilled painters might hand mix hundreds of different colors to recreate what their eyes were seeing.


Obviously hand mixing hundreds of colors for each image wasn't an option for the print process. Unlike painters, printing presses can only print solid ink in a limited set of colors at any one time.

显然,为每个图像手动混合数百种颜色不是打印过程中的选择。 与画家不同,印刷机在任何时候只能以一组有限的颜色印刷固体油墨。

Halftones changed the game by giving printers a lot more tones out of a smaller number of inks. Glass screens with grids of tiny lenses allowed print houses to convert tonal imagery into differently sized dots. While it wasn't a perfect, mirror-like reproduction – early screens were very coarse – it was a revolution for color printing.

半色调通过用较少数量的墨水为打印机提供更多色调来改变游戏规则。 带有微小透镜网格的玻璃屏幕允许印刷厂将色调图像转换为大小不同的点。 尽管这不是一个完美的,类似镜子的复制品-早期的屏幕非常粗糙-但它是彩色印刷的一次革命。

Roy Lichtenstein


But halftones can’t help but have their own ‘look’, and artists and designers picked up an that.


1960's Pop Art master Roy Lichtenstein adopted the halftone dot (Ben-Day dots) in all of his most iconic works. His bold, comic-inspired work vibrates with hand-stencilled dots which you'll find on everything from canvas to tiles to cups and crockery.

1960年, 波普艺术大师罗伊·利希滕斯坦 ( Roy Lichtenstein )在他所有最具标志性的作品中都采用了半色调网点( Ben-Day点 )。 他大胆的,受漫画启发的作品带有手工绘制的点,在从画布到瓷砖再到杯子和陶器的所有东西上都可以找到。

Khoi Vin推出了通配符 (Khoi Vin Introduces a Wildcard)

Khoi Vin (formerly design extraordinaire at NYT) has also adopted the halftone effect in a big way for his new Wildcard iPhone App.

柯伊·文(Khoi Vin)(纽约证券交易所前身为非凡设计师)也已在他的新Wildcard iPhone App中采用了半色调效果。

Bored with the blurred background photo effect that has become common in the past two years, Khoi uses halftones in two ways:

厌倦了近两年来常见的模糊背景照片效果 ,Khoi通过两种方式使用半色调:

  • Color feature images in the browse view use a subtle newspaper-like halftone.浏览视图中的彩色特征图像​​使用微妙的类似报纸的半色调。
  • -Upon opening a 'card', the feature image transforms into a dark, monotone version that becomes the background.-打开“卡”后,特征图像将转换为深色的单调版本,成为背景。

You'll get a sense of it in this animation (which I've slowed slightly).


Wildcard app using halftones.


It's a seriously cool effect, giving the app a trustworthy 'newspapery' feel, while still making it visually distinctive – it certainly doesn't look like another Flipbook.


There was one interesting decision though.


At the moment, the Wildcard CMS automatically generates two extra images for every featured news image – one color and one monotone version each time. Khoi mentions that these images compress nicely, but I do wonder if there was another way.

目前,Wildcard CMS会为每个精选新闻图像自动生成两张额外的图像-每次一种颜色和一种单调版本。 Khoi提到这些图像可以很好地压缩,但是我确实想知道是否还有另一种方法。

This means users need to download three images for the 'editorial value' of a single image. That's not crazy, but perhaps not ideal either.

这意味着用户需要下载三张图像以获取单个图像的“编辑价值”。 那并不疯狂,但也许也不理想。

It also means that the Wildcard servers need to manage and store three times as many image assets – images that become instantly redundant if they retire this visual effect in two years.


Again, not a tragedy, but something you wouldn't take on lightly.


生成动态半色调 (Generating On-the-fly Halftones)

Patrick Matte’s Halftone Filter


There have been some excellent solutions for generating on-the-fly halftone effects. David DeSandro created this crazy, interactive 'breathing' halftone – which is fun to play around with.

有一些出色的解决方案可以产生动态的半色调效果。 David DeSandro创造了这种疯狂的,互动的“呼吸”半色调 -很有趣。

However, I think Patrick Matte's color halftone filter probably best fits the bill for our application. Patrick's approach renders the original image into a Canvas element while letting you interactively adjust the level of detail.

但是,我认为Patrick Matte的彩色半色调滤镜可能最适合我们的应用。 帕特里克(Patrick)的方法将原始图像渲染为Canvas元素,同时让您以交互方式调整细节级别。

It's a great solution and if used in a 'Wildcard-like' layout, would allow 'live tweaking' of the effect without creating any legacy issues.


Adjustable halftone settings


It would be interesting to know if Khoi's team considered building a filter like this, but decided not to – perhaps for performance reasons on IOS. Performance for Patrick's canvas solution seems fine on the web.

知道Khoi的团队是否考虑过构建这样的过滤器,却决定不这样做(可能是出于IOS的性能原因),将会很有趣。 Patrick的画布解决方案在网络上的性能似乎不错。

Nevertheless, there's no denying that Wildcard is a beautiful design and a great UI. I suspect we'll be seeing the 'halftone dot' quite a bit over the next year.

然而,不可否认的是,通配符是一个漂亮的设计和一个很棒的UI。 我怀疑明年会出现很多“半色调点”。

Originally published in the SitePoint Design Newsletter.

最初发布在SitePoint设计新闻中 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/scratchy-records-halftones-dots-love/



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