Google Chrome 76, released a few days ago, has a surprising change: It hides the www. and https:// for website addresses in the omnibox, or address bar. This comes after an outcry when Google tried this back in Chrome 69.

几天前发布的Google Chrome 76发生了令人惊讶的变化:它隐藏了www。 并在多功能框或地址栏中输入https://来获取网站地址。 这是在Google强烈要求Chrome浏览器69再次尝试后引起的。

As spotted by Bleeping Computer, the latest stable version of Chrome now hides these parts of URLs. So, if you go to “”, Chrome’s address bar will just say “”.

正如Bleeping Computer所发现的那样 ,Chrome的最新稳定版本现在隐藏了URL的这些部分。 因此,如果您转到“”,Chrome浏览器的地址栏只会显示“”。

If you still want to see the full URL, you can. Simply double-click in Chrome’s omnibar (address box) to reveal it. If you have Google’s Suspicious Site Reporter extension installed, Chrome will always show the full address. There’s also a Chrome flag you can disable—just head to chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains

如果您仍想查看完整的URL,则可以。 只需双击Chrome的多功能栏(地址框)即可显示它。 如果您安装了Google的Suspicious Site Reporter扩展程序,Chrome将始终显示完整地址。 您还可以禁用Chrome标志-只需访问chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains

Update: Starting in Chrome 83, there’s a new flag for showing the full URL.

更新 : 从Chrome 83开始,有一个用于显示完整URL的新标志 。

Chrome now hides WWW. and HTTPS:// in its address bar. Do you care?

Chrome现在隐藏了WWW。 和HTTPS://在其地址栏中。 你关心?

— How-To Geek (@howtogeek) August 1, 2019

— How-To Geek(@howtogeek) 2019年8月1日

Google thinks these details aren’t important. You can still tell if you’re using an encrypted https:// address by looking for the lock next to the website’s name—or, more accurately, the absence of the “Not Secure” indicator you see on unencrypted http:// addresses. Google already hid the “http://” from unencrypted websites.

Google认为这些细节并不重要。 您仍然可以通过查找网站名称旁边的锁来判断您是否正在使用加密的https://地址,或者更准确地说,就是在未加密的http://地址上看不到“不安全”指示符 。 Google已经从未加密的网站中隐藏了“ http://”。

And, while addresses like “” and “” can technically point to different web pages, they almost never do.


There’s one difference this time—for mobile domains starting with a “m.” instead of a “www.”, Google Chrome won’t hide the “m.” Back in Chrome 69, Google tried to hide this as well.

这次有一个区别-对于以“ m”开头的移动域。 而不是“ www。”,Google Chrome不会隐藏“ m”。 早在Chrome 69中,Google尝试也将其隐藏。

Google’s Emily Schechter posted Google’s explanation on the Chromium bug tracker:

Google的Emily Schechter在Chromium错误跟踪器上发布了Google的解释 :

The Chrome team values the simplicity, usability, and security of UI surfaces. To make URLs easier to read and understand, and to remove distractions from the registrable domain, we will hide URL components that are irrelevant to most Chrome users. We plan to hide “https” scheme and special-case subdomain “www” in Chrome omnibox on desktop and Android in M76.

Chrome小组重视UI界面的简单性,可用性和安全性。 为了使URL易于阅读和理解,并消除可注册域的干扰,我们将隐藏与大多数Chrome用户无关的URL组件。 我们计划在台式机和Android的M76中的Chrome多功能框中隐藏“ https”方案和特殊情况的子域“ www”。

This is a little unfortunate because so many people have been trained to look for the “https://”. On the other hand, the secure lock indicator is there. Chrome now warns you very strongly when you visit traditional http:// sites, too. As Schechter points out, Chrome’s developers have “worked with other browser representatives to incorporate URL display guidance into the web URL standard.”

这有点不幸,因为已经培训了很多人寻找“ https://”。 另一方面,安全锁定指示器在那里。 现在,当您访问传统的http://网站时,Chrome也会非常强烈地警告您。 正如Schechter指出的那样,Chrome的开发人员已经“与其他浏览器代表合作,将URL显示指南合并到Web URL标准中 。”


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