ZYB is a smart guy.
One day he learns a new method for representing trees: Euler tour technique (ETT). 、
You can find more details about ETT on this web page:


If we use vertices rather than edges in ETT, then any tree with N ertices corresponds to a sequence of length 2N−1, let’s call it the vertex-ETT sequence.

In the beginning, ZYB generates a tree (the root of that tree is always 1) and writes down its vertex-ETT sequence.
However, he spilt ink onto the paper by mistake and some numbers were covered in ink.
Can you help him to restore the sequence?

There are multiple test cases. The first line of the input contains an integer T, indicating the number of test cases.
For each test case, the first line contains a integer N (1≤N≤2.5×105),
while the second line contains an integer sequence a(1≤aiN or ai=-1,which means this number was covered by the ink) of length 2N-1, the vertex-ETT sequence.

it is guaranteed that at least one valid sequence exists.
It’s guaranteed that the sum of N of all test cases will not exceed 500000.
Due to the large size of the input, it’s recommended to use a fast way to read the input.

For each case, print 2N-1space-separated integers, the recovered sequence.
If there are multiple solutions, print any of them.

1 2 1 -1 1
-1 2 3 -1 1

1 2 1 3 1
1 2 3 2 1

• 一个想当然的做法是,实时维护一个栈,表示目前所到的点到根路径的所有点。
• 一开始先把k放进去。
• 如果遇到一个非-1的数,很简单:
• 如果在栈的倒数第二个位置,就弹出栈的最后一个数字。
• 否则,将这个数加入栈。
• 遇到一个-1,看起来是优先弹栈,如果不能弹了,就用一个没用过的数字?

• 看一个简单的例子:1 ?3 ??4 ?2 1
• 怎么知道第二格要填1呢?
• 如果不填对不对?好像可以!1 5 3 5 1 4 1 2 1!
• 但是如果是这个例子:1 ?3 4 ?2 ??1
• 就不能直接写5了,只能填4或者2。
• 有些时候需要强制填一个后面出现过的数字。
• 假设当前位置是i,后面那个数的位置是j,那么有判定条件:
• (Sum[j-1]-Sum[i])*2=j-i

• 注意还有一个条件是:I 和 j 的奇偶性要相同。
• 上述式子可以简单地线性维护。
• 这样 -1 的流程也就出来了:
• 如果存在一个>i的j满足上述式子,挑一个最小的j,填上对应数字。
• 否则,看能否退栈,能就退,不能就进。
• 这题细节还是比较繁琐的,建议都去实现以下。
• 如果实现精细,复杂度是 O(N) 的。


#define N 1000005
using namespace std;
int a[N],b[N],num[N],n,tot,Case;
vector<int>e[N],app[N],can;int ch[N],sum[N];
set<pair<int,int> >S[2];
void Color(vector<int>be,int around){static int sum[N];static vector<int>st;st.clear();st.push_back(around);sum[0]=be[0];S[0].clear();S[1].clear();for (int i=1;i<be.size();i++){sum[i]=sum[i-1]+(be[i]>0);if (be[i]>0) S[i&1].insert(make_pair(i-2*sum[i-1],i));}++Case;for (int i=0;i<be.size();i++)if (be[i]>0){if (st.size()>1&&st[st.size()-2]==be[i])st.pop_back();else st.push_back(be[i]);}else {//j>i  (Sum_{j-1}-Sum_i)*2=j-i  i-2*Sum[i] = j-2*Sum[j-1]int j=be.size();while (true){auto it=S[i&1].lower_bound(make_pair(i-2*sum[i],0));if (it==S[i&1].end()||(*it).first!=i-2*sum[i]) break;if ((*it).second<=i) S[i&1].erase(it);else {j=(*it).second;break;}}if (j<be.size()){a[-be[i]]=be[j];if (ch[be[j]]==Case){while (st.back()!=be[j]) st.pop_back();}else ch[be[j]]=Case,st.push_back(be[j]);}else {if (st.size()>1){a[-be[i]]=st[st.size()-2];st.pop_back();}else{assert(can.size());st.push_back(a[-be[i]]=can.back());can.pop_back();}}}
void solve(int l,int r,int around){if (l>r) return;vector<int>be;for (int i=l;i<=r;i++)if (a[i]==-1) be.push_back(-i);else {for (int k=0;k+1<app[a[i]].size();k++)solve(app[a[i]][k]+1,app[a[i]][k+1]-1,a[i]);be.push_back(a[i]);i=app[a[i]].back();}Color(be,around);
void euler(int x){b[++tot]=x;for (int i=0;i<e[x].size();i++)euler(e[x][i]),b[++tot]=x;
void read(int &x){char ch=getchar();x=0;int f=1;for (;ch<'0';ch=getchar()) if (ch=='-') f=-1;for (;ch>='0';ch=getchar()) x=x*10+ch-'0';x*=f;
void Print(int x){static int Q[20];*Q=0;for (;x;x/=10) Q[++*Q]=x%10;for (int i=*Q;i;--i) putchar('0'+Q[i]);
int main(){int sumN=0;int T;read(T);while (T--){read(n);sumN+=n;for (int i=1;i<2*n;i++) read(a[i]);a[1]=a[2*n-1]=1;for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) app[i].clear();can.clear();for (int i=1;i<2*n;i++)if (a[i]!=-1) app[a[i]].push_back(i);for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)if (!app[i].size()) can.push_back(i);for (int k=0;k+1<app[1].size();k++)solve(app[1][k]+1,app[1][k+1]-1,1);for (int i=1;i<2*n;i++)Print(a[i]),putchar(i==2*n-1?'\n':' ');}//fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",sumN);


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