
WAIT_TIMEOUT = 240require 'rspec/expectations'# -- See -- #
Then /^I wait to see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|Timeout::timeout(WAIT_TIMEOUT) dountil view_with_mark_exists( expected_mark )sleep 0.1endend
endThen /^I wait to not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|sleep 3Timeout::timeout(WAIT_TIMEOUT) dowhile element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" )sleep 0.1endend
endThen /^I wait to see a navigation bar titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|Timeout::timeout(30) dovalues = frankly_map( 'navigationItemView', 'accessibilityLabel' )until values.include?(expected_mark)values = frankly_map( 'navigationItemView', 'accessibilityLabel' )sleep 0.1endend
endThen /^I wait to not see a navigation bar titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|Timeout::timeout(30) dovalues = frankly_map( 'navigationItemView', 'accessibilityLabel' )while values.include?(expected_mark)values = frankly_map( 'navigationItemView', 'accessibilityLabel' )sleep 0.1endend
endThen /^I should see a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |expected_mark|check_element_exists("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'")
endThen /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|check_element_exists("view marked:'#{expected_mark}'")
endThen /^I should not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|check_element_does_not_exist("view marked:'#{expected_mark}'")
endThen /I should see the following:/ do |table|values = frankly_map( 'view', 'accessibilityLabel' )table.raw.each do |expected_mark|values.should include( expected_mark.first )end
endThen /I should not see the following:/ do |table|values = frankly_map( 'view', 'accessibilityLabel' )table.raw.each do |expected_mark|values.should_not include( expected_mark.first )end
endThen /^I should see a navigation bar titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|values = frankly_map( 'navigationItemView', 'accessibilityLabel' )values.should include(expected_mark)
endThen /^I should see an alert view titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|values = frankly_map( 'alertView', 'message')puts valuesvalues.should include(expected_mark)
endThen /^I should not see an alert view$/ docheck_element_does_not_exist( 'alertView' )
endThen /^I should see an element of class "([^\"]*)" with name "([^\"]*)" with the following labels: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |className, classLabel, listOfLabels|arrayOfLabels = listOfLabels.split(',');arrayOfLabels.each do |label|check_element_exists("view marked:'#{classLabel}' parent view:'#{className}' descendant view marked:'#{label}'")end
endThen /^I should see an element of class "([^\"]*)" with name "([^\"]*)" with a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |className, classLabel, buttonName|check_element_exists("view marked:'#{classLabel}' parent view:'#{className}' descendant button marked:'#{buttonName}'")
endThen /^I should not see a hidden button marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|element_is_not_hidden("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'").should be_false
endThen /^I should see a nonhidden button marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|element_is_not_hidden("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'").should be_true
endThen /^I should see an element of class "([^\"]*)"$/ do |className|element_is_not_hidden("view:'#{className}'")
endThen /^I should not see an element of class "([^\"]*)"$/ do |className|selector = "view:'#{className}'"element_exists_and_is_not_hidden = element_exists( selector ) && element_is_not_hidden(selector)element_exists_and_is_not_hidden.should be_false
end# -- Type/Fill in -- #When /^I type "([^\"]*)" into the "([^\"]*)" text field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name|text_fields_modified = frankly_map( "textField placeholder:'#{field_name}'", "setText:", text_to_type )raise "could not find text fields with placeholder '#{field_name}'" if text_fields_modified.empty?#TODO raise warning if text_fields_modified.count > 1
end# alias
When /^I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text_field, text_to_type|When %Q|I type "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{text_field}" text field|
endWhen /^I fill in text fields as follows:$/ do |table|table.hashes.each do |row|When %Q|I type "#{row['text']}" into the "#{row['field']}" text field|end
end# -- Rotate -- #
Given /^the device is in (a )?landscape orientation$/ do |ignored|# for some reason the simulator sometimes starts of reporting its orientation as 'flat'. Workaround for this is to rotate the device then wait a bitif 'flat' == frankly_current_orientationrotate_simulator_rightsleep 1end unless frankly_oriented_landscape?rotate_simulator_leftsleep 1raise "expected orientation to be landscape after rotating left, but it is #{frankly_current_orientation}" unless frankly_oriented_landscape?end
endGiven /^the device is in (a )?portrait orientation$/ do |ignored|# for some reason the simulator sometimes starts of reporting its orientation as 'flat'. Workaround for this is to rotate the device then wait a bitif 'flat' == frankly_current_orientationrotate_simulator_rightsleep 1end unless frankly_oriented_portrait?rotate_simulator_leftsleep 1raise "Expected orientation to be portrait after rotating left, but it is #{frankly_current_orientation}" unless frankly_oriented_portrait?end
endWhen /^I simulate a memory warning$/ dosimulate_memory_warning
endThen /^I rotate to the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |direction|if direction == "right"rotate_simulator_rightelsif direction == "left"rotate_simulator_leftelse raise %Q|Rotation direction specified ("#{direction}") is invalid. Please specify right or left.|endsleep 1
end# -- touch -- #
When /^I touch "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark|selector = "view marked:'#{mark}' first"if element_exists(selector)touch( selector )elseraise "Could not touch [#{mark}], it does not exist."  endsleep 1
endWhen /^I touch "([^\"]*)" if exists$/ do |mark|sleep 1selector = "view marked:'#{mark}' first"if element_exists(selector)touch(selector)sleep 1end
endWhen /^I touch the first table cell$/ dotouch("tableViewCell first")
endWhen /^I touch the table cell marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark|touch("tableViewCell marked:'#{mark}'")
endWhen /^I touch the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? table cell$/ do |ordinal|ordinal = ordinal.to_i - 1touch("tableViewCell index:#{ordinal}")
endThen /I touch the following:/ do |table|values = frankly_map( 'view', 'accessibilityLabel' )table.raw.each do |expected_mark|touch( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" )sleep 2end
endWhen /^I touch the button marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark|touch( "button marked:'#{mark}'" )
endWhen /^I touch the "([^\"]*)" action sheet button$/ do |mark|touch( "actionSheet threePartButton marked:'#{mark}'" )
endWhen /^I touch the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? action sheet button$/ do |ordinal|ordinal = ordinal.to_itouch( "actionSheet threePartButton tag:#{ordinal}" )
endWhen /^I touch the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? alert view button$/ do |ordinal|ordinal = ordinal.to_itouch( "alertView threePartButton tag:#{ordinal}" )
end# -- switch -- #When /^I flip switch "([^\"]*)" on$/ do |mark|selector = "view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'"views_switched = frankly_map( selector, 'setOn:animated:', true, true )raise "could not find anything matching [#{uiquery}] to switch" if views_switched.empty?
endWhen /^I flip switch "([^\"]*)" off$/ do |mark|selector = "view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'"views_switched = frankly_map( selector, 'setOn:animated:', false, true )raise "could not find anything matching [#{uiquery}] to switch" if views_switched.empty?
endWhen /^I flip switch "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark|touch("view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'")
endThen /^switch "([^\"]*)" should be on$/ do |mark|
#  switch_states = frankly_map( "view:'Switch' marked:'#{mark}'", "isOn" )switch_states = frankly_map( "view accesibilityLabel:'#{mark}'", "isOn" )puts "test #{switch_states.inspect}"if switch_states == 0puts "Switch #{mark} is ON"elseputs "Switch #{mark} is OFF, flim switch ON"Then %Q|I flip switch "#{mark}"|end
endThen /^switch "([^\"]*)" should be off$/ do |mark|switch_states = frankly_map( "view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'", "isOn" )puts "test #{switch_states.inspect}"if switch_states == 0puts "Switch #{mark} is ON, flip switch OFF"Then %Q|I flip switch "#{mark}"|elseputs "Switch #{mark} is OFF"end
end# -- misc -- #When /^I wait for ([\d\.]+) second(?:s)?$/ do |num_seconds|num_seconds = num_seconds.to_fsleep num_seconds
endThen /^a pop\-over menu is displayed with the following:$/ do |table|sleep 1table.raw.each do |expected_mark|check_element_exists "actionSheet view marked:'#{expected_mark}'"end
endThen /^I navigate back$/ dotouch( "navigationItemButtonView" )
endWhen /^I dump the DOM$/ dodom = frankly_dump
endWhen /^I quit the simulator/ doquit_simulator


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