a) Multi-line Text

  在feature文件中,我们可以嵌入多行文本(multi-line string)作为参数,我们需要用一对三个双引号把我们的文本括起来。《The RSpec Book》一书中的示例如下:


 1 Scenario: pending implementation 2   Given a file named "example_without_block_spec.rb" with: 3     """ 4     describe "an example" do 5         it "has not yet been implemented" 6     end 7     """ 8   When I run "spec example_without_block_spec.rb" 9   Then the exit code should be 010   And the stdout should include11     """12     Pending:13     an example has not yet been implemented \(Not Yet Implemented\)14     .\/example_without_block_spec.rb:215     Finished in ([\d\.]*) seconds16     1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending17     """




 1 Given /^a file named "([^"]*)" with:$/ do |filename, text| 2        puts "Given:\n#{filename}" 3        puts "Given:\n#{text}" 4 end 5 When /^I run "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| 6        puts "When:\n#{filename}" 7 end 8 Then /^the exit code should be (\d+)$/ do |number| 9        puts "Then:\n#{number}"10 end11 And /^the stdout should include$/ do |text|12         puts "And:\n#{text}"13 end

  在这个step definitions文件中,我只是简单的把参数打印出来,当然我们也可以在这里做一些复杂的操作或处理。匹配step的正则表达式不关心这些多行文本字符串,它会在在step语句的最后一个字符处结束。

  Cucumber会把多行文本作为最后一个块参数传递给step definition。如在上面的step definition文件的第1行中,filename这个块参数的值会由正则式捕捉到,而text会得到多行文本的值。


 1 Given: 2 example_without_block_spec.rb 3  4 Given: 5 describe "an example" do 6   it "has not yet been implemented" 7 end 8  9 When:10 spec example_without_block_spec.rb11 12 Then:13 014 15 And:16 Pending:17 an example has not yet been implemented \(Not Yet Implemented\)18 .\/example_without_block_spec.rb:219 Finished in ([\d\.]*) seconds20 1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending




b) Tables in Steps

  Cucumber支持在steps中传递表格数据,这种方式常用于Given和Then这两个步骤中。看《The RSpec Book》中的示例:


 1 Feature: test table in steps 2  3 Scenario: three of a kind beats two pair 4   Given a hand with the following cards: 5     | rank | suit | 6     | 2     | H | 7     | 2     | S | 8     | 2     | C | 9     | 4     | D |10     | A     | H |11   And another hand with the following cards:12     | rank | suit |13     | 2     | H |14     | 2     | S |15     | 4     | C |16     | 4     | D |17     | A     | H |18   Then the first hand should beat the second hand

  在这个feature文件中的Given和And(Given)步骤中,定义了两个表格。当cucumber碰到一个step(Given or Then)的下一行是以“|”开头时,cucumber会解析它和它之后的所有以"|"开头行,并把这些单元格里面的数据存储到Cucumber::Ast::Table 对象里面。我们可以使用hashes()方法得到一个哈希数组。


1 [2     { :rank => '2', :suit => 'H' },3     { :rank => '2', :suit => 'S' },4     { :rank => '4', :suit => 'C' },5     { :rank => '4', :suit => 'D' },6     { :rank => 'A', :suit => 'H'}7 ]

  和多文本参数一样,cucumber会把Cucumber::Ast::Table 作为最后一个块参数传递给step definition。

step definitions文件:

 1 Given /^a hand with the following cards:$/ do |table| 2   # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table 3   p table 4   p table.hashes 5 end 6 And /^another hand with the following cards:$/ do |table| 7   # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table 8     table.hashes.each do |value| 9        puts "#{value}"10     end11 end12 Then /^the first hand should beat the second hand$/ do13   #do nothing14 end



 1   |     rank |     suit | 2   |     2    |     H    | 3   |     2    |     S    | 4   |     2    |     C    | 5   |     4    |     D    | 6   |     A    |     H    | 7  8 [{"rank"=>"2", "suit"=>"H"}, {"rank"=>"2", "suit"=>"S"}, {"rank"=>"2", "suit"=>"C"}, {"rank"=>"4", "suit"=>"D"}, {"rank"=>"A", "suit"=>"H"}] 9 10 {"rank"=>"2", "suit"=>"H"},11 12 {"rank"=>"2", "suit"=>"S"},13 14 {"rank"=>"4", "suit"=>"C"},15 16 {"rank"=>"4", "suit"=>"D"},17 18 {"rank"=>"A", "suit"=>"H"},


    1.第1-6行是p table的输出结果,跟定义的一样,是一个表格形式的数据集合。

    2.第8行是p table.hashes的输出结果,是一个哈希数组。


c) Scenario Outlines

  这个Scenario Outlines挺有用的。当我们一个feature文件里有多个scenario的时候,而且每个scenario的步骤都差不多,只是测试的数据不同。在这种情况下我们就可以使用Scenario Outlines,定义一个scenario,然后把测试数据参数化就可以了。继续看《The RSpec Book》中的示例:

feature 文件:

 1 Feature: test scenario outline 2  3 Scenario: test one 4 Given the secret code is 1234 5 When I guess 1234 6 Then the mark should be bbbb 7  8 Scenario: test two 9 Given the secret code is 123410 When I guess 123511 Then the mark should be bbb12 13 Scenario: test three14 Given the secret code is 123415 When I guess 123616 Then the mark should be bbb


  Scenario outliness可以帮我们解决这个问题,让我们只定义一次scenario,然后使用占位符来代替可能不断在改就的值。然后我们可以把那些变化的值以一样表格的形式组织起来。


 1 Scenario Outline: submit guess 2   Given the secret code is "<code>" 3   When I guess "<guess>" 4   Then the mark should be "<mark>" 5  6 Scenarios: all numbers correct 7   | code | guess | mark | 8   | 1234 | 1234 | ++++ | 9   | 1234 | 1243 | ++-- |10   | 1234 | 1423 | +--- |11   | 1234 | 4321 | ----|


此例中总共执行四次, 所以实际上会有四个scenario。

  这种参数化的方式也可以使用在multi-line text 和 table in steps中,继续看示例:


 1 Feature: Test scenario outline 2  3 Scenario Outline: 4   Given a discount of <discount> 5   When I order the following book: 6     | title | price | 7     | Healthy eating for programmers | <price> | 8   Then the statement should read: 9     """10     Statement for David11     Total due: <total>12     """13 14 Scenarios:15     | discount | price | total |16     | 10% | $29.99 | $26.99 |17     #| 15% | $29.99 | $25.49|



    When:table in steps + 参数化

    Then:   multi-line text + 参数化

step definition文件:

 1 Given /^a discount of (\d+)%$/ do |discount| 2       p discount 3 end 4  5 When /^I order the following book:$/ do |table| 6   # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table 7      p table 8 end 9 Then /^the statement should read:$/ do |string|10      p string11 end



1 "10"2 3   |     title                          |     price  |4   |     Healthy eating for programmers |     $29.99 |5 6 "Statement for David\nTotal due: $26.99"


注:本文大部分内容来自《The RSpec Book》一书,仅共学习之用,如需要了解更多内容,请看原文。 



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