frog is now a editor to censor so-called sensitive words (敏感词).

She has a long text p. Her job is relatively simple – just to find the first occurence of sensitive word w and remove it.

frog repeats over and over again. Help her do the tedious work.

The input consists of multiple tests. For each test:

The first line contains 1 string w. The second line contains 1 string p.

(1≤length of w,p≤5*106, w,p consists of only lowercase letter)

For each test, write 1 string which denotes the censored text.


using namespace std;
int n,m;
char a[5000005],b[5000005],ans[5000005];
int nextt[5000005];
void getnext(){int j=0,k=-1;nextt[0]=-1;while (j<m-1){if (k==-1||b[j]==b[k]){j++;k++;nextt[j]=k;}elsek=nextt[k];}
void kmp(){stack<int> st;stack<int> mt;int i = 0, j = 0;getnext();while (i < n){if(j == -1 || a[i] == b[j]){j++;i++;st.push(a[i-1]);mt.push(j);if (j == m){   //这一句不知为何放到下面会WAfor(int i=0;i<m;i++){st.pop();mt.pop();}if(mt.empty()) j=0;else j=mt.top();}}else{j = nextt[j];}     }int cnt=st.size()-1;ans[cnt+1]='\0';while(!st.empty()){ans[cnt--]=st.top();st.pop();}printf("%s\n",ans);
int main()
{while(scanf("%s",&b)!=EOF){scanf("%s",&a);m=strlen(b);n=strlen(a);if(m>n){printf("%s\n",a);continue;}kmp();}return 0;

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